If you dont buy this game immediately you are a bad person

>it's on GoG which helps devs most
>it's on Steam if you are steamfag
>it's on W10 Store if you are that kind of stuff
>it's on Xbox X if you are 4K shit

its fuckin cheap ass fuck 19$ also %10 discount if you pre order.

support this shit or im gonna wreck your mom

Other urls found in this thread:


>it's not out yet

The art direction and animation are great, but the game looks bad.

Why the horrid fucking chromatic aberration? Goddamn it! It would look much better if they turned that shit down a few notches.

Woah you really convinced me, I'm preordering 9 collector editions for myself and I'll urge all of my acquaintances and strangers I go out of my way to find to buy many copies too!

So you can play it with those old ass red and blue 3D glasses.

Pre order.It helps them to get marketing bonuses from Microsoft shits.

Also pre order or buy on GoG so devs can learn more money instead of microsoft or gaben

you can disable it.

game plays amazing

Shadman made a game?

It's not on my preferred platform so I'll just pirate it.

Really? Well fuck!
Is there a video of this somewhere? I had a pair of those glasses lying around. Couldn't really see it on OP's picture.

what is your favorite platform idiot shit.

I don't play video games though

I've got reservations about the gameplay (the platforming levels in particular look like shit), but honestly the sound design is probably the biggest turnoff for me. Make your shots make some noise for fuck's sake.

Gonna buy it anyway because I want to check it out for myself, but I don't blame anybody for holding off. It clearly has tons potential, but I don't think it will live up.

It's an art that you will show to your future kids and grandkids.

Wait I thought Cuphead was W10/MicroBone exclusive.

Looks like reddit rendering Sup Forums into a video game. No fucking thank you.

No, it was always coming to Steam as well. Console exclusive only.

>future kids and grandkids.


no denuvo
no drm
%100 offline works
also local coop
w7 works

>tfw not gonna get all the old timey racism these cartoons provide

I just want a lazytown themed world :(

>using word reddit

get the fuck out .

>implying those are not secret content you unlock during games

you will get your black face and you will like it.

>you should buy this game
>it's available on every platform

its a great game made with passionative devs and they are like 6 nerd and some artist guys who made design total of 8-9 guy.

I like to support great devs who doesnt cater sjw bullshits,drm bullshits and makes great game

i mean you should too if you wanna support industry

next game im gonna buy probably will be mount blade 2 , they are same

Don't you realise making threads like this and shilling like a faggot makes people here not want to buy the game? You are only harming it. Is that your real intention?

I really really hate the early 20th century cartoon style. I'm sorry

I believe its mostly to mimic a degraded film reel, cartoons in particular would get an appearance like that, normally I find CA obnoxious as fuck but it goes with the art style. I do agree its a bit overdone though but according to this user you can turn that shit off.

>memeatic memerration

>its not on physical media

one job, microshit

Microsoft is not publisher of this game. Sure if it sells enough some company later will release a limited run of retail version but fuckin really why care so much about a plastic box you wont look 2nd time

Post gameplay
What are the specs

You nevee watched any cartoons from oldies ?

>Gearbox picks it up
>Releases another Special Edition that doesn't even include the game

anything with 2GB vram or more will work. According to devs.

Size is 4GB i think works with w7/w8/10 no drm.

Here are some gameplay since you asked nicely user

>If you dont buy this game immediately you are a bad person
naw if you really cared you would instead buy multiple copies and either horde em or give them away to other nerds whoa actually want to play this. That way nothing is lost to piracy and you can get your goal of making this sell as much as humanly possible

Does anyone else think the bosses in the game don't actually look very good? Sure, the artstyle is great, but none of the designs I've seen look particularly memorable. They're mostly just anthropomorphised animals or plants with few other defining features beyond what they use to attack the player, like the boxing attire in OP's pic

Have you? They don't have CA.

Im not buying this shit

then pirate it faggot

Id rather not touch it at all, it looks shit and i cant fucking stand platform games.

Agree. Cuphead himself looks great but practically everything else, while well animated, is just kinda standard.
