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Not much. I had fun with it. Robot dinosaurs are fun to hunt.

Side characters are written poorly and some animations look weird. Enemy human AI is garbage. Those are the only things really wrong with the game.

First game in a franchise. Few small quality of life/over looked things to be fixed in the sequels. But over all a really enjoyable start.

This. It's certainly not "GOTY MUST PLAY 10/10 " material, but it's a fun enough little romp.

>make game with awesome robot animals
>story is front and center muh human enemies and polotics

Decent, but very forgetable

They played it too safe, I got bored of picking up herbs and climbing like in Tomb Raider pretty quickly.

Needed more tribes and interesting leaders. Robots needed more special ways to take them down rather than just "strip & kill". Needed more of the "old world".

The biggest problem is it went up against Breath Of The Wild and the launch of the Switch.

You just can't beat it.

nothing, I liked it

I just started it recently and haven't made it to meridian yet. Been doing side quests. Is the main story better than those? I'm a bit disappointed so far.

Solid 8/10. The robots are fucking fantastic. Increase the difficulty, though. Game's way too easy on Normal. Very Hard was OK. Ultra Hard's perfect.

Fuck off, toddler.

It's 'OK' at worst. Coulda done with the shoehorned political bullshit at times, but whatever.

>outsold Zelda

Nothing, really

False feminism and forced diversity.

Also this

Yes. I will say the side quests get better later but the main story is better over all.

Why do PS4 owners have shit taste in their own girls?

It's a great game.

Don't be a jaded faggot. It limits your overall enjoyment of videogames.

Combat was a clusterfuck.
You had to abuse traps or the red grass to be successful most of the time (i played on hardest).
Combat against humans was a joke.
Melee combat was awful.
Story was bad but well told. Wish it had more characterers and build up.
You got too good weapons too quickly and the maps pretty much destroyed every sense of exploration.
7/10 ok.

Lol he mad because BOTW does Horizon better than horizon

Wait lemme guess your response:
But Bu bu specular highlights and 4K and gwafix!!

Kat is good but Raven is better.

>forced diversity
confirmed for having not fucking played it

Ugly people exist. Fags exist. I don't see the issue. Most male players likely idolized the evil soldier.

Ashley Burch is so much more successful (and talented but that's not saying much) than her brother, its kind of sad.

A generic third person far cry with shoved in tumblr fantasies. Oh, it also has robo dinos, I guess.

You made a good thread into a console war shitposting thread. I got nothing against Breath of the Wild. I'd bet twenty bucks you're fifteen. Maybe sixteen.

modern western devs

why didn't normies buy GR2 reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

You really dont have to shill this piece of shit anymore. PS4 has many much better games on it already.

She's a good voice actress.

I played on Very Hard and melted shit with the sniper bow.

It's the very first FAG (Feminist Action Game). So of course it will have a few flaws, it's the first of it's kind. It needs to be admired for being a brave and progression step in the male dominated world of videogames. ;^)

Go away Ashley

It's true though. BoTW did everything that Horizon was trying to do better.

Plus more people were excited for the Switch and BoTW so they were more likely to waste their money on that game as opposed to Horizon.


They were slowly drifting to

Horizon sold more than 5 copies

Devs had their priorities fucked up,
All interviews were about muh alloy 10/10 female lead and muh deep story but yeah you fight dinosaurs too. Playing it felt derivative in spite of the great robot dinosaurs idea.

So did Battleborn.

>evs had their priorities fucked up,
>All interviews were about muh alloy 10/10 female lead and muh deep story but yeah you fight dinosaurs too.
What could you possibly be talking about?...
There is no way something like that could have happened...

But hunting / fighting machines is fun.
Everyone who liked this game just liked it for being the only open-world RPG with good combat

>what went wrong
Its only on ps4 so I have to hate it because it makes me feel insecure over the thousands of dollars I wasted on my PC gaming rig.

people thought it was going to be different than the typical Ass Creed formula despite the signs being everywhere that it wasn't. Alot of the hate it gets came from people advertising it as similar to Monster Hunter when that never was the case, seriously, just expect it the same as any other third person Ubisoft game and you'll have fun. The game is not as bad as people shit on it as

>shitty story
>shitty characters
>shitty human combat
The game sucked outside of the dino battles

What exactly makes a "feminist action game"? Having a woman as the protagonist?

