>Coming from a Eurogamer interview with Andrei Lăzărescu...
>On being asked if FUT Champions and Squad Battles modes didn't make the cut due to casual players
>"I see it as being more social...casual represents different things to different people. I look at them as two different games, two different worlds, that I think we should take for what they are, and keep in mind that we should not try to force people onto certain things just because it works on a certain platform."

>Lăzărescu also talked a bit about why FIFA 18 on Switch lacks things like the Journey follow-up, the new 'cinematic' Career Mode transfers, the special animation system, and more. He said , "the hardware is very difficult" and went on to say that a future mode exactly like the Journey is "unlikely." On top of that, getting that content in the game "would take an army of people, if it was possible, to be done." Finally, Lăzărescu ended by saying, "I don't think it's impossible to do more with this engine.

Other urls found in this thread:

It's the Wii all over again

>Companies: Uh, yeah, here, have a shitty port, and don't bother us again

I can't wait until Skyrim runs at 10FPS, and Sega backs away from having to make Bayonetta 3.

>I can't wait until Skyrim runs at 10FPS
We already have confirmation it runs at 30fps though.

Skyrim has already been shown running at a stable 30FPS. Which is probably the same as 10FPS to you, I'm sure, but why would you expect it to run worse than the PS3 version? Even the Wii U was more powerful than the PS3.

Skyrim apparently runs fine, but this is a game that ran on a 360 so this means nothing

>stable 30FPS

The 5 odd million Switch has sold is nothing. 3rd party devs won't give the platform any real attention until it hits 25 million or so, especially when games can't be copy-pasted like they can between PC/PS4/Bone

And Switch is already cluttering up shelves. It will likely surpass the Wii U, but how about the GC? We'll have to wait and see

>720p 30FPS
>runs fine

Im very curious how skyrim will end up in the final build. It's going to lead to much bant over the months.

>And Switch is already cluttering up shelves.

Can we stop this lie?
Even the article being used to shitpost says the Switch is still sold out nearly everywhere in the world

>720p on it's handheld screen which is only 720p
>It's 1080p docked

Try again

Yeah, and 720p. With dynamic resolution scaling. On TV. It's 540p on handheld, again with resolution scaling

The real problem from a programmer standpoint is that the system is very weak. The CPU, for instance, is almost as bad as the Wii U's. In fact, I can tell you having worked on the Wii U that the Wii U is perhaps BETTER than the X1 in the Switch. The only thing that makes the Switch seem better is the ram increase, and that's an easy trick. Now whether that extra ram was utilized on the Switch build of Botw or not is up in the air, but Nintendo's consoles are not built for cpu-intensive actions. If they would just go one just 1 GHz, they would get to modern times.

2K does what EA can't

>A bunch of shitty western companies like EA won't support Nintendo
Still trying to figure out how this desperate shitpost argument is supposed to be bad.

There's a lot of unsaid shit going here. 2K and EA just hate each other due to sport licenses.

OK provide your proof user

>Can we stop this lie?
>Even the article being used to shitpost says the Switch is still sold out nearly everywhere in the world
You can walk into just about any store in Europe and find a Switch readily. The situation isn't quite the same in the US but it's nearly becoming like that. Best Buy got a huge shipment late last week and most stores still have *plenty* of inventory. Chances are high you can find a Switch available within 20 miles from your house. And that's just Best Buy. In fact, the only stores that seem consistently sold out are Gamestops, and that's just because they're hoarding all of theirs in hopes that people buy the online bundles...

Japan is the only of one of the 3 big regions that is consistently sold out, and that's because they've received far less than 1/3rd of the global supply. The competition in Japan is different, since PS4 and Xbone are not seen as competitors, so Nintendo doesn't need to worry about people choosing alternative devices when they can't find a Switch on shelves

"Switch is sold out everywhere" is the lie, my friend.

Eastern devs are also shunning the console. SE, Capcom, and ArcSys aren't gonna put their heavy hitters on it. Even weeb-bait games like Compile Heart, Idea Factory, Koei are ignoring the console for the most part. So far, all it has is a handful of Nintendo games and a bunch of 5-year-old indie ports.

The Switch is literally dying faster than even the Wii U.

