He fell for the 4K meme

>he fell for the 4K meme

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8k 144hz when

>tfw in 20 years 1080p will be considered unplayable by modern vidya standards

It already is, poorfag.

I bought the big black dick of 4k gaming televisions and I love it. Poeple come to my house to play and watch HDR movies because lil white dick televisions can't compete.

>He fell for LCD meme

it already is. once you try 1440p, you cant go back

Its already just about there.

>tfw we will have to modify our eyes be able to notice 4k close range

rockin 1080p @144hz for another 2-3 years then moving to 1440p @ 144hz

Don't you eventually hit a point where resolution is indistinguishable at a certain size. Like 4k and 1080 have no visible difference below 18in

I'm waiting for 16k

It'll never end, will it? Another generation of systems will spend most of their processing power outputting a higher resolution instead of making better games. All so TV companies can keep raking in the dough.


1080p is already the equivalent of what 720p was 8 years ago.

Yes, but dumbasses keep falling for marketing. For PC it makes sense since you're so close to the monitor. For consoles. not so much.

>Consoles will still keep attempting to chug along with shit that looks good in screenshots but will never run at a stable framerate for another gen
At least most shit is getting PC ports these days, christ.

This meme can't go past 8k. Even 8k in a living room is overkill borderline overkill.

Retards like to waste money on numbers, not actual functionality. 1080p/60fps is industry standard for a reason, you literally cannot process more than that.

HDTV was a mistake. We were happy with 480i for decades, now I need a new tv every year just to watch Maury.

looks like shit

>60 fps
>you literally cannot process more than that.

why do white people love mayo so much?

No one was happy with it, monitors have been in high definition since before you were born, nevermind the resolution on projectors.

I have a 4k TV but I think it's a dumb meme.
There's almost no difference unless you're like 2 feet from a 60 inch screen

Technically we can process 24fps and 540p per eye do with both eyes it is 48fps and 1080p. They just use 60hz for technical reasons.

>No US release
How will burgers ever recover

At least there's Nintendo


ever tought about using glasses?

12k is the endgame resolution for a human being. Anything above that is audiophile level of delusional.

I have almost superhuman eyesight.
Go away LG shill

8k is worthless. You need a 55" TV for 4k at standard 6+ foot viewing range already, even then that's a stretch at best. I was dumb and bought a 49KU7000 last year, HDR is noticable, but on the couch I can barely tell the differnce between 1080p uprendered and 4k.

does it have 144 HZ?

>high definition since before you were born
No they haven't, kid.

>tfw happy with 720p

just make OLED not shit please


>tfw still fine with 720p and have no problem playing PS2/Gamecube games at their original resolution

anybody who isnt a retard knows that 4k is a giant meme

1440p is where it's at

I think 1440p won't suffer the same fate as 1080p will and here's why: At 24 inches, 1080p has noticeable jaggies. Anything above 24 inches is just going to naturally be more niche due to desk space and application. The majority of people currently own a 24 inch monitor and its a popular convention that resolution won't be changing anytime soon. 1440p at 24 inches has more detail than you can focus. Hence, Anything above 1440p is unnecessary for gaming, and what is necessary for gaming is what drives the tech push. No gaming, no push.

>Now three times more likely to give you a headache from staring at it for a few hours or your money back guaranteed

Enjoy having to buy a new screen every 4 months after the screen is burnt out

my friend just bought some ~30" inch TV for almost $200 and it was only 720p

i think that's retarded

that's what I meant by "make OLED not shit", smartass

supposedly Samsung had made some advancements there though, Quantum LEDs they're calling it

3-4 year and we might have affordable monitors with true blacks and high refresh rates

QLED is not OLED, just a shinnier IPS panel
it's shit

remember when plasma tvs were a thing?

I need to explain to you how a cathode-ray tube monitor works before I prove to you that it existed. A CRT doesn't have what we refer to today as "native resolution". Any resolution to the moire point will be displayed with a 1:1 dot matrix, because CRTs use a photon gun, rather than fixed diodes that turn on by command. The gun has to be color calibrated and aimed at each pixel point and it does this at thousands of times a second. When moving so fast, what you see is an illusion: a complete image that is actually from different periods of time blurred together, hence, whatever the moire point is, aka how many inches the monitor is, determines the "max" resolution.
A 17 inch monitor from 1990 could do 720p. Problem? No hardware was capable of driving such a resolution. Blame IBM and Apple. A 21 inch could do 1080p.

Quantom Dot display has the best blues of any monitor. Nothing can compare.

You could put a modern take on the Plasma TV and you'd get something nicer than the best OLED just out of R&D. Long live that gaseous screen.

>3-4 year
That's really optimistic. The push for 3D just a couple years ago, 4K and soon 8K should clue you about the state of the art of TVs.

Spoilers: We've hit a wall on pretty much everything for the moment. Enjoy your linear upgrades and occasional gimmicks. There's a drought right after HDR.

