How did this get OVERWHELMINGLY positive reviews?
How did this get OVERWHELMINGLY positive reviews?
People like thing.
How did this get OVERWHELMINGLY positive reviews?
The answer for both is the same. Women. This is a friendly reminder that women are at the root of all that is wrong with the world and they need to be put on a short leash before it's too late.
>Sup Forums is influent-
Wait, people can have different opinions than me?
Niche games are bought by people who already have a bias towards liking the genre.
Night In The Woods at least does what it aims to do well. The characters end up being written in a very real and human way. It explores some heavy stuff.
Life Is Strange's focus is on story but the writing is utter shit.
I enjoyed it. Not as much as the first one, but it was somewhat fun.
Because Chloe a CUTE
DMC3 has mixed reviews because its a botched port that requires mods to run. The console version is critically acclaimed.
bunch of faggot lesbians and tumblr rejects upvoted the game.
Most people are stupid.
fuck it
post yfw Ashley Burch.
lgbt pandering
>taking steam reviews seriously
Because not everyone is a no life shitter that sits on Sup Forums shitting on everything to try and fit in
>chink pedosexual game gets good reviews
>western game about a teenage girl gets good reviews
Sex sells even under the guise of progress.
they're both degenerate trash, and I've been saying that since day 1.
Good thing absolutely 0 people care about your opinion
the fucking faggots that actually buy and play this piece of shit wouldn't dare give it a bad review
antifa would raid their apartment
People with a brain steer clear of it completely, and thus never give it a bad review.
Stupid or easily lead people flock to it, and give it a good review.
Since nobody is disappointed either way, it overwhelmingly gets good reviews.
This is what Whitelings actually believe.
I have no idea.
The most shocking thing is to see all the retards on Sup Forums that praise it.
I have never ever encountered worse writing in anything.
>See game you might like
>play it
>it's shit
Bad review
>See the earthly avatar of Tumblr
>Run and never look back
No review
>Tumblrite sees the earthly avatar of Tumblr
>buys three copies immediately
>either doesn't play it at all but feels obliged to support it, or has such shit taste that they think it's good
Good review
Same as people who start holywars on which console is better: you spent some amount of bucks on a piece of fucking shit (console/vr kit/trash games like this) and realised that, whoa, its a fucking piece of shit, who could've known? Now you have two ways: either admit that you're a moron, or you could pretend you liked the shit. So flames begin.
whoa whoa whoa hold up. Are you saying when I log off Sup Forums ,you guys still exist and dont just post for my enjoyment?
this was a funny post 9/10
Paid reviews
Kys commie furry
Oregon is comfy and the art style is very Oregon hipster mixed in with baguettes talent
Is this series really as popular in Japan as they say it is?
>ITT people who think that just because there was a bi couple it means pandering
People have been praising this shit on Sup Forums for a while now. I've tried to wrap my head around it but it's pretty shocking no matter how I look at it. Maybe I'm just out of touch.
The strangest thing about it is how much Sup Forums shat on Gone Home which is arguably better written and less SJW.
What in the fuck happened?
It's not okay
Shut the fuck up you /pol9k/ faGGot. Piss off.
Isn't she supposed to be on strike?
>which is arguably better written and less SJW.
I haven't played Gone Home and I'm not going to, but I will say that LiS isn't SJW. It's absolutely horrible in near every aspect, but it's not that political outside of a couple of instances. Maybe the prequel is more political but after the original game I wouldn't dare waste my time on that shit.
>ITT mad perma virgins that are bitters towards women because they've never seen a vagina in real life.
The people who pay for and play these kinds of games are not hard to please, as long as they are kept entertained, instead of looking for challenge or solid gameplay. I'm sure the other 5% are people who were tricked by their barrista and thought they were playing a point-and-click or a platformer.
non gamers and fanboys.
Explain why it's shit.
>Being this much of a bitter virgin
Not an argument, SJW shitlord.
>implying i'm not a wandering moefag from Sup Forums just laughing at how terrible Sup Forums is
You people get pissed at just about anything
>b-b-b-but I'm not some faggot you just BTFO
Embarrassing. Run along now, child.