To be fair it was a short portable-only demo with no proper framerate analysis available. I would not at all be surprised if the framerate tanks in situations they weren't able to encounter during the demo (especially in docked mode), but from the info available the framerate situation is not so dire.

>Even the Wii U was more powerful than the PS3.

I live in Austin. Can confirm Switch is readily available at any electronic store you walk into, and has been for a few months.

I have been saying this for awhile now, but all I get is replies about how much it's selling. Reminder that the Wii U sold far more in the same time frame than the Switch.

>The Switch is literally dying faster than even the Wii U.


Anyone with a brain could've seen this coming. The Switch doesn't have the power to handle current-gen games, even when heavily downgraded. Even WWE2K18 is releasing a poor port, with half of the features stripped away.

He's not wrong here. Nintendo deliberately has held back Switches for the holidays because they're confident that's when it'll sell the most. Nintendo has always been a holidays central developer, though they may have jumped the gun by releasing the Switch too early, missing a very big hype window. But at the same time, this proves that Nintendo isn't confident in the public perspective of this new system, so they've been playing it safe.

I'm curious why they left their library so empty since March with very little releases. It seems like they are taking a huge gamble on the brand power that people will be patient until the holidays.

>Reminder that the Wii U sold far more in the same time frame than the Switch.


>I'm curious why they left their library so empty since March with very little releases.


The power of the Cell

It is empty. I'm saying this from a third party perspective with no bias. They have very infrequent releases and have been depending on Wii U ports to pad their library. Normally you would have other devs fill up your library along the way, but indies can only do so much and you won't give a small indie a big market space in comparison to your AAA games. Nintendo has a catch 22 because they also make games and they don't want other devs stealing their attention. They literally want third party devs to be slaves for their system, whereas on PS4 and Xbox, the companies themselves are simply there to give you a platform to be on. They dont try to stifle your marketing for their own bc they arent game developers.

the vita gets more games than the switch because vita's technology is actually really easy to use for developers. mostly because how similar it is to PS4's technology
but the Switch not being easy for developers to use is a bad thing

imagine being this delusional

>lazt fifa port is lazy
wow. who would have thunk it?

>Kingdom Battle
>Odyssey en XBC2 coming later this year.

Who the fuck cares about third party


Not lazy. Programmers are the least biased when it comes to consoles pros and cons. They would more than be happy to have a smooth process with a console, but the switch is very weak and requires spending months learning its stupid hacks just because nintendo got cheap and used a mobile cpu

This. Ending the rumor you can't get your hands on a Switch anywhere needs to be made a priority.

but it was user

>Who the fuck cares about third party

The 60 million that bought a PS4.

I always assumed EA hated Ninty since the 16 bits

Why the fuck are you talking about PS4?

No it wasn't.

>guy who has programmed for all modern consoles

The Wii U is 2007 tier in terms of CPU power. Literally weaker than most cellphones.

>Programmers are the least biased when it comes to consoles pros and cons

It really depends of the programmer and the company. No fucking way that I'm going believe at some faggot at EA.

And yet only 1/4th of PS4 owners actually buy games.
Fucking retard.

dude this is EA. do I need to remind you of the state of their PC ports were in? EA top brass asked what would take the least amount of time to do for the Switch and the answer was the last gen versions.

Hate the management at EA, but dont hate the programmers. I've met some masters from that company and they are very good at what they do. The AI shit for instance is some of the most legit in the industry, and they don't get enough praise for it. But AI is boring, so no one ever highlights it.

Nba 2k18 has the same content as the PS4 version so why can't Fifa? The only compromise NBA made was 30 FPS instead of 60, which is a lot more manageable than perse, having a lot of content removed from the game just for the sake of achieving 60 FPS. I think EA was just too lazy to make a proper Fifa for the Switch and are going to be half-assed about their support for the Switch just like Capcom.

And PS3 was worse than the 2005-tier 360.

>1 (one) exclusive on that list

You know most sales these days are unreported due to digital sales right? This includes DLC purchases.

