Have you seen anyone play this in public?

Have you seen anyone play this in public?

Me pretty soon user

Airports, busses, trains, subways, and some college buildings. Once you leave home user and not listen to Sup Forums, you'd be surprised on what you see.

only faggots

I saw someone buy one in public today

Everytime I go outside with mine

yeah, ive seen at least a few at my college

Nope, but to be honest here no one even plays 3DS or VITA in public, except for children

One time, the 10 year old that lives across the street from my parents was playing it at church.

My adult brother has one but he told me he'd never even think about taking it places with him. He treats it like a standard console.

just picked up a takecase for mine, so i'll be bringing it with me now.

I play it in public.

saw a dude on the train coming into boston with one
first and only time ive ever seen it outside of friends houses

do children nowadays lack basic shame?

No, and I spend roughly six hours per day out and around town, which I'm guessing is more than 95% of Sup Forums. But I also live in a small city in Wisconsin with an aging population, soooo, yeah. I woukd never expect to. I also don't see people playing 3DS or Vita.

Yeah I saw a guy playing Breath of the Wild at the library

What shame? It's a fun console that I can take on the go.

I'm just kidding, it's for my cousins

>more than 95% of Sup Forums
>six hours
quit sucking your own dick, fag

social anxiety is a hell of sickness

Brought mine to the airport. High school kid quickly rushed over to me, set his band instrument down and whipped out his own Switch, breathing hard. He kept looking over at my screen but never said a word. I didn't acknowledge him because why do that?


I saw some guy at the airport, he looked like a weaboo

I've legitimately never seen an adult playing a handheld in public. I think this is just not a thing in Germany

reeeeeeeee, nintendogaf Sup Forums should hate the switch

>implying it isn't

Also, that's not six hours out of the house. I spend roughly 15 hours per day out of the house. I specifically said six hours out and about town. You know, when you would actually have the opportunity to see this shit. But yeah, I'm sure Sup Forums is full of people who choose to expose themselves to the public that much. Haha, yeah.

Nope, I only see them on store shelves.

Yeah, myself and my gf whenever we wanna play some ARMS or Overcooked when going somewhere.

I do it all the time. There's good free wifi in a park near my house so i go there to play splatoon in the sun and fresh air. It's nice.

did you shame him in front of everyone?

if not, you're part of the problem.

Yes. At college there's a few guys that play mario kart. I've joined in once or twice. 8 Player mario kart is actually really fun.

>he spends 15 hours outside his house
Woow look at this badass

yeah, saw 3 people at the mall with one, two people had it in tabletop mode playing against eachother, and one had it in handheld.

got a group of "friends" (only consider one of the people a friend, other fags are fags but still consider me a friend for some reason) two of the dudes have switches and 4 of em are always playing sonic multiplayer

I someone at AX this year playing one while waiting in a line. Wondering why he was considering the battery life would be shit while playing BoTW. Either way, I think its an appropriate place to play handhelds

I mean that's great dude, it really is. Not sure why you included the snide comment about our community here though. Especially considering the fact that many of the posts before yours state that they've seen someone using the console in public. Just seemed like you were trying to give yourself an ego boost for some really unremarkable shit.

>15 hours outside
>only 6 around town
What the hell do you do.

3 people
One couple of relatively normal looking folk, a not ugly guy and his not ugly gf at the airport who played Mario kart with each other

Then a fat fuck man child wearing a Mario odyssey visor radiating heat and bo in line at a buffet, didn't see what he was playing

I usually take mine to the bar with me in case I feel like playing it but rarely ever do.

>has nothing else
>so just flail around

Thanks for playing. Please reply again.

also, the first two guys were playing splatoon 2, an the other guy was playing Isaac afterbirth +

hipster manbun dude playing it on the toronto subway, that's the only sighting. looked pretty normie.

Sure, you maybe need to go outside first user.

