If comfy Boogie dies, is there anyone who can take his place as the comfiest vidya guy?

If comfy Boogie dies, is there anyone who can take his place as the comfiest vidya guy?

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i never thought of him as comfy but he'd make one hell of a throw pillow

Every time I see this fuck's stupid videos I feel embarrassed for him, especially when he's 'Francis'. It is just the worst. There is nothing 'comfy' about this asshole.

Unironically YourMovieSucks does good gaming streams.

They aren't often though and its only good if he's alone. His playthrough of The Last Guardian was very comfy.

He's also a furry though, albeit self-aware about how garbage the community is.

friendly reminder!

>He's also a furry though

He actually supports fucking animals and not just niggas in fursuits

I feel sorry for whoever has to "clean up" after him.


In some capacity yea. Its fucked up although blown out of proportion.

I disagree with him but his opinion has more nuance than just fucking animals is okay.

What vidya? He does lootcrate, YouTube drama, fat stuff, and a little hw reviews

>> 388975981

>blown out of proportion
I'd love to see a world where people accept that "proportion"

Who's the approved one again? I can never remember their name.

this guy

Who would win in a fight, Joey or Boogie?

Unfriendly reminder that if you search for approval of your entertainment on this Singaporean slam-poetry forum, you are actually autistic.

Joey. Boogie is a self proclaimed pacifist to the point where he will not hit people back.

Joey is based. Boogie is a pussy who got bullied at an anti-bullying conference and apologised to her for it. Gee I wonder who would win...

Vaahtual yootoobah KizunaAI desu

youtube.com/channel/UC4YaOt1yT-ZeyB0OmxHgolA - main channel

youtube.com/channel/UCbFwe3COkDrbNsbMyGNCsDg - games only channel

>comfy Boogie
le trying to please everyone fattie


>you are actually autistic.
Why do you think I'm here?

>yfw Boogie is already down 100lbs

>be so much of a fuccboi that you get bullied by people trying to stop bullying.

If I was so fat that I would never feel a punch, I'd probably never bother hitting back either.

God bless.

remember to hide and report threads of e-celeb shit

Chuggaaconroy is the only autist I enjoy.


we had a 530+ reply /van/ thread yesterday. This more video games than a lot of stuff on here.

I'll do it.


>Joey "open wide for the special sauce" sworldtour

Not video games


Leave Running on Empty out of this

awww are you going to cry??

no one man can take his position, as the void he leaves will be too big to fill.

you got some things right, but still a shit list

>he doesn't have kizunaAI added on Steam

Nah just report the thread thanks for the you

LtCorbis the roasting loli

That looks nothing like Joey.

How is he comfy when all he ever does is talk about depression?


>all the left is bad
>all the right is quality


>Joey lives on Avocado

this can't be fucking real lmao

Who's gonna die first. Boogie or TB from his butt cancer

>Not having Jaakko and Afro in the old Sup Forums approved side


>has 2-4 hours in every game, clearly just played them for the videos
>except she has 28 hours in 100% Orange Juice and even bought some DLC

What a cute dork.

What did Joey mean by this?


>What did Joey mean by this?

he only made two good videos, and the giantdad shit was NOT one of them

It's clearly him, he lives in California and they look identical.

Literally looks nothing like him.

Maybe you have autism that prevents you from recognizing faces, because is clearly him.

That's because you've never seen him when he wasn't smiling like a retard.

>all fat wetbacks look the same
Kind of, but no.

>Joseph Hernandez

>pedophile guy
>Joseph Hernandez

It's him

>there's only one Joseph Hernandez in California of all places
How autistic are you? Be honest.

Maybe someone who isn't a strain to healthcare system

Two of them, who happen to both be 350 lbs, middle aged, have black hair, be the same height, and have the same facial structure?

Unless Joeysworldtour has an identical twin who's been facefucking little kids, he's 100% a pedophile.

Stream of Boogie eating himself to death when?

