Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle

new interview with Davide Soliani

>he [Miyamoto] is the designer that inspired my whole career

how can you not love this guy. he fucking loves vidya with all his heart

Other urls found in this thread:

yesterday's livestream was way more exciting and informative

He works for Ubisoft.

both are amazing

>crying over Mario and Rabbids
Is this man autistic?

Cool. The game was mediocre. Average modern AAA nonsense with a 6 hour playtime for $60, shoehorned in multiplayer that doesn't fit, and season pass nonsense before the game itself is even out.


now you can leave

>Not being able to understand the feeling that cones with personal achievement and fulfillment of goals
Lol NEETs aren't even real people

Cool. You just confirmed that you never played it. You are here only to shitpost.

>have to take a shit
>take a shit
>cry in happiness

>try to be funny
>make fun of self
You probably aren't exaggerating. That is probably the extent of what you've accomplished in your life.

I played it though. Gameplay was alright, but the gameplay being okay doesn't excuse bland ass sliding block puzzles, a handful of co-op missions somehow being "multiplayer", a season pass before the game comes out, and an extremely short playtime.

Also I'm not a fan of how sight and accuracy worked. it's all 0-50-100. Wish it got a little bit more than "flank to hit".

>hes never taken a shit so good it made him cry
I feel sorry for you.

you probably missed the fact that his eyes got watery when Miyamoto in person congratulated him in front of the world

>still trying

>still not refuting
I thought so. Then again, this shouldn't surprise anyone, it's an ubisoft game.

>mario shit

The tl;dr/didn't watch for lurkers:

>Davide Soliani and his team got his feelings hurt when his project was leaked, after seeing negative feedback online, his fee-fees got hurt some more.

>When Miyamoto made an appearance for his game at E3, he got feels. Then when the audience applauded his game, he got so much feels that he cried.

Typical shitposter response. Just end it already and leave. You're wasting your time. Go play some video games instead of posting cancerous baits.

The concept of the actual game itself seems interesting and I have no problem with mollyoh characters, but I can't in good conscience give a single cent to promoting the continued existence of proto-minions media. They're truly awful. I made the mistake of watching an episode of the TV series once, holy fuck. If they ever make a single using only Mario universe/Nintendo IP characters, I'll buy.

I am playing vidya though, right now as a matter of fact. Why are you so upset i'm calling out this overpriced shitheap with no depth?

He proved he played it to a satisfactory level for anyone who isn't an autistic screeching toddler.

Cute. You forgot "autistic". Maybe in the next post? You're so transparent, shitposter.

nah i'm done bumping the thread, queue popped. enjoy the thread, even if I didn't like the game everyone can enjoy their own stuff.

Yeah Mario has had games dating back the late 80's
But I guess they don't count since you don't like them I guess.

>6 hour playtime
t. sony fanboy

>the only relevant games your country has managed to put out in the last 15 years are Assetto Corsa and this
I guess it's alright. Italy's position in the vidya world is very strange. Thankfully our indie scene is slowly growing, there's a lot of interesting stuff going on.

Dude made his dreams come true and considering he was working for Ubisoft on a complete throwaway title ("rabbids") of all things he probably didn't even think it was possible. It must have felt like waking up from a nightmare and realizing your real life is actually beautiful.

Really? I don't follow the scene, what indie games are getting made here?

This might seem vague but there's actually many titles. Most known one is probably In Verbis Virtus.
The most relevant studio is by far Ovosonico (Murasaki Baby and now Last Day of June).
Also, if you want the maximum level of obscure indie cred possible, you will have to play Noctis. Imagine it as an esoteric prequel to NMS, 17 years old.
One of my friend also set in Rome and opened a small-ass studio to work on a fantasy game. Can't spill the beans though.

Grazie della risposta, some of that stuff does look peculiar

Honestly, I'd forgotten that aspect of it too. To be a European branch of Ubisoft and mainly be the creative director for things like Just Dance or Rabbids and get a chance to actually make a Mario game with lots of personality and good core gameplay is such a change of pace.

>6 hours


Pretty good lad, and the game doesn't suck either.