I haven't even seen someone with a 3DS. Saw a few DS's back in the day though

I take it with me to the gym sometimes.

i was actually doing job training and had to leave my state fro a month. 3 people who i was doing the training with brought their switch and was playing mario kart every night. I didnt bring mine because i thought i would be a loser if i did...plus the training was so intense that i didnt even have time for myself anyway.

Only myself. But to be fair I don't go out much. And that's probably true for most of the board. Not the place to ask about social observations.

i think i've only seen a 3ds once. a little kid was playing it while he followed his mom around the grocery store.

>he doesn't bring his Switch to the bar for 4 player Overcooked with normies

saw a guy playing sonic mania at the campus cafe a few days ago.

Was only commenting on what's most likely true, because you need to actually spend time outside the house to see shit outside the house. It's relevant. 8 hours is work, there's some commuting in there obviously, the rest is a mix of shit I care to do in my free time and side business. It is in fact all extremely unremarkable shit.

I'm dreaded phone posting right now in fact.

A couple times a week on CalTrain going between San Francisco and San Jose. I live in Palo Alto so there is a pretty large young adult population around most of the year (Stanford), so I expect to see more once school starts later this month.

>spend time outside
Yeah, exactly. Which is why I thought it was weird that you even made the most obvious point when there were multiple user before you who said they've seen the damn thing outside at various places. I'm glad you leave the home though. Go for a run while you're out.

Oh, and I play/use mine when I take air travel (longer down-time). CalTrain I'm usually reading or with people.

No one bought the Switch.

O-oh, thanks user!

So can anyone describe the experience of playing a Switch outside?
How is the tabletop mode, does it feel more like playing a game on a console that way?
What about multiplayer games?

I've got a 3DS but ended up never taking it outside because it just feels awkward to hold. I could imagine taking a Switch with me in tabletop mode for longer train rides/flights though.
Also BotW looks amazing and I wanna play that shit

I've seen people play on the train to college, I've seen people play on long distance trains, seen people play it at college, saw someone play it outside a bus stop and saw someone playing with their gf at a library.

>being ashamed of playing a videogame in public
How fucking insecure are you? Fuck off back to

I have, on the subway. Even got to play (and beat) a rando in Mario Kart.

Playing the Switch outside is fine as long as you're in shade or covering your Switch from light, or if you play in late afternoon or night time. Table top mode is like playing on a console, so long as you're using a grip or pro controller.

its fine! you just take it outside and get a nice breeze in your face.

listen user, if you think theres some sort of stigma there isnt, its just poorfags who are buttmad they dont have one.

Its pretty underwhelming. When in transit you don't really focus on the game like at home and I don't have the volume high so other people can't hear it so it's kind of a botched experience. At the bar it feels like the same thing since you go there to be with other people making the switch be kind of boring if they don't want to play.

Where the switch shines is playing in random rooms around the house and vacations/overnight stays elsewhere since you play just as normal as at home without the hassle of hauling around more than a USB C cable and the unit itself. Being a guy who has light travelling frequently and still spends a bunch of time at his friends' houses this makes the portability meme a godsend

so you don't recommend using the JoyCons?
One thing I liked about the Wii controllers was being abled to just rest my arms on the couch/ armrests however I'd like, it seems to me that the JoyCons would be great for that too

Well, having fun and pleasure on the whole, are not a thing in Germany too, so, I'm not surprised.

I have. People just ask about it most of the time, like if it was worth the money or where I got it or something.

You could use the joy cons separately, though it does make it awkward to use for games that use motion control like aiming in Splatoon 2, or aiming arrows in BOTW.

>tfw used to be the guy that played 3DS in public

I was also fat, had long hair and wore a trenchcoat. If this applies to anybody in this thread: Please stop it. Just stop. Cut your hair, lose weight and burn the trencoat. Also, don't play 3DS in public.

I use this in public, fight me


alright, i guess this is the best place to ask since i dont want to create a whole new thread.

lets talk about the future anons, what will the switch be like as an emulator? do you think that the UI will allow web browsing and streaming? what future game will become synonymous with the switch(i.e. itll be so popular that people will buy a switch just for that game)?

