What are some books that would make great video games?
What are some books that would make great video games?
They tried to make a game on the mistborn franchise, but it was soon canceled.
I can't wait for Oathbringer in november
Please stop trying to ruin books with video games. Video games are like porn in that there's expected to be a story but it's really not important.
then, like half-life, they'll never release number 3
same senpai
If they made a Kingkiller game you would start at level 99 and already be the best at everything.
Do you think Sanderson have the balls to kill any major characters?
Since Janash came back and im about 99% sure that Sadeas is gonna be revived.
I don't think that he does. However, it doesn't bother me too much. I don't read his books for grit.
or you would just be an innkeeper with a high persuasion stat :^)
A proper one.
Maybe it can be an Enemy Territory game.
I mean, both of the main characters died at the end of Mistborn. Why would you think he doesn't have the balls?
Renarin have just been reveled as a Surgebinder with regrowth ability, cmon bro, it's pretty obvious.
A Princess of Mars
The Shadow
Vampire Hunter D
nigga just play EDF
Are you saying you don't want EDF and Starship Troopers, user?
Are you really claiming you don't want even more bug smashing?
I mean he killed characters from bridge 4 I got close to. In general, I don't think he does.
Night Angel Trilogy, It would play somewhat like Dishonored with less modern technology and less focus on Magic.
>tfw a Redwall game is finally in development
Nineteen Eighty For
Imagine a game with physics like this
Do you think Lopen is a surgebinder? or a squire of Kaladin?
Not necessarily John Dies at the End specifically, but I love the premise.
The idea of dealing with cosmic horrors in the long-term of every day life, as opposed to one singular horrific event.
Like how the Malkalvian character in Vampire the Masquerade sees and hears things that no one else sees.
>that entire le ebin so randum girl xD chapter that goes on forever
Felt physically painful to read to be honest
It was actually pretty good.
So, what, the object of the game is to attain enlightenment and CHIM yourself?
Do you mean Lift?
Definitely a squire, presumably along with the rest of bridge 4
Yeah, that one
inb4 Wit is a surgebinder
To find a new migration route for your town or build a series of floating platforms rotated to near infinity to remain in the habitable zone
A fucking redwall game would be the tits.
Holy shit I'm glad I can read more than 1 level deep into novels. Anyone who dislikes Kingkiller Chronicles is always a pseudo intellectual brainlet who misses about 75% of the information in the book.
>"OMG Kvothe is the best at everything!"
>constantly gets his ass kicked by students in the same grade as him
>gets absolutely BTFO by Devi, a highschool dropout
>"omg even all the girls love him!11"
>a grand total of 2 girls show any interest in him while at school, one dates his friend
People who think he is a Mary Sue must have been total fucking losers in highschool if they think being good (not even the best) in a few classes and having 2 people attracted to you is totally unbelievable for someone who becomes the most famous hero in the land.
Fevre Dream.
Old-school ritzy atmospheric steamboat parties during the day.
Wacky vampire hunts at night.
But he is the world jumper.
I hate to break it to you user, but you need to read a 250 page novella with Lift as a main character before Oathbringer.
>presumably along with the rest of bridge 4
Even Moash?
Wit is everything and nothing.
>I hate to break it to you user, but you need to read a 250 page novella with Lift as a main character before Oathbringer.
meant for
I thought that it was implying that Wit was one of the original 10 Oathbinders or whatever the dudes from the prologue were called?
Should I start this series or wait for more of the 10 novels to come out? I Loved Mistborn though I only read the original trilogy some years ago.I still have lots of Discworld to read through on top of everything else, so I'm not struggling for good fiction by any means.
Wit is a character called Hoid. He is in every single of Sandersons books in the Cosmere. Hoid/Wit is a world jumper, who is going to be the MC of the next to final books in the Universe.
In truth, I don't remember a whole lot about Wit. I'm just pulling things out of my ass.
>I hate to break it to you user, but you need to read a 250 page novella with Lift as a main character before Oathbringer.
Oh yeah? Make me, nerd.
I've always said this book would make a fantastic game.
Its only if you don't wanna be lost for Oathbringer.
What kind of game would you make it?
That explains why I was so off, I've only read the Stormlight Archives so far.
I was thinking of the chapter when he goes to some random town specifically so he can see that one guy from the prologue who got abandoned show up. I was pretty sure it was written like he knew the guy.
>Its only if you don't wanna be lost for Oathbringer.
Don't worry, I won't because I'm not a brainlet ;)
>Vampire Hunter D
Has a ps1 game also there's a little series called Castlevania
>I'm not a brainlet ;)
I believe you. But a smart guy would still be clueless with missing 250 pages with a side character.
I'll just skip every chapter she shows up in and enjoy a superior reading experience.
Thief series gets pretty close
You even infiltrate a prision to get someone out by using the underwater entrance
Similar setting too
Could be an rts or an action game imo. The part that made me think it would be good was the fights for the crystal things (it's been a while).
s one of Brandon's favorite characters in the Stormlight Archive and will have a larger role in the series in future books. This novella accomplishes two things: 1) shows the progression of Lift through her oaths, and 2) shows how Nale changes his mind about killing off the Radiants.
Good luck
Great, that means I'll be able to get through the next books extra quick since I'll be skipping so much of them.
He better be, characters who surpass humanity and become absurdly overpowered and knowledgeable about how the universe works are my fetish
Why do you not like Lift?
I don't like her that much either, but i still like her Spren.
Her chapter read like one of those so wacky lmao 2010s cartoons, except it's in an epic fantasy novel. Sanderson is pretty much as far from dark and gritty as you can get within the genre, but the rest of the SA stuff still manages to feel grounded and, most importantly, not have characters talking like a 12 year old from 2017 Southern California.
Why is this book being shilled? I saw a the exact image/filename in Sup Forums asking "What are some books that would make a great tv series?"
I would legit love a Mistborn game. Something like Spiderman 2 or asscreed with a lot of verticality in the map.
It would kind of be like one of those old Star Wars games where, once you get good with the powers and shit, you're basically a god of death to normies. Then throw some dudes with the same powers at you.
Eh, I can see both sides of the coin. Personally, I think a lot of the people crying Mary Sue will quit once the third book shows how everything falls apart.
It's the most popular Fantasy after GoT. And someone has bought the rights to make movies /games/series out of it.
>Less focus on magic
Hey, but if they could make it an in-depth open world, they could have the vir/Vürdmeister exploration. There's other magics you aren't taking into consideration.
Combat would be insane
RTS based on The First Law series.
>yfw ywn airjoust atop a metallic dragon vs chromatic dragons, slaying them with your trusty Dragonlance
Next Soulsborne right here
Even though it's a shitty book, Eragon could be a good premise for a shadow of mordor type game
I want to see a SoIaF x Fire Emblem game. Specifically one set during the Dance of the Dragons war or one that chronicles the Blackfyre rebellions.
Most of Sanderson's shit would. Lots of varied locales, magic systems that would make for great gameplay mechanics, and loot with cool powers and shit
The first book was great, the other two were meh, and that finale... what the actual fuck
Complete and total schlock but it doesn't stop me from reading it.
I'd rather run around the Chromeria having adventures than be a wetboy.
>ywn play a game where you start out as a useless fatass that becomes the fit chosen one slaying the puss of the sexiest chick in your school as you level up
>every level involves carrying bridges
The guy can write action, though.
There aren't enough games involving time travel.
well I'm glad Ian Brandon Anderson was able to make something of himself
It's official vaporware. ;_;
>he doesn't know about Hoid
giggling worldhoppers.wav