>Children can't be killed
Children can't be killed
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Why would you want to kill children?
>muh immersion
>muh kojimbo promised!
you're asking the wrong question. Just like the developers of open-ended RPG games with invincible children.
>coworkers talking about skyrim
>"yeah I've killed pretty much every NPC in the game except children"
>good shit man good shit
>I speak up
>"you know there are mods that let you kill the children too"
>"uh user why would you want to do that"
rip shin chan ;_;7
>open ended rpg where anyone can be killed
>make extra obnoxious npc
>make them invincible
>what are mods?
Pickpockets in The Den
Fucking little shits
And it's almost impossible to steal back from them
Isn't it still on air? I know Usui has been dead for nearly 7 years at this point
>Why would you want to massacre hundreds of innocent adults? That's pretty fucked up man.
Easy as fuck to turn it back around.
The english translation was so bad. It shit up a really nice kids show.
every time
>Children can't be sexed
then you come off as a whiny bitch instead of just a creepy psychopath which isn't preferable. you could also end up in a shitty debate neither of you want about muh value of kids > adults or whatever
>associating with people who actively talk and brag about video games
>associating with other humans merely for interaction
Kys yourself.
>adding input to the conversation completely contrary to the point and irrelevant every way just to sound like more of a loser than anyone else
the dedication is admirable
Eh, probably for the best.
That'd be depressing.
>actively counter arguing a point that is irrelevant to a conversation that you've already designated being entirely separate from a post that you are now replying to in order to sound like more of a pedant than the poster whose non-related point you are actively dismissing as being invalid
you should reread the conversation because your post isn't relevant at all and is actively avoiding the conversation in fact
I miss this anime
Who died and made it "yours"?
you should reread the post you just replied to because it clearly states the reply it's replying to is non-relevant to the conversation, and was highlighting the fact the person stating its irrelevance still felt the need to reply to it
i was only informing you that you do not fit in and should therefore stay out of the conversation
>children can be killed
There's theatrical Shin Chan movies being released every year though, user.
>game lets you kill children by smoking cigarettes near them
>Murder simulators don't promote violence, they're just 1s and 0s
>Don't kill those "kid" 1s and 0s!
Which is it?
Just like music isn't music it's sound playing through your speakers. If you don't listen to live music, where you're actually there are you're playing it you aren't listening to real music
thanks for that, i'm socially retarded and sometimes i just don't know where to apply my overwhelming frustration with the direction of daily society
>complains about normalfags
How the fuck does Little Lamplight even work?
>there's no children at all
Come on Rockstar, you almost put kids in GTAV you can do it.
Just drop armed explosives with a long timer
Fuckers pick it up to sell and blow themselves up. You get child killer but no actual. Kill count.
I have no interest in killing someone as adorable as shin chan!
Also you can kill anyone in fo1 2 and tactics.
>No subs for the one in Mexico
It's okay to be retarded you fucking retard
but you get childkiller and everyone hates you and won't give you quests
>install mod
>kill children
>they have death screams anyway
Man, it's been years since I've seen this mentioned. Good shit.
I always wanted to fuck his Mom
That's all I had to say
I always wanted to fuck him
>english translation
Which english translation? There's like 4 versions of it.
Do you or have you taught medieval history at a University?
Same here
His teacher was fine too
>Killing every NPC in Skyrim
All six of them that are killable?
the way these people are drawn is fucking weird.
Loli guro/ryona is top tier fetish
I've never understood why killing children is considered worse than adults.
If anything, children don't have near as much to live for as an adult. The world is shite, it's doing them a favor. Also, there's a good chance that they won't even be able to comprehend what is happening.
Game lets you kill and eat dwarven children but you'd be doomed by Gods.
>Loli guro
Off yourself.
Retarded, edgy faggot
>muh immersion
See a therapist, there are obviously some unresolved issues you're harboring
Children are unable to care for or protect themselves. Have you no empathy
you're not fooling anyone normalfaggot
That goes more towards another reason to get rid of them. Will probably grow up to be some cuck anyway.
I want to hear the story user
They have a lot of life ahead of them
In Skyrim, there is this little girl who gets beat up by her twin sister and her dad. Their is a voice clip in where she will thank you and reward you for killing her sister.
>talk about edgy retardation
>post edgy and retarded le nazi le degeneracy meme
theyre both just vibrations
***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow
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What is wrong with you, lolis deservethe comfiest cuddling not violence
Youre annoying as fuck
Same desu.
>game lets you manipulate children into killing
>children can't be fucked
>Everyone else can die
>The child just "leaves" when out of hp
Which game?
Commie block simulator
>not wanting to fuck the dad