Do you prefer using voice chat or text chat to communicate in online games?
Do you prefer using voice chat or text chat to communicate in online games?
Other urls found in this thread:
I know where this is going
Other thread just got deleted
Where's my tall bf!
Anime girls.
wats happen
why don't they use /soc/?
If I don't use voice how can I spam music this?
I used to only use text chat when playing TF2, but that was because I didn't own a proper mic, I had a silly french accent, I didn't want to disturb the people I live with, and also because I used to be 14 and I didn't want people to know I was a kid.
Nowadays I'd probably use a mic but I just don't play online games anymore...
Depends whether or not i'm tryharding
Text, i hate my voice and it feels like everyone is watching me as soon as i turn on the mic.
Yeah i'm paranoid
inb4 animegirlsniffinghair.jpg
If I'm going to communicate, text only. Most games ill turn all communication anyway
Voice with friends. If not with friends then nothing.
Where's mine?
Hello friend
depends on the game...
games with littel teamplay or toxic community like killing floor 2 or rainbow six siege i use text
but games like squad or arma i use voice
If I'm playing ranked or competitive I use voice chat. When I'm just playing around casusally I just type or use comm wheels. If I'm trolling for reactions and just being an asshole I use voice too, but I don't do that much anymore.
Where's the link user?
Maybe you and me should...
>Says sage
>instead of saging he actually bumps the thread
What did he mean by this?
ayase > * >>>> shit >>>>>> kirino
6'2 reporting
Please be mine.
No way, fag. Not unless you've got a vag00
You know...
I think the commonly used term is "boipussy".
Depends how drunk I am
oh. im a boy
In most games I always turn off the in-game voice and the other players just become NPCs with retarded, unpredictable AI.
Sometimes I'll squad up with some friends and voice comms over discord, but depends on the game.
MMOs I never use voice because it's not needed unless you're in an Eve Online fleet or something.
Is that a yes or a no?