>you will never play NV again for the first time
Somebody hit me in the head with a hammer and give me amnesia
okay then
I really wished they tried to flesh out the Powder Gangers more or atleast give us the option to take them over and and either use them to raid towns or defend them
I just beat my first playthrough the other day with almost 90 hours.
Wow, take a look at this degenerate!
Take a look at these idiots wearing football pads on the wrong side of an anti-material rifle
>fighting from afar
>wearing kevlar
>not proudly leaving your balls hanging in the open by wearing a skirt
Degenerates like you belong on a cross
>Not having underwear
>Not having your head either
Fuck both of you.
Did you let them live?
Fallout thread?
What do you think 5 will be like?
>score 101
>will be remembered for being the game that redefined the RPG-Shooter genre by completely removing any RPG features remaining and turning the entire game into Call of Duty
Nope; Too busy kidnapping people, creating synths and committing warcrimes to do that.
>female soldiers
Let's do this, Jiraiya!
>score 101
>vault 101
Will we return to D.C.?
I seriously think Ceaser had a problem with females since the NCR thanks to Tandi became more equal opportunistic
wolfenstein but instead of muh evil nazis, its muh evil BoS or Enclave. Objective morality is a sin
I can't bring myself to kill Dala.
i shoot this fucking dick each and every playthrough fuck him for being so happy about being the only survivor the fucking cunt
what is the best skill/perk combination and why is it 100 unarmed + bloody mess
Only one of them is a dick, the rest are pretty cool once you get to know them, so nah, they don't deserve it.
>have 15 unarmed
>skill one punch man everything with brass knuckles
u wot
What's a good weapon to use against Deathclaws?
Good luck looting bodies. Unarmed/melee perks + implant GRX is kino though
Yeah. Having the Courier in charge of the Big MT sounded like the best outcome to me. I also received the "good" endings for The Sink, Roxie, and other facilities on accident which was a nice touch.
This too.
riot shotgun
Mods have been deleting these threads. Take a hint losers
Your fists and pure will
Take it easy, son
what do you have against new vegas?
what lottery?
/vg/ sucks man I wish the mods would crack down on that place
Jerma is a gift from God.
They were too insane and far gone for their own good, I can't imagine myself living that hell for 200 years. Long past due for a mercy killing with my Light shining in Darkness.
I have bloody mess and am doing unarmed at the moment. Nobody has exploded into a million pieces, you just sever limbs
I think we need to summon him.
Are you stupid? THE lottery, that's what lottery
Well, I hope it was worth the shotgun blast you're about to receive in your face
Maybe it's just because I was using Oh, Baby but everything I killed just became paste.
i appreciate your dedication, man
Felt bad for them. I even made up a shit excuse to justify letting them live in my evil play
I pretended that the any psychotics' effect my brain was being administered while it was in its tank suck with me for a while after I reinserted it into my skull and thus I felt no need to murder them all.
He did nothing wrong
With the right perks and this gun the Courier's Mile becomes a joke.
Am I going the wrong way or is Primm supposed to be the worst starting area in history
I tried playing NV like 3 times and gave up quickly every time
>being wh*Te
They were sending good Men and Women of the NCR to die fighting savages. Bless him.
Sneak through the Deathclaws and Cazadores; that might be more for you.
Yeah but I wanted his gun.
>not going to the black mountain
essential mods?
>Betsy tells you to fuck off if you're a guy
>get mods and nullify it
>get spooked by follower in bison hotel
>shoot them dead
can't be the only one right
You did let go, right?
Nope. I snuck through that vault like a sloth on heroin, fuck letting go.
"Baby was breeched. Could've been a son. Michael"
If by let go you mean cheat so I could steal everything then no
Lost edit when ?
Someone post it.
I think a Fallout universe FPS would be pretty fun.
By the time I got around to playing Dead Money I was already rich enough to buy anything I ever wanted. I looted a gold ingot just for display on my shelf.
Stealth boy and crouch my man
Good job getting yourself sniped.
I always just take 3-4 of the bars and leave
I'm pretty sure goodsprings is the starting area.