Fat people are fucking disgusting and society should stop tolerating them. Round them up and put a bullet in the back of their heads.

So when will this fat fuck finally die?
He posted thousands of videos whining about how he can't lose weight because he was hit as a kid or something, just the ususal excuses fat people tell themselves for being lazy

No wonder there's all those sexual comments on every video.


I need a story on this user. Spoonfeed me you faggot.

Throw pillow? That mother fucker is a mattress.

>Spoonfeed me you faggot.
I would have if you didn't say those mean words. Looks like you'll just have to google search it like a non-mentally challenged person.

He's trapped here just like the rest of us. At least there's something about him to relate to. He just makes it very hard for me to like him.

This guy isn't me but he summed up my feeling exactly. Don't be a rude faggot if you want info.

>At least there's something about him to relate to.
There's more that you can relate to.

>boogie calling someone a cuck

I watch cuck porn sometimes and if anything he's the cuck.

>eats and is addicted to literal garbage
>can't walk on his own
>is constantly acting like a cry baby
>muh anxiety
>can't fuck his wife
>"Francis" is clearly his true personality and pretends to be some nice guy because it gets him money

Sega Lord X
Retro Game On
Game Sack

Jesus, Its weird seeing him type like that.
I don't watch the guy much but I always got the impression he was pretty passive sort of a doormat.

I don't dislike the guy just didn't take him the type to call someone a beta cuck faggot.

Is joey video games?



leave boogie alone. at least he has a hot wife

Reminder that Boogie's wife still wants to leave him and he's just hiding it

I wouldn't care about the fact that Boogie is fat, it's his body he's ruining. What I hate about him is that he's a slimy little worm who constantly lies that he's trying to get thin, while he's continuing to eat 10,000+ calories per day.

I remember near the beginning of the h3h3 podcast where he tells Ethan, 'Well, to get this surgery, you have to, uh, you know, you have to lose HUNDREDS of pounds, so I'm doing--I'm doing pretty... oh, how much weight did I lose?" (looks around with his beady little worm eyes) "Well, over the years I've lost something like ten, twenty pounds, I mean I've lost a lot at times but it just comes right back you know, so uh..."

You can't be a fat piece of shit for three decades and continue to lie to people that you're losing weight, you doughey fuck.

take his place?

i want him to die and disappear fuck you

Is Joey insane?

No, he's merely a child rapist. See:

pfft, been here longer than him AND im like 300lbs lighter than he is

fucking fatass
i mean, jeez, how the FUCK do you get that fat? how tall is he anyway? 5'10?

>watches fuck porn

You fucking loser

did he lose weight yet?
do we know if he looks different?

i just want him to look like a flying squirrel with those flaps of fat

Joey is calculated insanity. He knows what gets views, ignoring how poorly most people probably view him.

ShoeNice is actually insane. His insanity actively sabotages his channel's success, meaning its probably not an act.

So then why watch him?

water bed



> watch stream where Boogie's wife dumps him
> expecting lulz and autistic tantrum
> nothing but a dazed, forlorn, and distant look on his face
> tfw I recognize that look
> tfw I've experienced that exact feeling

I feel bad for him now...

>300lbs lighter than he is
So you're 350lbs? I like how you're bragging about this, fat autist.

Yes, that's him

What is confusing you?

He recently tied up his stomach so he has to lose weight anyway. He managed to almost die from low pressure too


He'll continue to eat, just at a constant through-the-day portioning rather than 6-7 gorgings

Chris Christie had the same surgery and got fatter

Oh he got that surgery done?
Can't wait for him to overeat and finally die of internal bleeding

Because I'm not some 15 year old who needs to run and hide from things that are shit?

That kind of surgery seems super unhealthy to me. I've been a skeleton all my life so maybe I don't get it. With surgery your body doesn't learn anything. If you actually go to the gym your body can regularly adjust to a more healthy lifestyle