>just bought a 75" 4k SUHD

Into the trash

>putting a tv right next to your window
enjoy your glare

Have fun with oversaturated greens LCDcuck

Fuck, I'm dumb. I thought Quantum Dot and Quantum LED were two different things for some reason.

for a second I thought this was my sverigetråden tab on Sup Forums


press F to pay respects


they round up

1080p is technically "2K"

A wider color gamut and HDR make a world of difference. Don't be that "dude standard definition is fine you can't tell the difference anyway" guy.

>tfw i still have a 720p tv

Chris is a good girl.

The Jews thought it would be a good marketing ploy to steal theater screen terminology and apply it to TV resolutions. True 8K would be 8192 x 4320. 4K would be 4096 x 2160. A 2K or standard movie theater uses 2048 x 1080.

You can literally see the pixels on an old CRT, the red, blue and green ones if you look really closely.

fuck. yes. mah nig

>1080p/60fps is industry standard for a reason
>a "standard" that most console games never reach


Man, I sure love scaling artifacts for literally everything that'd I'd watch on TV like that

There will never be a peak in resolution and clarity until someone nukes the world and we have to do a hard restart.

Those aren't pixels, those are called dots. The reason you can see them is because there's generally less than a thousand of them in either dimension. Today, if you drove these monitors to their max potential, 17 inch being 1280 x 960 at 72 Hz, you'd get a pretty picture.

I doubt we'll have screens in the conventional sense in 20 years

full dive here i come

I use CRT
Have fun with your meme technology

It is retarded. What a fucking moron

>implying even half of PC players can hit that

wide color gamut displays are a pain in the ass to calibrate. Almost everything is made to look right on 8 bit panels..

And the ones that don't come to PC (Japanese games), they rarely push graphical boundaries, so they will run at 1080p until the end of time. Provided that Best Korea doesn't go ballistic and sends Japan to the stone age when that happens.

>Gaussian blur

>lg shill

he didnt even mention a brand, neither did you, stop being retarded

Dots, yeah. Regardless, they are the physical limit for the CRT resolution. Which is the native resolution, I guess, though CRTs do scale nicer than LCDs.

Ooga booga, you play Rock? Only have Stonestation, me no get exclusive. How Rock?

>Quantom Dot
Quantom Dot VA panels should be the fucking norme

Better viewing angles than TN
Absolutely stunning contrast that only OLED and CRTs acan compete
Responde time faster than ips although this slower than TN
No shitty lightbleeds or IPS glow

It's fantastic

That entertainment stand looks like its from the 90s


4k is the absolute ceiling for home media consumption for at least a decade
35mm films are only being scanned into 4k encodes and Vidya is going to continue to become more and more complex now that the resolution ceiling has been set in place

You'll see PCs running AAA games at 8k 60fps in like 2025 maybe, on the 2580ti. 4k is here to stay, and scientifically on a normal sized tv or monitor you can't tell the difference past it.

>Falling for the maket hoype
>Spending half you minumum wage on an inferior display
>b-but user look at how flat it is! just like my brain!

I don't care about the resolution, I'm fine with my 1080p monitors currently, I just fucking wish devs would at least TRY for stable framerates on consoles more often.

so why exactly can CRTs produce better blacks and avoid that washed out look?

1440p monitors have been highly affordable for years

And yet the majority of games can't even run 60fps @ 1920x1080

I just started playing my xbone on a pc monitor

I sit pretty close and i cant tell if it looks worse because of the lower resolution, or if its because theres no AA

i want a gaming rig

makes good edible lube

there is a point where more resolution does nothing.

Since human eyes are analog, its dependent on screen size and viewing distance.

Most people watch tv from about 5-8 feet away.
You need ridiculous screen sizes to notice any difference between 1080p an 4k at 5 feet.

Are you REALLY going to get a 70+" screen for 4k?

My crt from 1999 ran at 1920x1440 at 72hz and 100hz at 1200x1600, with deep blacks and 0ms input lag. It's better than the monitor you have right now

I was born before 1990, kid. Nice copy paste work though.

The glass on a CRT is thick because it's protecting a phosphor layer on the inside from exploding like a light bulb. As I said, the halfway point of the moire, similar to the nyquist point in digital audio, is the "max resolution". The native resolution is whatever you set it to. A 1280 x 1024 can do 640 x 480 natively with no pixel crawl.

All that cancer causing shit

Well yeah comparing a decent Sony CRT to a generic Dell from 2004 is gonna be shit isn't it.

Today you can get excellent LCDs (QLED, OLED, etc) that are superb and out perform CRTs in pretty much every way

So Rock bad? Use many Mammoth words, Rock Good? Rock Bad?


I think the main thing is the compression difference that people notice. watching youtube videos in 1080 then 4k on a 1080p monitor is like night and day

when I get around I´ll make it like this

fuck off console shitter dont talk to me subhuman

Whenever you feel bad just remember that there are retards out there whose autism forces them to buy 4k 5-6" phones.