Sonic Mania is literally the best game in the series. Prove me wrong

Sonic Mania is literally the best game in the series. Prove me wrong.

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Hello? Is this thing on?



Shitty ending
S3&K and even Sonic 2 had better final bosses.

Is there anyone there?

Am i all alone?

>Tails got buffed
>Knuckles got nerfed
>B L U E S P H E R E

2D yes, easily. Nothing comes close to its level design.

Anybody got a rip of the FLAC soundtrack yet? there's a lot of mp3s but something as good as this deserves lossless format.

Sonic 2 had the best final boss of the series though.

>>B L U E S P H E R E

>What is Sonic 2

This game shits on 2 amd 3

Sonic Unleashed exists

It comes close but the finale in S3&K can't be topped

Sonic 2 is still my favorite, but Mania easily takes the number 2 spot for me. It's close though, Mania level design is very creative at points.


>buying or supporting anything from the denuvo loving lying kikes at SEGA
Fuck SEGA and fuck taxman for working with them.

I wouldn't know

winston lay off the pb
winston pls


if only they didnt have the stupid fucking blue orb minigame from Sonic 3, would have been perfect, literally any other minigame from the older games would have been a better choice, the rotating maze stages from sonic 1, the ring chases from sonic 2, fucking anything else, the ufo chase is fun though

Sonic 2 and S3&K had better endgames.

nah the rotating stage from 1 sucked and the halfpipe requires memorizing the levels which is annoying

I dont have this error on my console :)

they patched it out already

No they fucking didn't, I took that screenshot today
They lied and you dipshits believed them without proof

>Tails is even more broken
>Knuckles still sucks
>Final stage and boss(es) feel incredibly weak to the buildup S2 and S3 had
>Steals 8/12 stages from previous games rather than something original (MANIA TEAM TOO FAR)
>Denuvo on PC version
I love Mania to death, but come on now.

Update the game and restart steam in offline mode it works

I'd tell you to fuck off, but this does motivate people to pirate this release more than outright spelling everything wrong with it. Keep it up.

Over half the game is trash

It does not, I literally just did that

This is true. I really hope in the sequel, they go the opposite direction and make mostly new stages with only 4 stages from older games. The new stages were really good so the talent is there. I guess the issue is just time.

Also, final true boss is suck

When it start having original zones that are not borrow from other installments. FUCK YOU

Sonic Unleashed is not only the best Sonic game but the best game ever made. No other game has as much weight in its atmosphere. Although Press Garden Act 2 does feel like Chun Nan and Holoska Night but with day lighting, its a damn good level


Posting online how your game doesn't work if you're offline.

Visually speaking you're right, Unleashed is easily one of the most beautiful 7th gen games. People get too caught up on half the game being trash and ignore that.

It's called a phone dipshit

Sonic CD levels are in it, therefore it is under S3K.

>Wait slowly for him to land or else risk your luck on the spikes
>the best

I need a bigger gun


browsing on a phone

>Game can be played offline

Pretty sure 99.9% of Sonic fans don't ever leave the house let alone be without internet.

Why is this a big deal again?

It works fine for me, I've been playing offline since yesterday now.
Also ""bug".

facebook com/SEGA/posts/10155636608246796
And this one is just funny to me: "We’ve looked into the DRM complaints and can confirm this was not the cause of the problem."

Glad you have no argument retard

That's not Big Hand though...

>no super sonic chasing giant eggrobot in space
>no flickies for tails
>eggman in a gimp suit as a final boss

>too many blue sphere levels
they could've add sonic 1 or sonic 2 special stages while they were at it

I rather like the gimp suit. I just wish the fight was an actual gauntlet between Robotnik and the Heavies instead of ending when eggman is dead. Also, is there a true ending?

Sonic 2 exists.

Damn, this picture is based


Anybody release an fov mod yet?


You get a second final boss and ending if you beat the final boss with Sonic and all 7 emeralds, if that's what you mean.

I guess. Sega of America seemed to think Robotnik should be portrayed as some sort of demonic monstrosity.

Game lost steam for me at Metallic Madness. The background/foreground gimmick was nice but it should've been used in a stage that was actually good. Titanic Monarch is cool until Act 2, then I just wanted the fucker to be over

S&K regular last boss and Doomsday Zone are still the best ending bossfights in the series

It can't be because it uses elements from past games, like stages and music, that means that the game relies on older games to be good

Egg Dragoon, Perfect Dark Gaia

I can do the mazes.
I can do the blue sphere stages.
But FUCK the halfpipe.

>2D yes
Are you implying any of the 3D ones are better?

