Black knights

>black knights

When will this meme end?

But thats a destiny character you mong

>black space knights in a futuristic setting

The bigger question is how will any niggers exist that far in the future when AIDS will kill them all off in less than a century?

>black people in space

Why did you say black and nigger? wasn't consistency as important as being edgy?

>saying nigger means you're edgy
Get your newfag ass out of here


in that context it's edgy

fuck off dumb racists

what's wrong with racism?

I fucking hate american pseudo science

>No games where all other races leave earth except black people.
>You play young Wiiwa Z. Kains trying to survive to wilderness now that all the people who actually contributed to the world are gone and your race never invented the wheel.
Seriously, I hate being black so much. I'm at the point of bleaching and skinning myself.

cry more

t.Alberto Barbosa

so is that image implying that racist is a race now?

>that image
>that post
Fuck off, Reddit

Niggers in power armor are worse

>OP's life

When will this meme end?

Dark matter lives matter

Fuck off sci-fi niggers


BTFO by this image

Saladin was black for 2 years and nobody knew (or gave a fuck) until he showed his face in that rise of iron trailer

>I'm black

yeah sure

isn't there a genetic difference?


what a stupid doctor asking to pick from random bloodpacks not knowing which blood type they are.

i remember when Sup Forums racism was ironic and not a constant stream of sensitive white boys getting triggered every time they see a black person

hopefully they dont pick the black persons blood, cause you know.. aids.


The even bigger question is how will any race exist that far into the future giving generations of interracial mixing.