The PS3's cpu is managed specifically for power. That's why most of the industry loved it. Nintendo has deliberately kept their console power down to keep the price down. You can't argue simple semantics.

tl;dr: lazy dev who doesn't want to capitalize on a golden opportunity

This actually something that worried me about the Switch. When it was revealed how weak the console was, everyone knew most AAA developers would ignore it for the most part. However, I was sure the console would get support from companies that cater to the Japanese obsession with portable gaming. When it was first announced, people would have sworn it would be the home for Monster Hunter, and Japs would flock to it by droves. This would lead to major and niche Japanese developers to make games for the Switch, ensuring it's foothold over Japan as the successor to the 3DS and the Vita.

But Capcom decided Switch was not to be the home for Monster Hunter, and since then, developers have quietly abandoned support for the console in favor of the PS4.

I hoped to buy a Switch down the line for these sort of niche games, but it seems I won't have to at this rate.

>EA being lazy with Nintendo
I'm legitimately shocked. No really.

Okay. So 1/3rd of PS4 owners actually buy games.
Face it, more people bought a PS4 as a cheap blu ray/dvd players than as a video game console. All previous PlayStations were the same way.


>most of the industry loved it

As a PS3-only console gamer during its lifespan, I got tired of hearing most developers complain about how difficult it was to develop for the cell. I also got tired that even though the PS3 was more powerful the the 360, most multiplats suffered heavily on it because developers didn't know how to develop for it. At least Sony games and exclusives were worth it.

>That's why most of the industry loved it.
the notorious cell cpu? loved? lmao

I'm not too worried about Japanese developers. Switch is still selling out everywhere there, don't forget the system has been out for only six months.

>t-those people who bought PS4 don't play games

Is this the argument switch players use these days to cover their insecurities with having little popularity

30fps with the xbox 360 version

>The PS3's cpu is managed specifically for power.

... yeah sure

Game Theory: Its been proven Sony hates Nintendo. They paid money to get games away from Nintendo consoles, but not handhelds. Now that the switch is a "Handheld" they paid even more money to restrict the handhels market.

Your original argument was that 60 million people bought a PS4 because of third parties, and I proved that that's not the case, and here you are backpedaling and moving goals. Stop being a console warrior cuck.

They are, they haven't bottered bringing out the rest of their games on the console, want to test the ground with a half-assed port and then they wonder why its going to bomb on launch. Its portable but vastly inferior to the PS4/PC version.

I can live with downgraded graphics, I just want to play the game on the go properly, can't be playing Sup Forumsidya at home all day due to work.

But that's just a theory...

The cell cpu has always been complained about, but it's far more lucrative of a reward than doing the same hacking of Wii U's underpowered Cpu.

>>When it was revealed how weak the console was
It's not even that weak. For fucks sake, you people seriously underestimate the hardware.

You didn't prove anything because you lack sufficient data. People buy consoles to play games. That's the basis. You can't just go "well most dont actually play games if they buy the system" when they literally bought the system to play games. This isn't some dvd argument either. DVD and BR readers by themselves are cheaper than a console. People buy PS3 and PS4 specifically for the games. So stfu with that argument.

>taking EA's word for anything
Is this what we've come to?

>it's the third party fault that their games dont work on switch instead of the switch being weak and having a casual audience

I think Im starting to understand why nintendo fans are laughed at most of the time.

>>You didn't prove anything because you lack sufficient data.
Neither did you fuccboi.

>For fucks sake, you people seriously underestimate the hardware.
Give me the specs right now of the Switch's CPU.

>Caring about shitty third party devs that make multi-platform games
Why the fuck does this matter, i buy a Play Station to play Sony exclusive games, i buy a nintendo system to play NIntendo exclusive games, i buy a fucking PC to play everything else. Why can't retards understand this?

thats why the industry got away from cell cpu tech, because it was too good

People will use any excuse they can to shit on Nintendo, and then the moment anyone says otherwise or defends them, they'll scream about how this place is Nintendogaf.

What about the devs saying they work well with the Switch, they don't count right?


>Programmers are the least biased when it comes to consoles pros and cons.
You're joking right?
Programmers are the most biased when it comes to video game development especially when it comes to western dev. If it takes a slight amount more effort than it would on another system then they simply won't do it.

