Too hot to play video games

>too hot to play video games

Other urls found in this thread:

>to hot too

When do you kids go back to high school?


>Tfw 65F where I live
God I love New England.

>went from 32C to 14C and raining in one week
>not in mood for vidya


Whatever, hot sucks either way,




>96F right now
>wont't drop below 70 until before sunrise

>not playing comfy games in your warm apartment while drinking hot chocolate milk

Are you too poor to own a swamp cooler?

fuck all of you, i live in texas and its over 100 f every fucking day here and i'm not complaining

I fucking hate hot weather. I wish it was -10°C every day.

What did you read?

>computer crashes while playing kf2
>wait 10m and then check temps
>idles at 80C
>remove dust with pressureized air
>now idles at 35C

110f is a cool day where I live

>already getting pretty cold outside
>tfw soon it'll be time for electric blankets, cranking the furnace up and drinking hot chocolate

Sucks to be you.

>This thread
Kek, faggots

Maybe you should stop living in Death Valley.


>mfw we reached 47Cº in the supposedly coldest part of my country
>every year we break new records

if it's dry heat then fuck off

>Sit in computer chair
>Get swamp ass
>Take a shower
>Squeaky clean and smelling fresh
>1 hour later
>Get swamp ass

I only get extremes where I live. It'll get above 100 and below -20.

>live in Alberta, Leafland
>entering autumn now
>day temperatures will soon hover around ~15°C
>Thanksgiving and Halloween soon
Comfiest time of the year, lads.

>107 today
>110 tomorrow
>107 sunday

Kill me, I hate living in sacramento

too cool for school.

I live in the Bay Area and it breaks 90 during the day. There's no fucking reason it should be this warm when the ocean is right fucking there.

wait, did you not learn the difference between to and too until highschool?

It's been unusually hot this summer in the Bay. Especially this late in summer.

I lied. It's not just 90+. It fucking broke 100 here. I can see the ocean right there too.

just wait two more months bros then it will end

jump in then faggot

And it sucks. 110-113 today and tomorrow and it won't really cool down until middle of next week in the north bay area.

>47 degrees C
>too scared to turn on PC

Yeah, I read it even broke 100 in SF. I was pretty surprised.

>currently around 60F in New York

RIP in peace everyone else

We gonna get cooked BA bros

My computer just power cycled while playing Overwatch. No more games until sundown, I guess (And even then...).

>tfw it's actually okay and 84°F right now

Thank god. It was triple digits and humid as hell for a while.

I really wish I had AC. We just have some fans. Aside from that, we can only open the windows at night and shut them in the morning to trap the cool air temporarily.

I have a bucket of ice water and a tower near my desk to keep cool

Can't play games.

East bay here.

Currently 109 F.

>San Francisco Downtown 104 F 0243 PM 09/01

I was a borderline poorfag one summer and even then I invested in a window AC unit since I was tired of sweating all the time. That thing was a savior and kept my room ice cold.

I just learned it got to 107 where I live. Holy shit.

My mistake. 110 now.

103 in Alameda. This feels like a record.

you so cal as well i pressume

If you live in Texas you just accept your fate of waiting until winter to play AAA games

>60 C on my fucking idling processor

>Tfw south California
>Tfw when 114 degree weather AND strong winds
>Tfw I still have water polo training in -10 degree water

>tfw temp didn't go above 20C the last two days

41 degrees idle. Still too much