If you're a girl it's okay. If you're a normal looking guy it's a bit weird but also okay.

If you're fat, disgusting and/or ugly don't do it.

What if he's a cute guy? Moegap~

hope for the future? i don't know how powerfull the switch is but i'd like a ps2 emulator on it.

Yeah. I was playing mine with my GF in a Starbucks in Castle Rock, CO and then some dude came in with a girl and another Switch and started playing as well.

yeah many people have told me that it's a cute accessory and I think the white color scheme is also helping it because people associate that with apple products, so it seems more "normal".
Saw another (fat) girl using a simple black 3DS once and you could notice people staring at her in disgust lol


I saw a kid walking around with one with this horribly cracked screen just kind of flailing it around as he moved through this store.
Half of me wanted to rip the fucker out of his hands and take it home.

im cringing for you.

no offense, but u gotta lot of growing up to do, my man.

if you're going to play splatoon out of the house, i say just go full handheld mode. i've seen some people say they like using the separate joycons, but i couldn't get used to it. handheld feels like the closest thing to using the wiiu gamepad, only difference is you're looking at the screen to aim. that's one reason why i haven't bought a pro controller yet.

I just don't see the appeal of taking it outside for any amount of time.

>It could get stolen
>Battery life isn't very long
>Could easily be dropped
>Can't see shit in the sun even if the screen is max brightness
>Chance of it heating up too hot in the sun, finding shade isn't always possible
>There's no real reason to play it for only 5-20 mins if you're just goiing to be moving soon again anyway
>Chance of it being broken or scratched or any other number of things is very high

Just what is the appeal at all? Who is this for? A gameboy, a PSP, DS, etc, I can see those as being taken outside. But the switch? Why?

I've brought mine into public like five times since I got it but I've never seen someone with one.
Reminds me of the first year of the 3DS.

so you have to use motion controls if you are using the JoyCons with BotW? Do you aim them at the screen or do you have to do some wagglan-type bullshit like with SS?

What do you normies even do that requires you to fly planes and go on long bus rides so often that you need a portable digital pacifier to get your daily dose of bing bing?

fucking college you robot.

>long bus rides
some people don't still live in their parents house and have a job to go to?

work and or travel, sometimes a combination of both.

Seen lots of people with them in Amsterdam

conventions, yes. Actual public areas not dedicated to game events, no.

i've seen it a couple times in my uni's library.

At College, yeah. It's great because it frees up the TVs for PS4s.

When I'm in a crowded area, I like to whip it out and play with it, showing everyone and seeing their reaction.

I've seen it pulled out while on trips to Disneyland inside restaurant seating areas for people waiting for food.

I've also used it during breaks to play competitive games such as Mario Kart and Street Fighter II with a supervisor of mine.

my ex co worker used to, he was a latino alt-chad. If he was gay he'd be called a 'bear', that was his kind of body type. But he was ALWAYS texting chicks on dating apps, had a kid, and was pretty alpha. he didnt give a shit if anyone watched him watch netflix or play zelda on the switch on the train after work

I admired him

Yes, usually at Uni.

>watch netflix
>on the switch

Something doesn't add up.

oh i mean he did netflix on his phone, and played switch, interchangeably

thatd be boss if switch supported netflix though

shame is for women, guilt is what drives a real man

I dropped mine onto solid concrete and it only got a little scratched on the left joycon.

I have never seen anyone older than 12 playing a handheld in public.

Pretty sure it's just an amerifat manchildren thing.

Only someone with the maturity level of a child would worry about something as trivial as playing a game out in public. As long as you aren't hurting or bothering anyone, the majority of people you come across won't care what you're doing. Anyone who does is just desperately trying to find something to make themselves feel superior to others.

Damn, the Switch is made with Nintendium?

This sounds like something a child would say.