Like they've said for every Nintendo console ever

You were the one to say "most ps4 owners don't play games for the console they bought it for", and then presented a volunteer-based data sheet of sales for physical games. Most games go underreported unless the dev specifically comes out to state them. And there's a lot of digital rules about not being able to say what your exact sales are, though mostly this is because companies try to control the sales data for marketing reasons. So yeah you didn't prove shit. But only a Nintendo lover would come up with the simple excuse that even if the console is popular, people dont play games on it. Like wtf kind of mental justification is that.

>The CPU, for instance, is almost as bad as the Wii U's
Why do you tell such obvious lies? The Wii U had notorious bad hardware even when it launched

>they wont do it

Programmers do what their bosses tell them to do. In this case, they were told to make the game work as much as possible on a weaker system.

>Only game the PS4 had for years was Bloodborne
>Hyped up as THE Sony exclusive to own
>Couldn't even break 3 million sales despite having tens of millions of PS4 owners

Still shilling the western games are shit meme? Thats sad

The Wii U has solid hardware. Nintendo did a lot of hacks to make the Switch work in its state.

Honestly this. Shit battery life aside, it was comfy as fuck to play BotW and Sonic Mania while lazing around in my bed. I will probably buy Skyrim as well, once it drops in price, for the same reason.

Kind of hope more games come around to getting these sort of ports. It's promising the new WWE game claims to have everything the PS4 and Bone version have, and running smooth at that. Of course, it is 2K, so I think I'll wait until I see it with my own eyes rather than trust their claims.

Only WiiU CPU was bad, the rest of it was alright and quite up to date at time.

The problem is that gamepad also drained half of the resources. So....

People legitimately get off on shitting on Nintendo. It's been made perfectly clear that anti-Nintendo posters are completely delusional and far worse than the Nintendo fans themselves.

>not knowing it's the remastered version

SOC, Tegra X1. Exact equivalents in terms of hardware: nvidia shield TV, google pixel C.

>it's another "nintendo is right, and everyone else is wrong" episode

they do it for free

>You know most sales these days are unreported due to digital sales right?
Wrong, very little sales charts ignore digital sales nowadays because they're easier than ever to obtain. It's also worth noting that digital sales are significantly lower to begin with.

I also fail to see what DLC purchases have to do with anything.

Whether the Switch will get ports or not has nothing to do with hardware but sales. If it sells well it will get ports (even the Wii got some ports, like Call of Duty despite the fact games literally had to be remade from scratch for it). If it sells poorly it wont.

>and far worse than the Nintendo fans themselves.

>its one of the most succesful consoles of all time all overagain!
agreed user.
Cant wait for consolewars kiddies to find out people dont buy consoles to run PC games at 12fps. I dont play Fifa because Im not Gay/and or european. but sports games are casual already and more fun portably/with friends. I hope to fuck this gets madden because Im tired of only having 13 on vita.
But Switch will find success through 3rd party. just primarily exclusives and portable versions. companies that publish on 3ds and vita will sell more units than companies exclusive to ps4/xbone trying to publish on switch. and Nintendo is back to being a heavyweight themselves.

Give me the non casual specs. Tell me why it's not weak. Give me the lowdown since you were confident in saying such a statement.

Never said that you fucking cuck ;)

Hey look, I can do that too.

>Wrong, very little sales charts ignore digital sales nowadays because they're easier than ever to obtain
You live in a whole new world because digital sales are still a pain in the ass to put together. GDC had an entire segment on that very thing last year. The consequence of digital sales is that it has made everything harder to predict.

>The Wii U has solid hardware
Yeah no. Wii U's biggest problem was hardware in general. It cost so much to make, didn't sell at all, was underpowered compared to other consoles. Switch on the other hand is sleek, stronger, portable, etc. It's like night and day. Wii U is without a doubt their absolute worst console and I can't defend it in any way whatsoever.

>Tell me why it's not weak.
Because it's using an SOC designed specifically and exclusively not to play games but to stream 4k video from netflix and from steam

It's not weak because it's literally twice as powerful as the Wii U while being underclocked, you massive mongaloid. It's also a fucking portable device.

>But Switch will find success through 3rd party
just like the Wii U found success through 3rd party. And the Wii. And the Gamecube.

Why do Nintendo haters sound like Sega USA during the Genesis era?
>SNES is technically superior to the Megadrive in every aspect, except for CPU

>One literally who from a company gamers hate for the most part but make the dudebro games said Switch is not capable of Fifa