>says the bitter virgin mad that some games are selling
Sick bait.
Is Sup Forums back to screaming LiS is some evil SJW game?
Roastie detected.
>implying there are women in the internet
There is a world outside of Sup Forums, and people enjoy different videogames, imagine that!
it's not an "SJW game", that's retarded, it's just shit.
Did they ever stop?
clearly steam ratings disagree with you.
>defending 3D WAMEN
yare yare daze
It has a decent niche following.
Oh my fucking god is Sup Forums gonna do this stupid mock suprise shit for every LiS that comes out?
>muh sjw boogeyman
2014 called, they want your shitpost back
fpbp and fuck everyone for ignoring that.
>implying neo Sup Forums REEEEEEEEEEs ONLY at LiS
wowww :O i guess your opinions that go against the grain are also "wrong" you fucking mongoloid.
>How did this get OVERWHELMINGLY positive reviews?
Serious answer, because you can only review if you bought it and this is the kind of concept you know you're going to like or not before you buy it.
I liked LiS (as bad as it was) but have zero interest in a shitty Chloe prequel, and that goes for the majority of people who liked LiS. Thig is, Those people won't be reviewing this, cos they won't be buying it.
Actually, it is. LiS is succesful and profitable for SE.
Clearly you're a fucking idiot. You must think reality TV is gold, I'm guessing? You like all the american mainstream pop artists?
Dumb cunt.
Because steam ratings are a paradigm in quality.
False, former bayfag here, i couldn't see how they would make this work at all, and for 15 minutes i felt correct that Chloe was still trash, but over the next few hours, they did a complete turn around on her and now i think she is actually the best character in all of LiS. Chloe is a fuck up, but a beautiful and sweet fuck up with a good heart. This is the Chloe Dontnod WISH they had made. Im being 100% serious, deck nine have made me really feel for and like Chloe somehow.
>i think game is shit
>game is shit
do you see the difference?
>all the american mainstream pop artists?
tipping my fedora to you, good sir. I wish I was born in different generation. Mainstream music suck ass these days!
By your logic, BOTW and Nier Automata are shit too because they're immensely popular and mainstream.
Most of Sup Forums likes LiS. We have had constant daily threads on the game since it first released two years ago. It's just a few contrarians that cry
If you hated Chloe why the fuck did you buy it in the first place?
You okay dude?
This. And now we get to do t all over again but with Chloe now who is suprisingly the better protag now.
Because some people actually give things a chance.
>lesbian shit
straight to the dumpster
>implying a majority of the players are female
there's no point in bringing up steam ratings when you're talking about personal opinions of the game. you brought it up like it was a point of objectivity, so you looked dumb.
Alot of people like the telltale formula, and dontnod executes better than telltale ever did.
I love the universe. You seem to be madder that i am possibly defending Chloe than anything to be honest. I seriously encourage anyone who has misgivings about Chloe to try this one. I was seriously impressed with what they did with her after the first barn rave part. If this is who Chloe really is, then she just needed someone to fill the void. Her inner monoluge reveals she knows ahe is shitty and that she is actually quite funny and smart but totally loves way to easily.
>duhhh my game isnt shit if steam say so XD
Fuckin shut up. Damn.
Tacoma is worse than either of these
Forget leashing them, just develop the artificial womb and they'll become just as disposable as men for the first time in humanity's existence.
Starbound was Overwhelmingly Positive for some time after release, took a bit for it to settle into Very Positive
Same thing will happen here
Of LiS? Definitely.
NitW? Not so sure, still probably a lot of them are.
Wow good one user.
(You) okay there user?
(You) sound like (You) are going to kill yourself because of how mad (You) are
Time to open your faggy eyes.
This is considered 'SJW'eque yea?
Same for this
Now, it is well know that majority of said SJW dont actually play or own game systems
They do however have PC's or laptops due to 90% of the are art dropouts
Basically PC mustard race is full of SJW
I don't get enough chances to post picture of that cat
What the fuck is an "SJW game"? Fuck off falseflagger.
Ironic thatyou jump straight to that assumption
Popularity also voted your boi Trump in