Digitial distribution will harm game preservation and archival. Discuss

Digitial distribution will harm game preservation and archival. Discuss.
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Other urls found in this thread:

google.iq/search?q=scott pilgrim rpcs3&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5hd3Mp4XWAhXE8RQKHR10DeUQvwUIIygA

>tfw you bought it in time

>with both dlcs

>tfw I bought it for the 360 and with all dlcs
>tfw I can't fucking find it

>Bought it in time
>After Burner Climax too

Feels good to be in the club.

considering this game is playable via emulation, I think we're doing just fine

There are some games that haven genuinely been lost to time. That's not one of them OP

Why do you faggots revere this shitty, Bazinga-ass RCR clone?
And which one of you will pay the most for my 360 with a copy on it?

>a shitty tumblr game won't be playable 15 years from now
oh no

>a good beat em up is still playable today thanks to emulators
fixed that for you
rcps3 is good just because of this

Scott Pilgrim
After Burner Climax
Outrun Online Arcade

All still on my 360 and I plan to keep it that way

>tfw in the top 1% on after burner leaderboards knowing no new players can knock me down from my high place

Enjoying life, lads

Thread theme.
The whole soundtrack is stellar, fuck having one theme

>It will never release on Steam with online multiplayer

Feels bad.

Ya nah m8. Its a fun beat em up with music composed by Anamanaguci and spritework by Paul Robertson. Its pretty cool

>tfw you bought Scott Pilgrim ages after it was taken off the store

Thank you, Best Buy. Even if I had to get someone with a USA card to pay for it and then I had to pay them the cost plus tip. Fucking worth it.

Hey I just beat that yesterday. Gameplay is kind of unpolished but the visuals, music and adaption easily carry it.

How is digital distribution going to harm anything? The game you just posted is playable on an emulator RIGHT NOW.

you must be new

I know the the creator of the series says his trying his best to get it released again. But I really hope when he does there's a physical version.

>playable never ever


share your acount man. i want to play it

>i want to play it
download RPCS3

>tfw got it for PS3
>the PS3's disc drive is broken but you want to keep the PS3 you have because of this game

Do you realise what you've just written?
The fact that an Emulator exists is just digging us out of a hole that the problems with digital distribution got us in in the first place.

A few years ago there was no emulator and no way to play the game.

Plus all the other games out there on other systems you can't emulate easily and aren't available anymore. Satellaview games, Metal Gear Mobile, Before Crisis, lots of SEGA's online releases - one specific solution doesn't solve the entire problem

cant you swap its hard drive with a another ps3 or something?

>Its a fun beat em up with music composed by Anamanaguci

Go to bed, Jeremiah.

Aren't the hard drives in PS3s removable?

It is? Got a link?

tfw I have this game and ultimate mortal kombat 3 for 360 with online (that's been dead for years because they took the game off the market)

This is the largest case of I want it just because I can't have it
It really wasn't that great

i liked it

tumblr doesnt make art that good


is this the original nu-male?

google.iq/search?q=scott pilgrim rpcs3&spell=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi5hd3Mp4XWAhXE8RQKHR10DeUQvwUIIygA

>my ps3 has cfw installed
>i can just download from whatever and play it
Piracy always wins in the end

You have to wipe the HDD to install it on another PS3.

That's gay as hell

Not with preservation and piracy the way it is now

>shitting on a game you've never played

I never played senpai, why did it get pulled?

>Bought it for 360
>Harddrive died

Missed one of them

Digital distribution in and of itself is not the problem, for instance GoG or DRM-free Humble Bundle games are digitally distributed as installers, you can save those and use them forever, just as you would physical media. The problem is with the way it is implemented in most cases and how it's tied with DRM. DRM is obviously dangerous to archival, if online DRM servers go down, games may become unplayable without resorting to piracy. Secondly, most PC digital distribution platforms do not provide a friendly, complete installer for the user to save, even if the game is DRM free (like DRM-free PC games), so archival is still difficult for the average user.

It's much worse on consoles too, since the the entire console is locked down and the corporation has everybody's balls in a vice grip, saving an installer doesn't even come into question, not to mention that console hardware becomes obsolete, will no longer be produced and eventually breaks down, thus essentially leaving archival of old console games in the hands of community-driven unofficial emulators and game rips.

Music licensing (same as Prey and Alan Wake), but Bryan Lee O'Malley said that they're working on bringing it back.

what is with the rashid search?
are about to go kablooey on us user?

same here
rip best boy

But he was just a reskin.

If you bought it, you can redownload it.

It's been delisted from sale, not removed entirely

Unless the game is on PC, you have a point.

>Music licensing
I always wonder if they are going to do this one day with hotline miami

>yfw you bought both twice on two different systems with both dlc

you can still redownload it

t. someone who just did that