Tired of AVGN ?
Try his superior version.
Tired of AVGN ?
That's not Gamedude
>user, je t'en prie, cause anglais
Explain this.
pretty rare to see some good french youtuber
others are shit, like squeezie, he's like the equivalent of markiplier, but with a more virgin voice and the rest are fucking podcasts...
so yeah, JDG best french youtuber
a votre avis, pourquoi j'ai appris l'anglais... rien que pour eviter ces foutus "let's players" et voir de la qualité comme AVGN
That fucking bitch Minnie
I like the constantly panting fat slav who puts inserts bloodshot eyes over his with windows movie maker when he screams the best.
maudits chinois !
I thought AVGN copies stopped being a thing in the early 2010's
Actually, I think tiny french Vidya youtubers like Plouf, Meeeea or Punky are cool. Even Laupok.
Even tho, yeah, the rest is trash.
Like the channel Trash.
Déjà, faire des tops et des vidéos sur Pokémon, c'est très le cancer...
Well this fat fuck, now skeleton looking guy is still around, but it's mostly due to lots of french people not talking english and not even knowing who the avgn is
Actual best French youtuber coming thru
>Ce moment oû le NC arrive dans l'émission et 99% des spectateurs hurlent ''OOH Y'A BOBLENNON QUI DANCE''
he's the only french youtuber i follow, i don't wanna dig too deep into french clickbait thumbnail videos so i don't know anyone else than JDG
I'm not actually, I've been falling asleep to the older AVGN episodes lately and they're super nostalgic.
En même temps le public pour la plupart c'est juste des pyjs de 12 ans qui savent même pas parler français correctement alors bon les trucs en anglais t'oublies. Leur monde c'est grenier bob lennon minecraft et squueezy
Bon, maintenant, Bob Lennon...
Il joue plus tellement à Minecraft. Et tant mieux d'ailleur.
Je le trouve tellement mieux maintenant.
Pretty much this, but add Aienkei for me, because his analysis can be interesting.
Il pourra jamais vraiment se "séparer " de minecraft non plus, tout les pyjs le connaissent grâce à ça, mais les youtubers français de façon générale ils essayent juste d'importer des concepts anglo-saxon à un publique qui les ignorent et parfois ça marche très bien regarde jdg et squeezie par exemple.
I watch James for more than just AVGN so I'll pass.
Faut pas oublier un truc.
Les gosses, ça grandit. Et ils se sont rendus compte que Minecraft c'est devenu un jeu pour gamins attardés du cul.
Malgré les 1 000 000 d'abonnés, les vidéos prennent peine à le franchir, le million. Preuve que la majeure partie de la fanbase est partie ailleurs.
Puis bon, JDG et Fanta&Bob sont dans une grande période de transition qui fait son temps.
Quand il y aura un jeu aussi célèbre que Minecraft et qui aura la même prospérité, ils y joueront.
>superior AVGN
>not Isvaffel
For a board that does nothing but post about e-celebs 24/7 you don't get even your basics right. Explain yourselves Sup Forums.
Pas faut du tout, j'avais oublié ce détail la fanbase a effectivement grandie entre temps.Mais bon une génération de pyjs a laissé la place à une autre quoi.
Mais bon comme disait le grand philosophe issou quintero à son disciple AYAAAAAAAAAA
That's not Benzaie.
remember Hooper?
His review of Takeshi's Challenge was literally LOL JAPON and somehow lasted 30 minutes.
he still exist on dailymotion
Ta gueule
Wow, Hooper, that's a name I haven't heard in maybe 6 or 7 years, I believe. I enjoyed his content, dunno if that changed nowadays.
fuck man
i should check him out again
he's still doing it right ?
Still great.
