"Exit to Desktop"

>"Exit to Desktop"

well if the game has to crash somewhere, that's the best place for it

>Exit game
>Windows detects problem with color scheme

True, but it's extremely silly.

Start game command prompt flashes for half a second

>tab out of game
>takes a while to load desktop

>tab back into the game

>Exit game
>You're now using Windows 95'

>tfw got Nier:A on launch day and had to be in constant fear of a crash

>exit to desktop
>game music/voices keeps playing in the background


>sound is still on
>battle music starts
>combat sound effects start

>save game
>desktop loading cursor

This. I always get freaked out when. It happens. Technically everygame does it though since you are running an executable.

>game is so old you can't minimize or tab out
Thanks gothic 2

>Game drops the resolution and your monitors refresh rate by half in windowed mode
I still don't think princess maker 3 has a solution

>alt tab backs to game
>desktop cursor is there

>closes game
>game.exe has stopped working

yeah I fucking told it to

>just sitting at computer, it's basically just idling
>command prompt flashes for a second
i can coexist with viruses just fine.

>alt-tab out
>audio gets stuck in loop
>can't alt-tab back in

Yes I'll exit
>Exit to menu
Fuck sake exit
>Exit to desktop?
>Are you sure yes/no?



>game changes resolution on startup

>it's an fps without an aim penalty when hip firing a sniper rifle
>you now have a cursor for a crosshair and begin the noscope apocalypse

Every fucking day with this in SFV, with that and its problems alt tabbing it feels like they barely put in the effort to have it on pc

>alt f4
>asks if you want to leave the game
no i accidentally hit alt and f4 at the same time

>task manager has stopped working

>everygame does it though since you are running an executable

No relation

AKA Derek Smart's desktop commander.

Its just part of the fundamentals of software programming. A program should always be forgiving towards the user's actions, especially when data can be loss..

"Display driver stopped responding and has recovered"

elder scrolls iv: oblivion did this for me, every single time

>Asks to close the game
I hate faggots who ruin fun

>exit game
>Windows checking for a solution to this problem