WTF went so RIGHT?

WTF went so RIGHT?

Other urls found in this thread:

Pretty much nothing, in regards to the game anyways. What went right was Todd was lucky enough to have a brain dead fanbase. That's what went right. For Todd at least.

-quest compass so you can never get lost
-scales to your level so you can never get killed
-god awful art style and character faces so you can have nightmares after you play it
-retarded plot and writing
-world is an incohesive mess
-fast travel so you can get that instant gratification every time any time
-factions don't give two shits about your skills
Literally nothing.

its not as good as skyrim or morrowind. best part about it was patrick stewart

I installed a shit load of mods to "improve" the experience and it just can't be done. Rotten to the core that game is.

The music was pretty good but that's about it

The best thing they did with the game was not re-release it every year and keep pushing people to buy the barely altered new version.

Alright that's fair

It took a garbage game like Morrowind, and made it good.

Some of the quests were really fun.

which starfox level is this

I do wonder what kinds of games all the people shitting on oblivion play.

Good balance between deeper RPG mechanics of Morrowind and a pure hack and slash. Combat is not great but TES combat has been bad since Arena. Hack and slash with stats that still matter is a good place for the series to be.

Best quests in the series. Goofy, memorable characters, even if the lack of variety in voice acting is obviously an issue.

The NPCs and their complex schedules made the world feel really alive, more so than Morrowind or Skyrim.

Painterly art style is quite nice. Gorgeous soundtrack, Jeremy Soule's finest work.

Great expansion pack.

Shooters, RPGs, strat games, platformers, sims... all kinds user

The music made the bland gameworld that little bit more tolerable.

The quest writters that seemingly got fired somewhere between oblivion and skyrim were still pretty decent at their jobs despite the flaws of the rest of the game.

Morrowind > Skyrim >= Oblivion

Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion

Are there any good magic overhauls for Oblivion? Midas Magic is OP as shit and really boring to use

Oblivion was lush.

absolutely nothing. you prove this simply by how its fanbase always say
>b-but skyrim is worse
every time you point out one of the millions upon millions flaws this game has. i dont even consider this game as decent or meh. its pure total fucking trash i would need to be paid to approach that piece of shit.

>moded skyrim is worse than moded morrowind

just kill yourself fucking retarded contrarian manchild

-you can ignore it and complete quests through hints and exploration
-scaling was fine, you can either take less level ups and have less HP or level often and have more HP but harder enemies (you can get killed either way)
-which are skippable
-simple is retarded, writing is apparently bad except that it isn't...
-might want to expand on that faggot
-can ignore fast travel and there are travel options for this very purpose
-who fucking cares

>better than proper games

>he posted it again!

Name one(1) mod that makes base skyrim actually bearable. You can add all the fancy castles and followers you want there still isn't anything you can to do in a game where you become master mage of the land by getting told to go fetch some staff.

>Being this mad over an opinion
I like Skyrim, but you can't mod out the uninteresting Nord world
Dunmer lore is just way more interesting to me
Go fuck yourself faggot

There's a mod for that

Supreme Magicka is the best one. Lore-friendly, relatively balanced, makes every school a lot more interesting, adds things like Levitation. Essential mod.

Also modded Oblivion is the best TES game. Too bad the performance will always be complete shit until someone completely remakes the engine like they're doing with OpenMW. Would be nice if it looked as good as modded Skyrim, too.

>play as khajit archer cause darkness is actually dark and night eye rules
>jack up agility, athletics and acrobatics
>contract vampirism, putting previous stats on overload
>enchant 5 pieces of armor with 20% chameleon
>mfw I am the invisible god of death who can leap to the top of a three story building in one jump

>nord is only way story makes sense
>no more cool skills, but hey guise dual wielding...
>vampire is now shitty fan art monster, barely controlable complete with underworld serena clone waifu fucking sarana

But whatever, the faces were ugly 2/10

I need to delve into modding Oblivion more then
Shit's just crazy unstable
Any must have hidden gems you know about?

Yeah because not being able to complete quests or interact with 90% of the game because it is only available in the daytime is fun...

god I remember thinking this game looked photorealistic when it came out.
it aged like ass

Dunno, I bought it way back then and literally threw it into the trash 2 weeks later.

Feed when you need to shop and turn in quests.

