Dark Souls 1 was a good game, but we can all agree that the instakill on this bridge was bullshit, right?

Dark Souls 1 was a good game, but we can all agree that the instakill on this bridge was bullshit, right?

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I could probably do that bridge in real life to be honest

>Dragon on the bridge
>Throwing you into a room surrounded by Basilisks in the Depths
>The floor gives out when you revisit Undead Asylum only when you step over it
>The elevator in Sen's Fortress that kills you when you don't get off in time
>Mimic chests
>Bed of Chaos
It's chock full of garbage stuff like that.

Considering it's not an instakill no, fuck off retard.

It definitely is if you're low level. It's also coming right from the Taurus Demon fight, so there's a good chance you're wounded.

All of those except Bed of Chaos are not bullshit

Daark Souls turns to absolute shit after AL. 2 is better. Weapons are more fun, more boss souls to use as packets or for weapons. You get nothing from Niito, Kings and Bed of Shit.

Except they ARE all bullshit

How is the floor giving out only when you step on it but other enemies can walk over it just fine not bullshit? There is zero indication for the player that it's going to happen.

I'd love to see the mental gymnastics for this one.

Because Bonfires to get back there are super close in the case you do die

If you played Demon's Souls then it won't catch you off guard. It has all the obvious signs of a dragon path from Demon's Souls.

I didn't fall for it on my first playthrough for that very reason, but I'm sure somebody who didn't play Demon's first would just get killed randomly.

Dark Souls actually has a lot of "gotcha" moments in it. Dark Souls fans sometimes pretend that if you're always careful and paying attention you'll never die to a trap, but it's not really true. A lot of traps require a really big leap in logic to guess how they work before you see it happen once.

It would be bullshit if it were an instakill.
But since it doesn't even instakill you level 1 It's ok.

>dark souls

no, this bridge is a good example of just what bulshit this game is going to pull. because the rest of the game pulls bulshit like this all the fucking time. coupled with shit tier controls, failure tier combat, dumpster fire level AI, and bulshit hitboxes.

Only the bed of chaos is bullshit, the others just require you not to run around on low HP.

>It definitely is if you're low level.
Except it definitely is not. Theclass with the lowest vitality possible, the Sorcerer, resists it with a good amount of health. Or even the Deprived, who starts at level 1.

>so there's a good chance you're wounded.
Heal then. Not the game's fault. With this logic even the simple enemies on it can kill you.



It's been proven over and over through the years. The first breath was never an instakill and will never be one. That the situation is bullshit is another argument entirely.


None of that is relevant to the fact that the floor only gives out when the player walks over it but not when enemies do. The game breaks its own consistency just to give the player a bullshit death and there's a good chance the last bonfire people rested at was at Firelink.

To clarify I think they are bad, but not the same bullshit as Bed of Chaos.
Except the elevator with a bloodstain on it that stops and you can see the spikes from the top floor.

>being this retarded
1. Dark Souls fans pride the game on being fair, that every death is your fault. There's no way you could tell the floor would collapse (especially when enemies walked over it), and throwing you into a bossfight you're not ready for can easily kill you.

2. The bonfire is on the OTHER SIDE of the hole from where you spawn, so if you don't touch it you'll be ejected very far back past one of the few loading screens that exist in Dark Souls.

At full health you are guaranteed not to die no matter how low your level when the dragon first appears.
I'm not sure if you can survive without full health though.

The floor that crumbles is visibly more cracked and damaged than the first time you are there, you fuck ass.

yes it was, as was the Capra demon. EVERYONE died first time to the Capra demon, if you say you didn't you're a fucking liar.

Except they're not

Is this opinion from 2016?
Dark Souls hate has become so common on Sup Forums now that the actual contrarian thing to do is say you like Dark Souls

i have always died whenever i tried to walk across that bridge
but i play on 60 fps so that might have been it

>The elevator in Sen's Fortress that kills you when you don't get off in time
>Mimic chests
Both of these are fair as fuck. There are plenty of hints. I died to the mimic though.

There are countlessly many floors in Dark Souls that look cracked and damaged, but they don't fall away and kill you. You're just making rationalizations.

>This is what the average FROMdrone thinks
You still haven't told me why the floor only gives way when the player walks on it but there can three other Undead there and it stays perfectly in tact.

