>spend all my money on the best weapon
>find it in a chest in the next dungeon
Spend all my money on the best weapon
whos that best girl looking cutie
>put points in batnering so can sell the bought version for more than it costed
>You can unlock great gear fairly easily.
>spend all money on best weapon
>5 minutes later you're in a new town with a new best weapon
>buy sword for 1000g
>sell it for 100g
>lose 1 HP
>use the biggest healing potion anyway
wouldn't that break her wrist if she shoots?
and yes i realize that would be the less of her problems
>make a shitty version of Kaiji with hot girls
>Sup Forums eats it up
>Lose all money to gambling
>Did it on purpose to become student council president
Generally, yes, if that were a real revolver limp-wristing it like that would, at best, end up with it flying out of her hands. However, she'd be fucking dead, what's she gonna care? She only does it to tempt death.
persona 3
Sup Forums swallows up any garbage as long as the girls are cute. I'm not even going full "moeshit is bad" like they think we do. I see garbage isekais that get a pass because the girls are cute
>upgraade weapon with rare materials to a new weapon get the same weapon from a boss drop with a 0.01% drop rate
>sell item I've been holding onto the whole game by mistake
>can't buy it back
>last save was 3 hrs ago
So is this show just hot girls playing poker?
just horribly loaded gambling card games
>garbage isekai
Staple your nutsack to a chair senpai.
Well that's unfortunate, but then again I doubt Japanese girls know how to play texas hold em
>buy the season pass and feel a little ashamed
>my friend tells me he just bought the season pass and I should grab it too