It's makes the "roleplaying" aspect more immersive.

Name a flaw that can't be fixed by mods. Afaik there are none

I used to but I lost my Oblivion install so I'm not really much help anymore

Stability, performance issues related to it only utilizing a single CPU core. Disgusting character models, dynamic shadows that aren't buggy as shit.

Your nostalgia

>factions don't give two shits about your skills
How can one man be so fucking wrong?
The mages guild in Oblivion is hands down the best in the series, they actually make you earn your spot in the college, and then make you earn your place as Archmage. Skyrim was a colossal step backwards when it comes to a lot of things that Oblivion at least tried to do well(even though they fell short in a few areas).

The College of Winterhold was trash, but the Mage's Guild in Morrowind was just doing errands for other Guildmates. Some of the quest had nothing to do with magic, like convince the mage to pay guild dues or kill her. To become the Archamge, you just have to kill the current one in the arena.

If you have enough gold you can just pay to train your magic skills and become Archmage without casting a single spell.

Scales to your level was designed to fix one of Morrowinds shortcomings.
Namely after level 20 literally nothing could kill you.

The proper complaint about level scaling is "Muh sense of progression"

Not trying to tell you how to shitpost just how to do it right.

>great music
>great atmosphere
>last AAA high fantasy WRPG that played it straight and didn't have sjw shit shoehorned in
>great sidequests (guilds in particular were much better than Skyrim's)

>installed oblivion with cool mods
>started the Shivering Isles DLC last month
>fetch quest galore
>"why tf do people praise this?"
>stopped playing for about a month because I hate dungeon crawling fetch quests

>recently installed Morrowind because the multiplayer mod is cool
>modded the shit out of the single player version
>Rebirth, Overhaul, Rebuilt
>still tedious, but the quests aren't all fetch oriented and the dungeons look cool
>found an Imperial outpost near Pelagiad with skellies
>wtf is goin on here
>enter the outpost
>find a hole in the wall of the prison, leading to a creepy skelly dungeon
>get fucking rekt
>i now want to level up enough just to be able to see wtf is going on there

>last AAA high fantasy WRPG that played it straight and didn't have sjw shit shoehorned in
I think you are delusional and should take a break from Sup Forums for a while

I was a playtester. You're welcome.

morrowind faggots are nothing but nostalgia ridden cancerous fuckboi. you probably even managed to make yourself believe that the quest, character and the combat was interesting in morrowind, how the fuck can i even talk with that sort of people ?

i dont know whats your main problem with skyrim so i cant help me. i assume its not the quest or the characters because they were terrible in all 3 games

skyrim redone fix the gameplay. much more than the guy's new overhaul

>my arbitrary, weird preference over the lore of 1 race has value to the modding conversation
holy shit dude take my advice above ASAP

I have a mod for Morrowind in which the dice roll mechanic is void.

The combat is even more horrible now.

>Stability, performance issues
Streamline and Oblivion reloaded. See bevilex modlist and videos of it to see how stable the game really can be
>Character models
Oblivion character overhaul, version 1 or 2. Pick your poison
>Dynamic shadows
It's a 2006 game that was essentially a launch title for the Xbox 360. This isn't a flaw.

Which are all great and makes your status feel earned. In a more modern game you could of course try to give alternative quests to open more possibilties for different play styles, perhaps even have the intrigue stuff as a seperate path to get through the game slightly more quickly through shady means. Instead with the magic of modern technoly and producing techniques whe managed to make every questline short and uneventful.

Don't talk shit about Morrowinds quests, characters, or world if you're defending fucking Skyrim of all things
>Muh skyre fixes it!
Skyrim redone makes like a 10% improvement on a 6/10 game

where have I defended skyrim quest and characters you stupid faggot ?

>muh muh
is that all you got ?

I've spent probably hundreds of hours modding and playing modded Oblivion, I know about all of that stuff. The engine is still fucked, it literally cannot utilize multi-threading and even powerful machines cannot run a heavily modded game perfectly.

OCO looks bad

So this is the legendary Morrowind...

Are there any commands to move faster?
I've tried a similar approach that worked in skyrim but it didn't really do anything noticeable.
What's the Sup Forums approved way of moving about the map?

