(short name in lowercase) has joined the server

>(short name in lowercase) has joined the server

Other urls found in this thread:


that was me, sorry

i'll put some xXxXxs and 420s in there next time

>pablo.escobar55 has joined the server

>gregor has joined the server
>roftlstomps us, dies like twice and gets 50+ kills
>check his profile
>level 1
>only tf2 in his library

>Tsundere Anime Girl has joined the server

Why do you faggots do this?

my XBL name being lower case has bothered me for years but I'm not paying cash money to one letter because fuck that.

>[clan name] faggot 1 has joined the server
>[clan name] faggot 2 has joined the server
>[clan name] faggot 3 has joined the server
>[clan name] faggot 4 has joined the server

>proceed to lose unceremoniously

>[name that has some food name in it] has joined

>RSPlayer87882 has joined the server
>######## has joined the server
>1337k1ll4h [CSGODICKS.RU] has joined the server

>anime character has joined the server

>(meme reference) has joined the server

>GayCuck has joined the server

tfw this is me

>Pepe The Frog has joined the server

>~ has connected.

>can i get 20$ on pump number uhh has join the game
I've run into like 4 different people in TF2 casual with this name

>XxXSephiroth420SasukeXxX has joined the server

>(guy with anime girl avatar) has joined the server
>proceeds to curb stomp everybody

>(guy with anime girl avatar) has joined the server
>proceeds to job hard like a cuck

>CRy5T4l has joined the game

>dicksacula has joined the server
>He's actually good

>they have no synergy at all and just rush to the middle of the map to die one second later

literally me

>Art Vandelay has joined the server

>Mister Lister the Sister Fister has joined the server

>FluffyPony69 has joined the server
>FluffyPony69: GUYS I'M HOOVY DON'T SHOOT ^_^

>kill him anyway
>he starts playing for real
>gets wrecked by everyone
>spouts several angry chat messages and ragequits after ten minutes

>blackdragonghostshadowofwar disconnected

>Stop killing me, I'm friendly
>kill him
>he goes murderous and wins the game for his team

>don't kill him
>he tosses sandviches for you after fighting hard in the enemy base

>youtuber has joined the server

>___wolf666 connected

>poopbutt has connected
How does he have every game?

>LoneWolf has joined the server

That was me back in 2003 playing RVS

>Harrenhal has connected


>波 has joined the game
>locks genji

>wwwtwitchtv/hugeattentionwhore6969 has joined the server
>wwwtwitchtv/hugeattentionwhore6969: Hey guys what's up pls watch my stream!

>X is best girl has joined the server
>want to tell him calmly and logically why is wrong but don't want to look like a fucking faggot in front of all my teammates


>tfw 5 letter name lowercase from my favorite semi-obscure ps1 platformer

only down side is it's very easy to google drop me. which is a huge pet peeve of mine.

pic unrelated i just wanted to post it

>I join the server
>mfw I'm actually gregor

>Dad..? has joined the server

Surgical accuracy in this post

>"Harangutan" has joined the server

>Gabber has joined the server

>[name]_[lastname} has joined the server

>Bjornulf has joined the server

>(reference to that thing you love) has joined the server

>play pc game on steam
>has numbers in his name
What the fuck? If this was console I would understand, but seriously. Why the fuck do you retards have numbers on your Steam names?

> has connected

>You were killed by Gay Mike and the Hair Lips

legitimately laughed out loud

>kevin98 has joined the server
>kevin98: hi

>(reference to that thing you love) turns out to be a complete insufferable faggot that gives [that thing you love] fans a bad name

>mom has joined the server
>"user isnt today the penis inspection day?"

>My OC has joined the server

> has joined the server

rip undertale and jojo

You do realize that someone born is 1998 is almost twenty years old, right?

>implying that 20 is old

>mike1267421234 has joined
>game allows people with the exact same names to play


>be friendly to the hoovy
>get sandwich from him when in need

Ask the ironic weebs.

>player [twitch url] has joined the game

>(character)_Main has joined the server
>picks (character)
>is shit

>dumb chuuni pls no bully has joined the server

>XxxxDarkAngelXxxxxX has joined the server

>xXx_Dark_Sasuke_xXx has joined the server

>[furry avatar] has joined the server


>tightboipucci has joined the server

>XxxxDarkAngelXxxxxX has joined the server
>he's actually a decent player and nice to his teammates

>Anon99 has joined the server
>mfw it's me
Stay mad geriatrics.


>Saudi_K1NG1 has joined the server.

>Dark spirit FISTFISTFISTFIST has invaded

I can never understand the rational.
>I want you all to stop playing the game to watch me play the game.

>big heals has joined the party
>he'a a smite monk

>ãóöûöœēæ has joined the server.
>ãóöûöœēæ: cyкa

>XxxxDarkAngelXxxxxX team killed [yiff]Leman_Russ

>copy some chatty faggot's name and kill him repeatedly

>god_emperor has joined the server

>kirito388192830394747920383839 has joined the game

>gregor has joined the server
>FaggotronXxX has joined the server
>Drama from some other server spills out into this one

ironic weebs aren't even being ironic anymore. they're just deluding themselves into thinking that they aren't even bigger faggots than other weebs.

>not Leman_Ruff




>ben has joined the server

>david has joined the server

>marioluigi1337 has joined the server

i dont think those people are old enough to use this site :)

>M@dTh@d has joined the server

I think it is developmentally.
People randomly started treating me like I'm a seasoned man when I hit 20.

>asshole joined the server
>stomps everyone while spamming taunts


>Goku has joined the server

>vislav.alek has joined the server
>goes engineer the entire game


>hurr durr friendlies are good players who want to have fun

Friendlies are always braindead retards who can't play the game normally so they decide to get attention by being annoying. Making them mad by killing them is one of the greatest joys in gaming.

>Uncle Lester Child Molester had joined the server