How can they have a giant robot like this and not have it be the final boss?

because that would be going too far for mr. Iizuka's liking

this, I expected but better

For me, it's second best behind Sonic 3 & Knuckles. I think Mania is fantastic and an excellent game, and there is a lot it does better than 3&K. Almost every boss fight of Mania is a whole world of goodness better; bonus rings are better tucked away, so you have the exploration aspect of CD right there when you're ready to search, but not at all in an obnoxious way like CD's level design near forces; and almost every stage gimmick is initiative and fun to utilize, never things you'd rather avoid. But although it does a lot of things better than 3&K, that's not to say 3&K did those things wrong. In fact, 3&K does almost nothing wrong and is consistently excellent, whereas I think Mania drops the ball at the very end for a disappointingly weak finish. Titanic Monarch's second act is a slog to play through, and it lacks the upbeat yet finale sounding music that all the other final zones have. Death Egg, Scrap Brain, Metropolis and Metal Madness all blow it out. And I could forgive a weak final zone if the final boss was still great, but Titanic Monarch's boss is such a letdown. It's even worse to me than CD's, on the ground that at least CD's can be over with quickly. Then there is the super fight, which I think was a cool concept on paper (threeway fight in a trippy dimension), but was handled in such a boring way. Not checking the high speed chase or multiple phase boxes that Doomsday Zone did. With 3&K, my excitement only mounts as I draw nearer to the end of the game; but with Mania, I do not look forward to what happens after Metal Madness. So that's why I prefer 3&K, but I really do think Mania is an excellent game.

user, i loved Sonic unleashed, even the werehog levels but its nowhere NEAR the best sonic game.


I just got a 31 MB patch, what does it do?

How did this meme even start?

this post is shit. metallic madness is the best zone in the game.

Either Iizuka or Taxman said he would be overseeing them so they wouldn't go too far in some interview.

There's evidence to suggest they had more planned but they just couldn't do it from not having the time to. There's unused tiles in the final boss room and 4 boss battles randomly stitched into eggman's battle that don't really make sense that they behave as advanced as they do for how small of a window you get to fight them.

We'll have to wait for the sequel for them to pull out the big finale they probably wanted to do.

During an interview, one of the Mania lads said something like Mr Japname keeps an eye on us and makes sure we don't go too far

What if Mania 2 does get released but it's an adaption of Archie's Sonic Mega Drive comic?

it would be shit and I'd hold you responsible *draws blade halfway warningly*

Oh boy an adaptation of an arc from years ago in a comic that was cancelled

That makes sense. I was wondering what the point of hitting the Heavies was, considering you get booted back to the main battle shortly after they attack.

'tis merely a hypothetical, dear user.

>use the debug level select
>select Egg Reverie
>uses the "unfinished Death Egg" icon

feels bad

>fuck up the physics, making the game 10x worse than the original
>"9/10 great game"

>actual new game that has no business trying to emulate older ones
>muh physics reeeeeee

It will be a major in Forces

>Not ONE "TURN IT UP, GET DOWN" found in the fucking game



I doubt the Hardboiled Heavies are even going to be in Forces at all.

Only classicfags don't leave their house. Which is why they have so much time to bitch about Sonic for 10 years.

A guy claiming to be one of the devs was talking about this in a thread a couple of weeks back. They said it was time constraints, along with mentioning 4 cut zones. Apparently the game was made in something stupid like 10 months.
still the best Sonic game hands down.

Literally every Zone in this game is themeically taken from an older game

people need to stop bringing up that post. there's nothing at all to suggest it was legit

The build up you get from Lava Reef > Hidden Palace > Sky Sanctuary al the way up the Death Egg is just too hard to beat. Not only that, but for some reason Mania dropped stage transitions halfway through the game. It's a fantastic game, but i don't think it's as good as 3&K. it's equal at best.

>>has no business trying to emulate older ones

Confirmed on twitter to not be them.

They are in forces
they just changed their appearce into Shadow, Chaos, Zavok.
Look the trailer and you will see that Chaos is Glitchy in the scene

Plenty of Hues at least

If we find out how long the game took to develop, and it matches, it's basically a confirmation.
Has anyone asked Christian Whitehead or any of the other devs how long development was? Twitter or something. I'd ask, but I'm not making a twitter to ask a single question.

reaching hard there. see you in november.


Sec, let me dig it up.

Mania can't hide its fanmade status. The problem with fanmade games is that they're generally made by and for people who are incredibly familiar with the franchise, so they aren't super friendly to new players. Mania suffers from that in places.

Why would I try? It takes the gameplay if the previous best game in the series, and puts it in better-designed levels. Mania is the Sonic we always deserved. The ONLY thing wrong with it is the fact that it has so many remixed levels instead of all being brand new content, but that's easily forgivable, when they remixed the classics so thoroughly.