>-you can ignore it and complete quests through hints and exploration
Occasionally. But usually NPCs often give you zero information on where to go because you're expected to just follow the arrow
>-simple is retarded, writing is apparently bad except that it isn't...
>-might want to expand on that faggot
The game's plot is that world is ending and you must hurry up and do something before everyone gets kilt rite? But apparently no one else in the gameworld actually cares about this or takes any action whatsoever. It's all on you. And there's no hurry at all because, again, nothing happens without you. Even the guilds in the game apparently don't give two shits about the impending daedric gangbang, since none of their quests are related to the oblivion 'crisis'

The argument is that you can't mod the bland world in Skyrim you dense fuck, and your fucking argument is an opinion as well
Reading the rest of your post I'm guessing you're either some dumb nigger baiting or you really do have your head so far up your own ass you believe the shit coming out of your mouth

Oco 2 looks bad IMO, I really like 1

And yeah I know that the engine is fucked but it really can be run stably. You can thank autism for that check out this video
Barely a single framedrop or noticable pop-in

I saw someone got some Oblivion assets running in OpenMW on the OpenMW forum. I wouldn't be surprised if someday there was a fork for Oblivion. There's also Skyblivion, which should be less of a watering down of Oblivion than Skywind will be of Morrowind.

Please even Oblivion absolutely shits all over skyrim when it comes to quests
>Oblivion: Questlines include conflicting characters and motives spanning a wide varity of themes
>Skyrim: I want a thing in a crypt full of viking zombies

Increase your Speed and Athletics.

Shivering Isles. That's about it.

but you literally can. Skyrim modding is the most advanced of any games ever, with the best mods out there. not that i would expect you to know anything about what you can do with skyrim and all the mods available. the ONLY way you could say morrowind moded > skyrim moded is if you know absolutely fucking nothing.

and no i wont take an hour to walk you through all you can do to make skyrim very good just to win a pointless argument stupid nigger.

it doesnt ''shit on skyrim'' at all. its very marginally better. christ man have you played the game ?

god I love this shitty game

Did Oblivion even have any dogs?

did you watch the video


i only played oblivion for a little bit and didn't remember there being any dogs

>it doesnt ''shit on skyrim'' at all. its very marginally better.
In terms of quests it absolutely does. Oblivion falls flat on its face in many aspects many of which skyrim excedes it but the gameplay actually suitable for the game is absolutely barebones in Skyrim unlike other elder scrolls games. Very few mods out there try to adress this problem and even fewer succeed.

what? did we play the same games? Morrowind is literally fetch quest galore

what an awful game

This webm is stupid and the player is obviously either a total moron that doesn't know how to play the game or did this just to troll.
plus me as a person.

I'm like one of the most nerdy oblivion modder FAQs.

diagonal running animations
unstable engine
shadow limitations


Level scaling was fine.

Is there anything more annoying than Morrowind fags? They shit up every single TES thread and make it unbearable for literally everyone else.

gothic 2 fags

Yeah, true, it's filled with fetch quests, but there's something a bit more different to it. I think that the lack of a waypoint makes me use my brain more and try to remember town names (and how to get there) and NPCs I have to talk with which makes the experience different.

>that one guy who goes out of his way to defend unmodded Oblivion

That's the problem with Morrowind for me, you have to have around 80-100 skill ponts to do ANYTHING. Basically every NPC will either be too strong or too weak. There is never any in-between.

nothing wrong with liking a better game

Reminder Morrowind is just as much of an empty sandbox where literally nothing you do matters and has zero actual roleplaying involved, and not to mention a broken buggy mess just like every other TES. The only difference is clunkier UI and dice-roll combat.

You should try the multiplayer mod. It's a blast to play the game with other people.

Well yeah I won't deny that's fun, but you can give literally any single player RPG a multiplayer mod and it would be fun.

A sense of wonder

You can beat this game in like 4 minutes or something


Probably the people who don't like shitty glorified themepark """""RPG"""""

not knights of the nine, that's for sure. worst expansion I've bought, horse armor and a hideout would have been a better investment

True, but I don't know of any other RPG which have multiplayer mods. The harshness territory of Morrowind kinda fits to have adventuring parties. Unfortunately, all of the players know the game by heart and they'll power-level through the game just to show how autistic they can be and ruin the experience instead of playing like human beings.