The gameplay of SotC is shit. The control is clunky, the puzzles are preventive and the world is bland

The gameplay of SotC is shit. The control is clunky, the puzzles are preventive and the world is bland.

It's fine

Still better than that piece of shit called ICO.

Shadow of the Colossus is overrated.

gameplay is fine, controls require finesse on your end, the puzzles are fighting the colossi and they are perfect, the world is atmospheric and intriguing

this game is pretty sexist

What's wrong with being sexy?

SotC is massively overrate, but none of the shit you said is true, save for the world being bland.

The world being bland isn't a criticism, it was a deliberate design choice

the only thing i agree with is the world being bland

It's ok to admit that you're shit at the game.
We're here for you user.
World is pretty empty tho.

>The control is clunky

>the puzzles are preventive
What interesting things are they preventing?

No, Ico was pretty sexist.

It wasn't in the slightest.

Shadow of the Colossus is a mirror.

If you found SotC to be boring, YOU are boring.

I made a pretty similar thread a month ago and Sup Forums was buttblasted. Everybody resorted to "lol just get used to the controls", "b-but the 473432th colossus is fun" even though only 3 or 4 of them are different, "no user you must be an underage xd"

>none of the shit you said is true
The horse is legit shit, he does what he wants. Acording to some interview the director wanted muh realistic horse AI.
Then, the HD version has fucked up physics which make Wanker fall off the Colossi if it makes the slightest move
>But you played the HD version!

Camera is trash, you need to adjust it constantly so it becomes like a second boss you need to kill.

Face it, SoTC is the Ocarina of time of the PS2.

How is it a mirror? Give me 3 good reasons.

Protip: You can't because you're a just a pretentious idiot.

I NEVER had an issue with the horse.
It quite literally only has "free will" when it is running close to a wall, then it just corrects itself so it doesn't slam into the fucking wall.
I... Is this bait?
You CAN'T be this incapable.

Why do people complain about the controls? The only issue is the camera, and that can be instantly fixed by choosing invert camera in options.

It's a better adventure game than any Zelda game.

>the puzzles are preventive

The fuck does this mean? Anyway you're entitled to your opinion. I adored the game when it was released and acknowledge it hasn't aged as well as I expected. If you haven't beaten it I would recommend sticking through it.

I always felt bad for Yorda when she gets pulled by Ico, its looks like it would hurt her to be jerked around that hard.

Don't forget that she constantly gets shouted at like an abused housewife as well