Why do we hate him?
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Why wouldn't we?
I was redpilled by DSP
He's everything wrong in a human
It's just really easy to hate dumb people who think they are smart.
Hes the bestest.
Better yet, why do we talk about him?
>hamsters dead
>leanna gone
>channel dying
how do we save him?
I think he's being retarded on purpose to keep the remaining 100 watchers. The video parodies about him get more views.
>retarded on purpose
I have a feeling he would fail at even that
Isn't it a guy who jerked on a cat live?
I like him for how little fucks he gives. He gives literally zero fucks about all the haters. The haters act like they never get mad when playing games.
I miss cinnamon.....he was the best of us.
>The video parodies about him get more views
>goes into deep credit card debt to go to EVO
>places fourth in a ported version of Street Fighter II that no other respectable players attended because of how wonky and inferior a fighting game it was
>later begins recording gameplay footage with a crooked camcorder setup despite capture cards existing
>adsense account banned due to begging viewers to click on ads to increase his revenue
>goes to blip.tv
>banned there for making antisemitic """jokes""" while playing Dead Space
>goes back to YouTube after Machinima offers to let him post videos on their adsense profile
>let's plays become huge, but many others post quality audio and video
>DSPs ratings drop, forcing Machinima to renegotiate his contract
>TIHYDPs begin bodying DSP's videos, garnering far more views
>Machinima again lowers his contract, sending him to Twitch in an attempt to make more money
>still in debt, DSP moves across the country to Seattle
>leaves Twitch, because after recording on a 240p camcorder for years suddenly Twitch's quality wasn't good enough
>cucks his own YouTube channel by privatizing questionable videos, further de-prioritizing his channel in searches and causing Machinima to lower his contract. Again.
>starts a Patreon and creates a reward to reboot Project 7, a self-made sketch show, only to cancel it after reaching the goal
>similar Patreon actions happen with Alan Wake and Minecraft playthroughs: after low views on the first video, the project is cancelled
>accidentally streams himself masturbating
>after originally banning people who bring it up, he begins retweeting clips of the event and goes so far as to make a custom Twitch emote of the event for subs
>Machinima drops DSP
>DSP leaves Curse, joins Pultavi/Laveria Media, crawls back to Curse when they cannot save his channel or get TIHYDPs taken down or monetized for him
Phil... had a hard life.
DSP is pretty much a human cockroach. DSP apparently pulled in like 4k with twitch during August, but he is still begging every single day.
>12 replies
>11 posters
Hello Phil. How is life without Leanna? Are you worried now that we know your channel is dying?
This tbqh, it's no wonder his views are pathetic when he can't go one video or stream without begging. He has never treated his fans as nothing more than a source of personal income.
Jealous of his kickass fans. I mean just look at these winners!
>hamsters dead
How did they die and how was it DSP's fault?
on another note, rip LUL
People hate perfection
dsp is God
We don't though; DSP is based as hell.
If I were one of their parents, I would have serious talk with them about using my credit card.
SO, did his fans pay enough for him to do his Halloween event?
Because it's more fun than literally any of his content. If we didn't make our own fun, then we'd not bother with him at all.
Reminder that DSP took a kid's birthday money as a donation. I don't know how one man can have so many negative qualities, but doesn't seem to have a single good one.
You forgot
>Girlfriend leaves him for being a cunt, his last ditch effort to keep her around having failed
Kek I ain't Phil bro.
He used to be at least decent, too. He used to have standards. I blame Leanna for his decline
Nail the pigroach to the cross! Nail it by its fuckin hooves!
Masturbating in front of children. Check. Disgusting belching and snorting habits. Check. Bare bones effort in videos while claiming to be "innovative." Check. Blantantly lying about what he says, how much he pays in bills, and pity begging for money from children and mentally handicapped adults. Check. Guilt tripping for money. Check. Dissing legendary videogames and developers simply because he's a hamfisted idiot that isn't good at games that don't hold your hand the entire time. Check. DIssing fans for asking questions (even when they cheer and throw money at him) that don't massage his immature ego. Check. Being a privilaged, unappreciative turd winder. Check. Refusing to do an honest day's work. Check. Throwing his ex friends and ex girlfriend under the bus when they're not convenient for his pigroach lifestyle. Check.
You could literally go on and on as to why this goutslob needs to be financially ruined for keeps. This obese, manipulating manchild has gotten away with scamming people out of their money long enough. Eight years is long enough. Every time he gets a DDOS attack, every time he gets hacked and exposed; every time he gets humiliated because of his disgusting behavior and habits; and every time a brainwashed fan opens his eyes and WAKES UP to this scammers tricks, is a good deed, and a reminder that not all is bad in this world. This piece of shit is no better than a purse snatcher. I can't wait until he's buried into the ground with debt and forced to get a real job. Pigroachslobknobber.
Is DSP renting his current place? With no reason to stay in Seattle, it would be great if he moved back to his CT condo after the lease is up. Then, finally, the Golden Age of DSP can start.
>Disgusting belching and snorting habits.
I have quite honestly never encountered anyone, online or IRL, who burps and snorts as much as Phil. I'm sure his body is mostly full of cheese and sugar but god damn, what the fuck?
He's gonna fucking die in that house. There's no way his pride would let him move back to CT