Jesus this is bad

Jesus this is bad.

literally never heard of it

>i'm gonna subtly viral my shit indie game ha ha its so bad guises xD

>Try the beta that's so terrible it'll make you never give them money again


The only video I saw of it when they showed gameplay made it look like Payday 2 with a WWII skin which sounds fucking terrible, is it?

Yeah, really. It should just not even bother releasing honestly.

how the fuck do you fuck up this badly?!

I've only played two rounds but so far it seems a lot worse than even that.

>dreamworks face

Literally some of the worst AI I've seen in a long time. Enemies will just run inside each other and perform the exact same moves.

>Payday 2: WWII Edition: The DLC Strikes Back

Instead of WW2 they should've set their payday clone in the wild west
Just think about it. All kinds of classic robberies and maybe even large scale heists involving natives

>Payday 2 with a WWII skin
That's literally what it is.

If it was payday 2 with a WWII skin it would be fuckloads better. This shit is practically a reskin of Payday 1 with how bad it is.

Except it's worse than launch payday 2, it's worse than payday 1. And its more money than both were at launch.

People only care about wild west if it's called red read redemption

um.. guys? its a BETA? they'll make LOADS of improvements before the final release!

The optimization is ass.

in a month xd

Could there be any more shit on the screen? I thought we were past this distance marker bullshit.

"Betas" these days are basically just demos.

>John Cleese sold his face to this shit

Funny that after airing some unpopular opinions he was struck down from pedestal and now scrapes to live in retirement.

The Hitler FMVs are pretty gud

Literally the only half decent thing about the game and assuredly the only thing overkill/starbreeze had any part in.

The music is alright too. This is about all that can be said.

What unpopular opinions? Wasn't he pro-Brexit or something?

He said that the growth of "diversity" ended up in reducing "parent culture" of Britain in some interview.

Would rather play PD2 desu.

It's payday 2 with a WW2 skin.

Why can't devs to properly good atmospheric WW2 games anymore?

because they focus too much on portraying Hitler as a bad guy.

It made me respect the man more, but yes it would be unpopular in the UK.

I miss how WW2 was portrayed in Medal of Honor 1 and Underground. Such fucking haunting, eerie, atmospherically heavy games. No other WW2 game has portrayed the war like that before.

not with the same engine as payday 2

>this is the state of Sup Forums


I saw facebook normies going mental for this game, it's fucking atrocious holy shit.

It made me really appreciate killing floor 2

>gun recoil is just an animation, your actual screen only wobbles a bit
Jesus this is trash.

I thought this is that indonesian martial arts

How do you make something WORSE than payday 2

Total snorefest and not even in a good way like The Joy of Painting or something.

why does a small crucifix slow your down as much as the AssaultRifles in payday 2?

why are the indicators so subdued? was it to make space for all the floating markers?

why did they make all the characters spam objective reminders like Bain?

is the AI supposed to be that brain dead and bullet spongy? is it a feature to have the AI team mates to be less useful than patch 1.0 of payday?

>horseback shootouts
>train robbery

But payday 1 is better than payday 2