>Holterdiepolter! It’s official – Blitzmensch is a blast! General Engel’s favorite TV show is getting bigger and better each year! Päng! Blitzmensch and his partner Fräulein Fox save the world from capitalism, communism, and degenerates every day in this amazing show celebrating die Überlegenheit – the superiority – of the Reich and the Aryan race. Ach, nee! Who will be this week’s baddie? The evil Money Grubber? The notorious Proletariat-Man? The vicious Mr. Yankee Monkey? Don’t miss a single episode of Blitzmensch!
would you watch this show?
Hunter Jones
>the illegal eagle
Colton Ramirez
>save the world from capitalism, communism
it seems like bj is going to represent capitalist western democracy. hopefully you get to shove shit in that commies face in the game. at least it recognize the nazis hated capitalism as well.
Austin Lee
look dont get too upset if they dont diss communism, wolfenstein is not about that, is about killing nazis, blazko will do pretty much anything that helps him achieve that goal
Henry Ramirez
>End of game >Communist takeover >Credits roll is just showing the events of a growing famine as billions die
Daniel Ward
Pop culture in our world led to people doing fucked up shit, like fanfictions and fan art. Do you thing these sorts of things would exist in the universe of Wolfenstein, where there's someone making inflation art of Blitzmensch?
Gabriel Rivera
>>Communist takeover >>Credits roll is just showing the events of a growing famine as billions die
>america having billions of inhabitants
Levi Long
>Uncle sam using a soviet t-34 tank
frick off
Gabriel Wood
that'd be an interesting sequel
Grayson Nguyen
>implying America is the only country on Earth
Henry Wilson
Do you remember anybody making inflation art of Superman during the 40's?
Mason Walker
What if we just never managed to find it?
Alexander Gray
I would watch it honestly, just get the guys behind the GTA IV and V in game cartoons to make them
Isaac Lee
>from capitalism, communism nifty revisionism here
Landon Lee
Carson White
Pretty sure this was just comedy then and people were sad degenerate shits like today
Nicholas Russell
Werent* fuck
Charles Sanders
>people weren't sad degenerate shits like today
Joseph Cruz
>General Engel’s favorite TV show. That old fuck has gotten very famous since BJ killed everyone else in TNO.
About OP question... yes.
Nathaniel Clark
Humans are degenerates and deranged by nature, stop acting like people in the 40s were ideal humans.
Brandon Hill
>the lady sniper is named Agent Silent Death Is that a fart joke?
Brayden Butler
>The CoD fag being All butthurt about a dude on Twitter thinking that removing swasticas in their game makes no sense >Bethesda keep making these awesome parodies literally giving no fucks
With New Order,D44M and QC actually being fun,that some hella weird timeline
Sebastian Ross
>expecting cartoons to get things right Did you never see all the German guards on Hogan's Heroes holding Thompsons?
Gavin Butler
>He thinks the 'clean' history he's presented with means people weren't fucked up in the past
Nicholas Richardson
Peng is not written with an Umlaut A.
Blake Ross
Uh the original superman artist made a whole bunch of art for bondage periodicals.
Aiden Wood
Bethesda is doing god's work marketing this game
Benjamin Thompson
Maybe they got the guys who did the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. shorts for Fallout 4.
Jonathan Edwards
>end of game >nazis ousted from america >suddenly air raid sirens from the pacific shore >imperial japanese samurai mechs from the greater east asia co-prosperity sphere with 20 ft katanas storm california
Michael Wood
>unavailable in germany Sasuga
Eli Watson
Nah, the devs like communists. One of the American resistance leaders is a southern socialist in this game.
Really socialism is good though and the perfect way to fight Nazis.
Mason Peterson
Parker Lee
yeah and he is a weak cuck who completely gave up and it takes bj blazkowicz to show him as the cuck he is and fight for america. also with the description on this video it shows the developers know nazis hated capitalism when a lot of commies think they were capitalist
Easton Roberts
So when's this thread going to devolve into people arguing with falseflag holocaust denier nazis?