You MUST post ITT if you played this game

You MUST post ITT if you played this game.

Why are there no other MMOs with turn based combat?

but what do i post if i didn't?

Played the free trial of it when I was a kid. Parents wouldn't pay the monthly sub, so I played Runescape instead.

Feels bad man.

I did. If your missing gag track was anything but Trap or Drop, you're a fucking shitter. Missing Toon-up or Sound are absolutely unforgivable.

Wizard 101

This was so much fun

what were the bad guys called again

cogheads or some dumb shit

Jealousy and inferior games you played instead.

yeah they were like machines and shit

I was far too busy with AdventureQuest.

Fucking loved this game.
Considering starting playing again on TTR

u what now

I remember. I was while I was living in Georgia with my aunt and uncle.
I had to use the desktop in their room.

Also back then the url, or maybe, was owned by a porn site and i went there without knowing.


ToonTown Rewritten is actually getting updated to 2.0.0 and officially leaving, hopefully today if they don't delay it.
Includes 2 new species, bringing back parties, Grand Prix for racing, and some other stuff they're announcing today.

A toontown private server.

what the fuck

>he wasn't here

Just Cogs.

this one was better desu, shame how theres no private server like ttr for it

holy shit, i loved this game so much, i still play it on TTR

I still play this game. Unfortunately I got banned recently and I had to redo all my progress. Thankfully my friends are high level so I got back on track pretty quickly. This is what I got banned for

The game is fun but insanely repetitive, i can usually only play it in 3 month intervals.

>vibrant valley toons


Sorry had to reupload it had my username there and im not taking any chances

>shitposting in ToonTown
Now I've seen it all

U deserve to be banned

Dont worry Shwily, your secret is safe with me :^)

Who else here /120+laff/

its ok shwily we believe you can be reformed

People don't play them.

Thanks guys, dont tell anyone my username is Shwily

I miss it so much

Here, game gets incredibly boring when you get 100+ laff.

What's the best boss battle?

That looks absolutely horrible. The gator looks decent but the deer is literally just the monkey model with the dog muzzle and antlers. Christ.

Why does Rewritten insist on adding all this stupid nonsense nobody wants, the game has been missing key features for three(?) years now, fucking finish the game already.

Fug you got me

I still have my badges that came with the newsletter

Did the golf in the CEO battle ever work? Everyone always told me it was broken but i had no proof.

Not in Disney Toontown, but in TTR it works. There is still a stigma against it though.

It actually did work, according to one of the TTR developers, but the problem was that to make it actually do something you had to spend hours golfing. Currently works in TTR though with a small bug if multiple people golf, though.

It worked when it first came out (March 2008), I remember I was always the golfer. After a few months it was intentionally disabled, it never "broke" as people thought. Testers complained it made the CEO piss easy, which is kinda true. Not sure why they never removed it, I guess it was part of the room model or something and would take too much effort.

>tfw never caught devil ray or allstar fish in TTO
I think I was at 128 laff when the game closed. Had my account since 2003 iirc

naval combat was actually pretty fun

>tfw never fought any bosses in Toontown
maybe I should get to it

Step aside losers

>played Toontown
>not posting in this thread anyway

>remembering when the original TT servers were about to close down and they gave everybody the ability to play for free
>remembering joining those Sup Forums threads and meeting people in game, just having fun in mumble when Sup Forums wasn't reddit
>i'm only in contact with like two of the twenty people i used to play with
>this was almost 4 years ago
where does the time go

Yeah it was fun back then, now it's filled with memers. Still play it when I'm bored as hell.

>he didn't play the superior furfag game

it honestly had a lot of depth for a kids game

What should I say?

Who /dropless/ and /orgtrap/ here?

I remember making new accounts to play the trial and then realizing that all the trials are pretty much the same

>not going organic lure or throw
it's like you WANT to miss every other turn

>not being toon-upLess
fucking scrubs

I played it
anyone else used to post on toontowncentral fourms

Whats with the Kirby portraits?

texture packs