The first mimic chest you find at sen's fortress is placed in the middle of the room and misaligned with everything else

The first time I got hit by a mimic I was posses, but then I whacked every chest I encountered until I noticed the difference in the chains. Totally fair.

posses = pissed

Yeah because that's definitely the first misaligned chest you find??? The mental gymnastics is insane

>Dragon Bridge
Poorly executed, but you can see what they were going for. As soon as you hear the dragon coming you're supposed to run to the side, which leads you to discover the short cut.
Maybe watch where you're walking, dumbass.
>Floor in UA
You can see through the floor to see the area below because half the bricks are missing.
You mean the elevator that is covered in blood in a fortress where literally fucking everything is a trap?
>Mimic chests
From knows that if you're playing online there will be a fuckton of warning messages from other players in front of them and even if you aren't, the chests move when you look at them for long enough
>Bed of Chaos
Fuck you for throwing in legitimate garbage to make it seem like the rest of your points hold up

Dark Souls 1 was pretty good indeed, but we can agree that Dark Souls 2 SoTFS is a much better game.

What's the deal with demon ruins and izalith, that place was comfy af

Gee it's not like there's a shortcut to a bonfire right on the side of the bridge in reachable distance or anything

There's no reason that a chest being misaligned should make you think "if I open this chest I will instantly die".

Again, this is just rationalization after the fact.

The mimic breathing or having teeth visible if you angle the camera down doesn't really matter either, because the camera is so far zoomed out and at that point in the game there's no reason a player wouldn't instantly open a chest the second they saw one. Why would they zoom in and carefully examine it?
It's literally just a "gotcha" moment. The chain is a nice indicator afterwards but it's not something you would ever notice or think was important the first time you saw it.


It's the first one that breathes and has a different chain. Placing it in the center of the room awkwardly was meant to draw attention.

Oh you agian? Fuck off, if you had trouble with that boss you're TERRIBLE at Dark Souls games. You are barely human in my opinion.

That would have been a good bossfight if the hitboxes weren't shit. Especially the forward tackle is completely fucked up.

I played sotfs after all that memery by das2 apologists and it was just as shitty as I remember, only the grafix were better, but I guess that tells a lot of the kind of people that like das2

You seem like you have a lot of feelings on this subject.

nope it's a trap within the trap dungeon of the game
I think it is fine

Way to go, hope you didn't spend too much shills on the brigade.

fucking asshole need bigger games.

>muh fairness
>singleplayer game
One of the shittiest memes in vidya.

Absolutely not
Dark Souls 2 had the POTENTIAL to be a much better game
But it ended up just a disappointing broken piece of shit mess of a sequel

need to cried today? poor milk child needs tears for momma! wah wah wah is you!

Stray Demon is directly connected to firelink and there's a bonfire right next to the floor that collapses. If you fell in unprepared, or at least without full estus, its your own fault

>You can see through the floor to see the area below because half the bricks are missing.
Wrong. Barely any bricks are missing and pretty much everything in Dark Souls is decrepit anyways. Also, you haven't explained how 3 undead strolling across it without breaking it is fair.

>An actual memelord
>can't spell with friends


>slow animation that's only noticeable if you just look at the chest standing completely still in the empty room for no apparent reason for like 10 seconds
>chain being different is completely irrelevent, nobody would see a chain different and think "this chest is going to instakill me because the chain is different".
>a treasure chest being placed to draw attention is nothing new, a lot of chests are in weird locations up to that point, like that one that's just randomly inside a tree behind an invisible wall

something I want the people who think the bridge isn't BS to explain.

Let's say you figured out what was about to happen: a dragon was going to fly down and burn the whole bridge up on it. What are you supposed to do about it? Seeing it coming doesn't allow you to survive the encounter any better, or let you prepare at all for it.
This is the only way forward at this point in the game, so even if you think it's not BS since you can predict it, you are forced to take an unreasonable amount of damage that you can't prevent.

Dark souls series was never good

The logical thing to me would be to run out to make it attack, then run back to safety before it damages me

first time when you fight seath


> I wasn't born.

Why? The only bad thing about DS2 are the easy boss fights if you don't join the champion's covenant (which everyone should have done) and ADP before you get to 95-99 agility.

It's a much better game. Better online, better areas, better enemies, better lore, better DLC.

>better areas

Copy paste a billion capra demons and bull demons, plus these shitty statues who they didn't even bother to give an movement animation let alone an attack animation.

I actually dont mind the setting but the enemies there were bullshit. It would have been better off empty except for the boss characters and unique enemies.

>a treasure chest being placed to draw attention is nothing new, a lot of chests are in weird locations up to that point, like that one that's just randomly inside a tree behind an invisible wall

Right and that chest is centered and not tilted to the side at a weird angle.

Almost quads chekd

ruined my monitor

literally a copy paste of the animations for Sif, a copy paste of the rat model, and a copy paste of rats for the swarm of enemies to mob the Player

Lazy lazy lazy

It's a better area than The Depths, The Catacombs, ToG, Crystal Caves and Demon's Ruins/Lost Izalith.

And unless you played it before it was nerfed there's nothing to complain about it. It's an awesome area.

