ect ect
Why is this guy so popular again?

[Spoiler]tfw I look ever so slightly like him and it makes me feel sick[/spoiler]

Other urls found in this thread:


Because he used to make childish cartoons when we were younger and considered them funny. Plus The Tester probably gave him a normie boost too.

He was making successful shitty animations for manchildren on Newgrounds.

nice spoiler tard. remember to report all e-celeb garbage

To us he isn't, but hes leans towards SJW/Politicaly Correct so corporations give him contracts.

>Why is this guy so popular again?

He put 100 luck in his stat build and nothing else.

by pandering to children

Why do you care about this literally who to make a thread?

fuck off

I don't understand. How does anyone even know about Jerma anymore.

how is this even possible

i don't know about any of this but would you a su... zy?

Are you kidding?

Which video game does this man appear in? None?

how you guys like them video games

What's wrong with always sunny?

...something weird about that face...

I know someone better youtu.be/ejpPneG_MV4

(and better looking too)

the picture you posted has includes the 4ch logo way to insult yourself

>Watch Good Game for free
>Bad directing
>Bad writing
>Rushed characters
>People are suppose to pay for this

I thought the guy for Rick and Morty was writing for this?

>10 years of youtube history in a picture
>It all sucks and if you like any of it you suck I look at artistic nudes online and whine on Sup Forums all day xddd

Ooh ooh I know this one!
The thing [2011]?

This needs to be expanded to capture every piece of media ever concieved. I'm a jaded 22 year old and I don't like anything. [digs pocket knife into wrist]

They made an episode saying there might be a problem with race relations with black people.

looking like him is the closest youll ever come to being him: a successful and influential man who kicked lifes ass

>bad writing from the writer of Reddit and Memey
Wow what a freak accident I never ever would have imagined anything of the sort to happen ever.

I never seen Rick and Morty, but he must have done something right for it to be successful. Good Game is fucking garbage.

>you'll never dive into Suzy's Bushy Pushy

god damn im fucking triggered how dare a show where half the humor comes from racism imply such a thing

wow, suzy's getting fat.

don't post things like this


First: The writers of rick and morty are basically interns for anything but the first and last episode of the season, though I disagree that its all reddit tier like certain parrots say
Second: Good game isnt a moneymaker so it gets even less attention and rewrites because who the fuck cares

I think that face is ayylmao tier but that body got something.

This is the feminist that turned him from a newgrounds animator into a poopy fart joke voice

>everyone who doesn't align with my shit taste is a parrot

bro she could be a quarterback

>Watch one episode of something
>"Well this is clearly shit"

>Play thirty minutes of a game
>"There's no way you know if it's shit or not"

This is why people think 4ch is full of retards.

>Isn't a money maker
You literally have to pay and Arin begged people to watch it. So yeah, there needs to be some better effort to be put into it.

repeat mechanically.

"encouraging students to parrot back information"

synonyms:repeat (mindlessly),repeat mechanically,echo

"they parroted slogans without appreciating their significance"

He never fucking played Metal Gear Solid.

I'm pretty sure the youtube Let's play money machine turned him into a lazy shit, not the ayylien

Suzy and Arin been going out for years doe.

You're only further proving my point, there's no need to be insecure.

Those videos weren't even that good

[Spoiler]You fucked up[/spoiler]

saying its "reddit tier" is adding no original voice or opinion on the matter, its just parroting what Sup Forums says because you barely visit other sites

>life of brian
>quest of the holy grail
>lil b
>Sup Forums
>sparta and TF2
>christian bale
is this bate? it seems like it but i trust you user to tell me how you really feel and i accept that

>this triggers Arin

Damn, thank you for showing me the error of my ways. Wubba lubba dub dub!

>there will never be a leak of the Suzy and CWC sex tape

Why live

>yeah....yeah.. totally
>oh no.. absolutetly
>oh man that's awesome

The show was doomed, they have no fucking soul.

Wait what

Theres still one guy left who has a soul


>Suzy and CWC sex tape

>backtracking through a dungeon is better than this because I'm holding a button down the entire time

you forgot to beatbox
and never fucking stop

He has no equal to reign him in anymore so he just spews unfiltered obnoxiousness and is never challenged on it now. Dan's a fucking cuck.


>Eric Andre
>He wouldn't complain

>look for the vid compilation of Arin Failing at fucking wind waker
>Nowhere to be seen
wtf? what happened to it

>Nu-Sup Forums hates Egoraptor now.

watched good game it fucking sucks but that indian milf is fucking hot though

Arin deserves to be fired because anyone else at Game Grumps is funnier than him.

Tell me hes not the dumbest piece of shit after finishing this


>I know how zelda works MmMMMMK

Arin did nothing wrong

Did you search "This is how you don't play-"


Just like Arin. Ironically, Jon's been slowly getting thinner since he left Game Grumps.

She looks like a tramp off the street there.

>that video where you can see her full frontal nude in a bathtub faucet

damn Im white and even I think a fat chick with no ass is a terrible combo

its cuz the nazi police have been hunting him down, he aint got time to rest

p o s t

>Having any semblance of a soul left

I know people like to meme and shit but cmon

look at this huggable jabroni youtu.be/ejpPneG_MV4

how the fuck did they get terry crews on their shitty show?

They got bank, man.


There are shows that get significantly better after a couple of episodes and there are games that get significantly better after a couple of hours

Op I made something for you

Who? Not going to watch that shit obviously but I like some hot poo in loo once in a while.

Power Rangers has better structure than this show desu

>First episode
>Obligatory diverse cast

Man, didn't think lets players could be more cancerous

>>Obligatory diverse cast
oh give me a break with this. it would still be bad if it was just white people

I stopped watching because Arin put his naked guy feet in the camera right at the beginning. Who wants to look at naked guy feet? Especially Arin's whose hygiene is neglected.

>Sam Hyde not on that list

Just got my tickets for the live show they're doing in Europe.

Pretty stoked. Come at me fagets.

It's not a starter pack if you have to include a hundred fucking images you knuckle-dragging mong.

>Prides himself on being the most milquetoast streamer out there
>Has been around for years but has grown at a snail's pace compared to others
>Too afraid to have any semblance of an opinion
>Lame and unfunny guests that ruin his charity streams
>Cat fished by a 13 year old
>His idea of being edgy or "offensive" is just swearing a lot
>His only worthwhile contribution to society ended with the Terminal 7 mod, now he's just hollow shell chasing after any meme that will stick

Vinny is only popular because people see someone who's a failure and think they can do better than him, like a freakshow.

Tell Arin about the Unleashed Gauge in Sonic Unleashed! He got it totally wrong.

>His only Contribution is-

>charity streams

fixed it for you, hooty wouldnt be able to do shit without vinny


Dan Harmon is writing Good Game. Justin Roiland and Ryan Ridley are the guys who actually make Rick and Morty funny

j-just l-like...uhum...mmmmmm

It's designed to be a Disney Channel original series, but with a few naughty words thrown in and it succeeds at being exactly that. It's for little kids who are used to watching people play video games for entertainment. Why would they spend money or effort producing it?


you've already lost user

Holy shit just found it

your welcome

You know I'm being sarcastic right?
The Wiz episode was great


Computer, enhance
