Where were you when Capcom fucked over ANOTHER one of their IPs?
Capcom does it again
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underaged please leave
They should've gone for a low poly look as opposed to HEY GUYS WE CAN CLASH CLANS TOO
Looks better than MvC:I
Only a face a drunk mother would love
Look at the comments if you want to see some hardcore Capcom defenders. Viewer discretion is advised
>he thinks knowing Puzzle Fighter makes you old
Clearly an underage shitter trying to look old. Everyone knew Puzzle Fighter existed even if they didn't play it. Also proof that you're underage is the fact that you missed OP's point entirely, probably due to never having played the original. Other than being SD, the art styles are completely different, it's shitty 3D models vs. the classic spritework, and also it's mobile gachashit now. But yeah, you totally made a point by posting the old cover.
>those faces
Somehow worse than Infinite.
the clash of clans art style makes me dumber the more i look at it
Kinda hard to fuck something over when its so barely known.
Betcha 80% of people have no idea this is a remake.
Looks a bit better in motion. And smaller.
I just wanna know who's actually making this at Capcom.
And more importantly. What made them aping some cheap-ass Western mobile game art """Style"""" was a good idea.
wtf were they thinking?
The Canadian team that made Dead Rising 4.
>Chuck and Dan are in this shitheap
just awful
>I just wanna know who's actually making this at Capcom.
They most likely hired some cheap mobile dev to make the game like they've been doing to many of their IPs these past years.
its a remake? i thought it was a cash in. They previously already made a Puzzle Fighter for mobile, and it looked good because it was 2D. But im pretty sure Capcom killed that it, they barely promoted when they released globally. It had Darkstalkers and SF characters only.
fucking leafs
>Phoenix Wright coming soon silhouette
Of course. Always fucking Canada
Thats not Puzzle Fighter. Its a puzzle game, but this new thing is a remake of Super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo.
looks alright, kys yourselves phoneless shut-ins.
>Mobile shit
Into the trash
They also worked on DR2-3. I genuinely loved Case 0 to OTR so its disappointing to see them end up like this.
Both this game and MvCI remind me of this
Holy shit
What in the high holy fuck is that?
Playstation All Stars
playstation all stars battle royale
>t. urderage
>Capcom needs to make a Capcom only vs game!
I swear to god, Capcom is literally the Monkey's Paw of gaming
Puzzle Fighter characters are supposed to look cute. Whoever designed these 3D models didn't get the memo. The faces are atrocious.
That aside, I'm kind of looking forward to this. I'm sure they can't fuck up the gameplay of something so simple. And sure, it might be "gacha shit", but that just means there's going to be a LOT of Capcom characters, which kind of has me a little excited.
But, damn, I just wish the graphics were better...
>Infinite just proves that Capcom should stop making cross company crossovers and just make a Capcom All Stars
pretty sure he's referring to fucking over puzzle fighter by making it mobileshit.
and if he's not, I sure am
OP here, let your teacher know tomorrow that you need some extra tutoring.
>let your teacher know tomorrow
>he doesn't live in japland
No matter how much she types, word aren't gonna show up on that printer.
i want to fuck loli morrigan
I like how they're making Morrigan more attractive.
Lilith used to be clearly more attractive in every way of these two succubi, but now I'm slowly becoming a Morriganfag and OP's pic strengthens that even further
You mean Lilith?
Why do they all scream? They scare me!
Me too, but not that one.
This pisses me off to no end
Is Capcom not a AAA dev anymore? They seem to have lost it in the years since RE6. Smaller projects, engine issues, massive outsourcing, several duds. It seems the last AAA game Capcom made was RE6.
>English voice acting
This time is ok, it's some atrocious western art style, so the american dub fits well.
My sister bought a PS2 just to play this PS1 game. Shit is fun.
Rumors of board members calling for slashes in spending has reduced pay and a good number of their employees left
This is what happens when you are stingy
I literally don't see the problem with this. It's kind of ugly but that's modern capcom's awful style.
I remember years ago Sup Forums had stories about how Capcom was out of money and about to die. I guess this is what happens.
At least BoF6 will have some company now.
.tfw Chuck looks like he's shitting his pants
The higher-ups who worked on the DR2 games and DR3 are gone. It's just a buncha shitty nu-male memefaggots now.
>the butthurt from samefagging op
It's a pity really, that classic Puzzle Fighter/Pocket Fighter art style looked both cute AND cool, not to mention pretty unique as well.
>probably due to never having played the original
Probably because the OP didn't make a point.
I saw two posts timidly stating that the game *might* be good in a sea of negative comments. The people are leaving Capcom behind in big numbers
And yet, the fact that its a mobile game means it'll sell big time in Japan.