His forum is still up btw
He's a good watch
On top of being actually hilarious, he has the help of other people to do his shit and the effects are better than avgn's
Plus it was really nice to see his fatass become thinner and thinner through the years instead of seeing him because a huge fatass. He even nailed a cute asian grill
He started a shitty let's play for the kids who are into that, but his actual videos are top notch no matter what
I didn't really watch that kind of video when I was a kid that didn't understand english but as soon as I was able to understand it well enough to be able to watch videos without subtitles I found that all those french youtubers were really shitty, they have no personality and a really bad humor.
JdG is different though but I think it's mainly because it's more than just watching a guy playing some games. Decent production value and genuinely hilarious sometimes.
>Matei, we have to cook.
Literally fucking who
You expect me to learn french just to watch some youtuber?
>try this superior virgin
you're right, it's not
I want to donate him a new spine.
>french people
Have you ever heard of De Funès ?
Remember us and our transexuals guests?
He has a cute gf though.
holy shit he had hair?!
RealMyop is litteraly the best
Usul too
Hasn't he gone full commie?
Remember the best kebab ?
>best movie critic btw
He always was.
he always was
that's the most retarded scream I ever heard
HVGN was the best VGN
that guy had such good taste in vidya, I really hope he didn't become a SJW cuck
looks like a normal French guy to me
Was cdv the gay one?
JDG is an ok, French take on "angry nerd play games" but it's still really derivative imo. At least he's not quoting literallywhos and movies nobody has heard about in France at least.
everyone in nesblog is a commie, except jdg
Best French yt
>Karim Debbache
That's it.
Does anyone even watch his roleplaying video?
This. And MisterMV
Watched AVGN thinking JDG was an inferior version, but he's so much better.
>No one is posting the French Linkara
Top notch tastes. Bob Lennon can be pretty good for comfy streams too.
Sheshounet is my man
Please tell me more about this french Cockslut.
He is a moviegoer (even if he has talked about video games in the past recent days but I will explain that later) who is really into geek stuff, like at a point or this is not anymore a geek but a turbo autistic shit.
He can make good videos sometime (he has a Nostalgia Critic show but Peter Jackson edition which mean it can be 1 hour long but the montage in the episodes is actually pretty good) but too many time, in the past and recent days, he made some videos about stupid shit like "5 stupid critics about Final Fantasy" in which he criticizes the opinions of some stupid 12 years old kid, he is even angry about how people find the Titus laughing being stupid when it's actually just a meme for these same people.
Oh and he is a fanboy of Night Shaymalan and Doctor Who.
>joue au jeux
>le jeux est nul
>hon hon hon
tabarnaque comment sa les gens aime se gros cave
Va enculer un original sale bûcheron.
Despite being the most blatant SJW out there, his videos are really amazing.
That whole retrospective of lucasfilm games was mind blowing, it's amazing how much research he does on the subject and into how much detail he goes. Even his Brocante videos are comfy as hell.
Not sure if that counts but Ken Bogard is a top tier fighting games commentator.
Most unfunny fat fuck ever and a weeb too
He's obnoxious as fuck
>même pas capable d'écrire correctement "orignial"
Retourne sur le 15-18, Jean-Kévin
I like JDG, but I feel like it's been getting a bit stale. Feels like most of the comedy consist of making a shitty joke then talking about how shitty the joke was. Or screaming and shooting his plastic gun when he's pissed off.
I'm glad he announced he intends to end it soon, I think it's a good thing to stop before it gets too stale, and I really respect the guy for making that decision, most youtubers would be greedy fucks a milk that show to death.
He does this really cool thing on his second channel though, where it's like a LP of Civilization, but instead of being a classic talk-over-the-footage LP, it's made to be like a history documentary that treats the game's events as if they were our actual history. It's really fucking great, one of the most creative Let's play I've ever seen
It's still really fucking weird to have someone you played with end up becoming so known mere years after.
White Lions are fags, Swordmaster of Hoeth master race.
more like avgn is pretty shit to begin with and the fat fuck, although it took some massive amount of time, both improved on his concept a lot and distanced himself a bit from it
so they're different in every single way now
His content changed a lot
He's doing "let's play" now instead of reviews and streams a lot