Well thats precisely what didnt go wrong. What im saying is that the devs spent a risiculous amount of time pointing out how cool alloy and the story was while the good parts of the game were treated as an accesory feature and not developed to its great potential. Still good tho.

I like videogame archery shit, how's the combat in this game? Is it satisfying? Is it open world crafting shit tacked on? What's the ratio of modern meme mechanics to actually interesting stuff?

You're delusional if you think it didn't have any.

>Tribes based on Matriarchy.
>All worship a goddess.
>Big bad white male destroys the world.
>Muslim woman was the one to save it.
>Pre war earth has the middle east as the beacon of science and tolerance.

It's a terrible backstory m8.

>What exactly makes a "feminist action game"?
It means creating a female character that's ugly or that doesn't appeal to the male audience.

Fuck off Sup Forums

i hate how you can only climb certain things like in uncharted. but it works in uncharted because its a linear game. in this game, its open world so your bound to be in a situation where your jumping around like a retard trying to find something to climb on

It outsold the swicth version by like 200,000 copies. However when you add the Wii U sales then Zelda sold more

I don't even browse Sup Forums. Don't be such a pussy and accept it.

It was just feminist propaganda just like Game of Thrones, tbqh

i didnt care about the story at all. the only character i cared about was rost

Stop coming to threads to start console war shit. They're both great games. I think Zelda was better, but Horizon had an excellent start for a new franchise

too bad gr2 was a massive disappointment

This. But this is Sup Forums were 'cute' is enough to save a decent, but flawed game.

A single tribe is run by a matriarchy, making sense that their idol would then be female, and yet they are backwater savages compared to the Sun kingdom run by a man.

at GR2 actually has gameplay that is unique and is not just another Ubisoft copy paste game with a different setting

just because its unique doesnt mean its good. that gravity slide is fucking god awful to control

you can climb up huge mountains just by hopping from crag to crag and sprinting into the slope diagonally. Aloy can jump like 8 feet into the air

You mean the one that runs away while his city is burning and was about to get assassinated by a couple of nobodies because his super secret escape route was literally just a bridge and some stairs behind the throne room which was left unguarded because someone set fire to a random house in the poor district so he had to send his personal guard and right hand man?

That King?

The only competent male in the game is Rost and even then he gets killed off at the start.



I don't know what you are trying to show in that pixelated as fuck shit.

It didn't do anything creative with fucking robot dinos.
>lol lets just make it open world with a bow like every other game
inb4: that doesnt mean its bad

>I cant enjoy video games because of autism. Look at me Im better than you.


She can be a good voice actor though. She played the autistic waifu from steins gate perfectly desu

just another progressive cinematic experience from sony

I love how every time that stupid fuck speaks people just spam him with "but are traps gay though?"

An important game that nobody played.

the game itself sucks and had little substance beyond the surface. also it came out like a couple days before the switch and a new zelda

it was kinda like botw where i eventually got bored of the side content and just did the final main quests to beat the game.

Bayonetta was the first feminist action game but feminists didn't even notice because tits and ass/men enjoying it = instant disqualification

you can't actually have a sexy female character and be a feminist game user

Used robot dinosaurs and once again shunned a good dinosaur game.

Correct me if I'm wrong but doesn't this game say that religion or any form of matriarchy/patriarchy is retarded if the human race want to survive?

All the people in the game, except the protag, are fucking cavemen retards and doesn't understand shit about how their world works and they are not interested in learning either. I figured it was a remark on how people are dumb and don't want to to see what's in front of them.

They don't like it when lesbians enjoy things either.

I remember when feminism was about women taking control of their sexuality, not hiding hit away.


Sylens was as competent as Aloy

nothing zelda fanboys got asshurt over something