Banjo-Dreamie now has 7 worlds.
Why haven't you played the true successor to Banjo-Tooie yet?
Banjo-Dreamie now has 7 worlds.
Why haven't you played the true successor to Banjo-Tooie yet?
Mindless collecting stopped being fun as I got older
>Nightfall Fortress
They really couldn't do better than that?
It's one person not including the Banjo's Backpack devs, and that name is no worse than "Capital Cashino" or "Galleon Galaxy"
Looks to be utterly lacking in any of the style of kazooie or tooie
>no new moves
>no new transformations
>No new characters
>no new mechanics
>doesnt look a thing like N64 rares visual style
>either reused tracksbor non kirkhope music
>its a fan game so its not like it is even gonna have the level design kino of the originals
At that point you might as well not even bother.
Because I'm playing DK64
>its a fan game so its not like it is even gonna have the level design kino of the originals
it's no better or worse than Yooka-Laylee
Why play that when you can play Star Road
cuz I've already beaten Star Road and Last Impact several times. Also I want to play new BK content instead of new SM64 content
Why the fuck did he let you fly that bee everywhere? That's OP as hell. I hate to trash some guy's project but the level designs look pretty bad.
looks and sounds depressing
More like Banjo-Shittie am I right
Something about this image makes me really nostalgic
Ah, so you're unemployed. How's that working out for you?
>you will never be autistic enough to speedrun banjo-kazooie over and over
Feels good man.
Made me chuckle at 3:41AM
I think it's cool, but it's missing one of my favorite, and underrated aspects of banjo-kazooie, and thats the overworld.
Banjo dreamie's overworld is just kind of barren compared to how much stuff there was to do in grunty's lair. part of that though is because of the lack of world puzzles.
I'm thinking it might have been unintentional as there are a few areas that only have textures on one side.
This looks pretty shite desu
Why can't people just admit that Banjo wasn't a good series of games? There are so many better games from that era of gaming they could stan for but they choose this one.
>Stop liking what I don't like
Night and Day Dale is going to be replaced with Stellar Station, essentially splitting the duality world into 2 full different worlds.
t.Dear Slim, I wrote you, but you still ain't callin'
I already have.
Banjo only got 3 games. 17 years without a new game, guess we'll have to make our own
That is actually a great, underrated game. Captures the atmosphere of the N64 games much better than YL
So I guess a part 8 then?
Also has anyone found out what the point of the little Rusty Bucket area is? Seems a little out of place.
There's a note on top of the crane
I love seeing level editor stuff like this.
>no new moves,transformations, characters, mechanics
It's fucking level assets thrown into a modified banjo kazooie rom, jesus christ dude
looks barren and empty and like a mishmash of parts that shouldn't be together. painfully obvious its a romhack, compared to something like star road where you forget that it's fan made at times.
Fuck off retard
>something like star road where you forget that it's fan made at times.
You mean Last Impact, right? SR uses all the same assets as SM64 where LI has new items and bosses