>Ceaseless Discharge
>Centipede Demon
>Demon Firesage (literally a reskinned Taurus Demon)
>Bed of Chaos
It would've been better without the bosses too, none of these are particularly fun or interesting to fight. It's just really obvious the game was rushed out the door, Miyazaki has commented before that what we got wasn't the original vision for the team when talking about Bed of Chaos.

Go play fucking halo if you want no suprises.

Wtf I didn't expect this????? Artificial difficulty this game sucks!

This, it is specifically programmed that the first fire breath will scare the shit out of you but not kill you. Of course, there may be some amount of health where that isn't true.

Every salty cunt pulled a Dark Side Phil on this area and threw their controller saying "Wow so I have to beat the boss again?!?!" and never played again.

God damn it makes me mad that people quit because of this bridge.

>Shit lighting
>Shit textures
>Shit hitboxes
>ADP is cancer
>Overworld is a fucking mess
>Shit boss fights that are either dissapointingly easy or just literal bullshit With 1 actually good fight that is still kind of bad because of terrible hitboxes
>Those fucking bosses that have a stupid gauntlet rush before them

Simple: player is heavyer than three common undead.

The player is Undead themselves.

If you actually think DaS2 Vanilla or SOTFS is above 7/10 then I actually feel sorry for you because it must be difficult being that dumb. And no this isn't opinion,it's objective. One day I'll make an 1 hour long video on YouTube where I release all the uncomfortable truths about this game because I don't even know where to start when people ask me about this game. I'd end up spending the night typing out endless paragraphs that would go to waste since all the 15 year olds here have no attention span. I've done it before. Well thought out posts that maybe get one or two replies. Why? Because I'm right and people would rather call me autistic and ignore my post than actually present an argument.

Oh fuck

wait, what elevator? the shortcut one?

It only happens if you're human fuckface

wait, nvm I got it, I'm stupid.

>The elevator in Sen's Fortress
>what elevator?

the elevator right after the mimic, that's covered in blood and will move up into spikes if you stay on it instead of getting off immediately

it's not instant kill and you'd have to be blind to miss all the blood

Weird. The first time I play through as a knight, I was at full health and died.

No, the shortcut one doesn't one hit you when you use it.

Walk out a bit, bait it out, and then run back to safety. That's how everyone with two brain cells to rub together does it.

yeah I remembered which one, only died to it once my first playthrough, afterthat I always jump out, just kinda forgot about it..

well the fucking dragon was never an instakill but he was an asshole indeed, however before the game was patched you could actually instakill the dragon if you shot him in the back with an arrow from top of the tower and it gave your underleveled scrub-ass 10,000 souls, so personally I thought it was pretty okay in hindsight and after they patched that I already got gud so I didn't really have a problem with escaping it anymore

Ceaseless is a lot of fun to punch off the world at sl1 desu

Out of those I only have real issues with the Bed of Chaos and maybe the floor in Asylum

Your poise might have kept you upright and let you get stunlocked and hit multiple times. Especially if you got your shield up in time to have it guard break you too

Its trying to tell you not to rush into things and to pay attention.

>reskinned Taurus Demon
It's a reskinned Stray Demon though

You can see the stray demon through the bars, wandering around under the floor the first time you're in the asylum, you fuckwits have the short term memory of a fruit fly.

>wahh a trap isn't fair

A trap isn't supposed to be fair. You have to expect bullshit, it forces you to study your surroundings and notice things, it immerses you into the world.

The only really bullshit one was the Stray Demon drop.

Also Undead Burg and specifically Lower Undead Burg is the best area.

Yeah my bad, Stray Demon is a reskinned Asylum Demon though.

Undead Burg > Painted World > Blighttown > Darkroot > Sen's Fortress > Undead Parish > The Depths > Anor Londo > Catacombs > Duke's Archive > New Londo > Tomb of the Giants > Kiln of the First Flame > Crystal Cave > Ash Lake > Demon Ruins > Lost Izalith.

Nah, Stray Demon has more attacks, that's why I said it instead of Asylum Demon, though I'm pretty sure it's the same model honestly

Either way it's pretty lazy as is the whole area, felt like someone had a level editor and just started spawning a bunch of random Taurus and Capra Demons at the start of Demon Ruins.

You shouldn't die from that fall

Every single one of those gives the player a fair warning in advance.

The game gave me a warning that Bed of Chaos could one hit me without notice? Must've missed the developer note for that one.

>it forces you to study your surroundings and notice things
I can't actually imagine playing this game at its intended detail-murdering resolution

>one hit me
Fuck off you dumb nigger. There are incredibly few boss attacks that are one hit kill regardless of health. If you do not level vitality you only have yourself to blame.