ITT: Games so amazingly bad you have no idea how there can be people that like it

ITT: Games so amazingly bad you have no idea how there can be people that like it

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Everything Toriyama directed was dogshit
>XII: Revenant Wings

OP, try talking about things you like. You will be much less miserable if you do.

You forgot Mobius Final Fantasy and Blood of Bahamut (JP only)

Things were going so well too. 2D => 3D was undoubtedly a negative thing for Final Fantasy but I have to admit VII is still a good game. VIII has major flaws but I can respect what they were aiming for. IX was a really good sign for the series and then we get X... The only Final Fantasy since IX that was really promising was XII which had nothing to do with this asshat of a developer.

Toriyama only cares about waifus and he's not even good at making them.

Don't you understand? We all out outgrew gaming years ago. There is no fire left. This is the best we can do because we refuse to let go of a hobby that no longer fits us. Its all we know.

FFXV in all honesty.

>Final Fantasy since IX that was really promising was XII

It started out with the Director of Ogre Battle, Tactics Ogre, Final Fantasy Tactics, and Vagrant Story as director, but he dropped out, and the director of Final Fantasy IX took over.

I wish the original director would have stayed on board, but we still got a good game.

>13 is bad meme
It was okay. Too linear. Battle system was good and customization was great if not a bit obtuse It's my personal favorite.

>but we still got a good game.
It thankfully worked out that time. XV on the other hand... Square really likes to fuck over people with passion projects.

Everything beyond and including XIII.

The fuck were they doing?

>XVI is going to be the same gameplay style as XV
The fuck are they STILL DOING

Its linear like an SMT game but the combat is significantly worse than SMT games. What's the point of playing it? If you're going to be linear you need to make up for that with what you have.


At least Lightning was hot, and I can fap to her. What did I possibly gain from XV? nothing

>XVI is going to be the same gameplay style as XV

Is this confirmed? I was hoping the IX and XII director would get another Final Fantasy

At least XV is better than X and XIII

>Too linear
That's a fucking understatement. Every level is almost a single corridor cut up by awful written and acted cutscenes

>Open world designed around quest markers
>MMO tier fetch quests
>Released in early access
>Action combat that tries to prioritize aerial combat but lacks any launchers
>Style over substance
Anyone who like this game needs to be euthanized, it is indicative of everything wrong with the current gaming industry.


>XV is better than X

>Director of XII
I'd rather not get another unfinished single player MMO.

I liked it and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop me. Please whine more and pretend the sky is falling because a game you didn't like came out.

I plan to do so. Thank you.

Oh god this so much.

>wait for Stagger gauge to fill up, switching to Sent/Med/Med and Sent/Syn/Med occasionally
>do a super cool combo with Com/Com/Com
>repeat with every single enemy in the game
FFXIII was so bad holy shit.

I felt the combat was well done. There was a lot options and I liked making paradigm decks. The plethora of unique weapons that could completely change how the character played kept things for me too. I feel its biggest problem was the supporting cast and the game felt padded out. Making more things optional and making Pulse a type of hub world would've done wonders.

I especially don't get why normies love it so fucking much.

It gives them the good vibes that nerds get from good RPGs but doesn't take the focus or thought that good RPGs take.

Normies get to be nerds without actually being nerds and this, for a number of reasons, has been trendy and desirable for the last decade.

Speak for yourself. Some people have fulfilled lives and do more than just gaming as a hobby. Why would gaming be your only hobby? What an empty room your life must be.

I wouldnt say its amazingly bad, its just much, much, much worse than the other elder scrolls games

>"game" is shit
>NO SHUT UP, IT'S NOT AS BAD AS "other game"
I've seen people say that "it's not as bad as FFII" like that's meant to be okay. Like, FFII is an experimental NES game from like 20 years ago!

Nier automata

power fantasy and stroking your cock. Fighting dragons, and self-insert into the ultimate warrior.

>why do normies like this reeeeeeeeeee

damn, some real brainlets up in Sup Forums tonight.

I'd say it's better than Oblivion, but both are much worse than Morrowind.

>Open world littered with arbitrary invisible walls
>Quest markers
>Death is an impossibility because you can chow down on recovery items from a menu
This, it's pretty much FFXV-lite.

The XIII series has been a pure joy. It's broken so many of the boring ass trends this series has been riding since it existed and Lightning Returns in particular is easily one of the most unique RPGs on the market with an absolutely brilliant battle system with actual depth.

SMT has nothing on this.

Why are xv fans so fucking childish like this?

I never see them actually defend the game, they just lash out.

>can't even counter any of the points


>Not SAB/RAV/RAV then RAV/RAV/RAV when you're done debuffing
>Not using Lion Heart for stagger cheese
>Not SYN/MED/COM to matain the stagger and heal and buff
>Not COM/RAV/COM for raising the stagger while doing more damage
Wow. Why are you so bad user?

Life is Strange.

b-but muh 2DEEP4U plot...

>that song
I loved this game

>Not doing an ATB refresh when you go to build the stagger gauge
What are you doing user?


It's your party comp

I went in with extremely low expectations and ended up enjoying 13-2 and 13-3 quite a bit.
I recommend trying them at some point in your life, if you haven't already.,

That's what you said when I plowed your mom with a group of black bulls while your dad watched

I don't like 13 and 13-2,
but Lightning Returns it's a great game with an amazing battle system.
It's worst sin is being part of the XIII Fabula series.

This. 13-3 is obviously the best of the trilogy and unironically one of the best FF games to date

it was my first FF game, so it holds a special spot.
i enjoyed it for what it is, not for what the previous games are.

Do I need to finish 13-2 to play it? I imagine the reason people don't realize this is because its also unfortunately the last game.


Yes, but the most important part is the 13-2 DLC ending. That explains all the shit and sets up for LR. It already comes with game on steam idk about other sites

So I have to play through 2 shit games to get the 1 good one? And they're all pretty lengthy? Its a bit frustrating.

Every video game ever. Read a fucking book, NEETs.

LRXIII is my favorite game with Final Fantasy in the title, but I personally consider XIII-2 to be a good game and much more fitting entry in the franchise as a Final Fantasy.

This is such a hard question. Without XIII-2 everything in LRXIII's setting and backstory comes out of nowhere, but LRXIII also doesn't follow up on almost any of the setup that XIII-2 declared the plot was going towards. LRXIII is basically 80% as unrelated sequel to XIII-2 as XIII-2 was to XIII-1. However in any case the gameplay is the main attraction of the game. That being said XIII-2 isn't long if you just attempt to do the main stuff, so I don't really think it would be that big an obstacle to finish.


you can't fap to Cindy, Iris, and Aranea?
(I admit Luna is kind of a fridge)

God I want to impregnate Serah. Looks like it's time to replay XIII-2, did they ever fix the PC port or is it just best to play on my PS3?

It was comically bad. How it was sold for 60 dollars and people still bought it and LIKED it is beyond me

Bioware apologists cannot recognize their blinding nostalgia fueled bias


You have never played actually bad games, have you? XIII may be bad for a FF game or for an AAA game, but it's by no means worse than the sea of bad games out there.

It created the best waifu that can't be defeated by any future waifu forever.

>chicken legs

Yeah, no.