Why does Sup Forums hate MMBN4 so much?

Why does Sup Forums hate MMBN4 so much?

100% completionists HATE this game!


>awful translation
>poor scenario that you have to play through 3 times to get everything
>dark chips are awfully implemented
>Souls suck compared to Styles
>filled with game breaking bugs
This game is the definition of a 1/10
Only redeeming aspect is a few select tracks.

>>filled with game breaking bugs
What is this coming from? I've 100% Blue Moon multiple times when I was a kids and I've never encountered any kind of bugs.


>correcting grammar instead of addressing the point

multiple plays and yeah, for 100% I remember missing chips ONLY gotten from 1st and 2nd plays...now I have to grind crap chips for hours and hours and hours just to have a chance at getting them.

WoodMan scenario has nasty game locking bugs if you play with GB SP or DS.

Sup Forums hates fun

>Souls suck compared to Styles

styles, souls, or crosses guys?

because its the worst mainline Battle Network game. There's literally no reason to play it unless you're absolutely O B S E S S E D with BN.

Then Sup Forums must have liked this game because 4 is not fun.

>There's literally no reason to play it unless you're absolutely O B S E S S E D with BN.
Why wouldn't you be obsessed with BN?

It's enjoyable
Shade Man is pretty cool, and meteor comp area was neat

It's just like other "bad" megaman games, such as Megaman 8 or X6, they can still be enjoyable at times, just pales in comparison to other good games in their series.

I still don't get it why 4 is only BN in series that have new game plus?

who /buyaswitchifmmbncollectionwasreleaed/ here

We just had this thread, but the fact is:

>you have to beat the game three times for all the forms
>shitty plot even for BN
>horrendously repetitive mission structure
>dark chips are underwhelming
>terrible translation
Literally the only good things were the Boktai crossover stuff and Laserman's design. Thats fucking it. Play 2, 3 or 6 instead.

I'd do it

I like the series, but I don't like it that much.

I hate it was the last one