Who is the most pretentious developer?

who is the most pretentious developer?

> I rove you Geff

Phil Fish or Jon Blow.
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can't.

yes, he made my favorite game JJR2, but Sup Forums won't stop sucking his dick now.

David Cage

pretentious? definitely kojima. he may not be the shittiest, but he's easily most full of shit

Honestly David Cage is onto something with his games. He just has a very hard time actually executing it in a wholesome and complete way.
I think he could make something really good if he was more inspired by the Persona games.

I can't wait for the Sup Forums threads when Death Stranding turns out to be shit.
Kojima reminds me of Inafune desu


Lawbreakers is amazing

at least Kojima games have quality and polished
and so far his games are decent at worst

Wiz, lead dev of stellaris
>adds shitty voice acting for an upcoming dlc
>fans get mad cause it's shit to the point that even his circlejerk forums are calling him out on it
>proceeds to come out with this bullshit

Big Kojimbo of The con-man unit...

>still trying

Cry harder boylover.

How is this even a debate?

Jonathan Blow

This, by far. I'm not even saying everything he's done is complete shit or anything, he just fits the definition of pretentious better than anyone.

Kojima, no contest.

delusional and pretentious aren't the same thing.

Peter Molyneaux


Thinks he knows what people want, forces people to play only when and what he wants.

Molyneux just oversold his games. He wasn't pretentious.

Another vote for him.

Shigeru Miyamoto.

I don't know Kojima's really passionate, like Autistically so. I honestly believe he is trying his hardest to make the game he envisions and he is held back by money or technology or producers.
Imagine if he was given free reign on MGS V
It wouldn't be out for like 10 years.
But damn



1,2,4,PW,5 all had bad story telling.

get off Sup Forums, cliff

Why do you people use the word pretenious when you actually mean something more like pompous?