ITT: Your localization wishlist

Let's see em

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Uhh user...


never ever

also, DDON


only 10 more years boys

That got a PSP version in English right? Why bother with the SS?

All the sakura wars games on steam.

Nah, George wanted to get the PSP port an international release, but Atlus said it apparently wasn't economically viable enough to warrant doing.

For games like that, why can't people make just like, text files that cover the main text of the game? People could print it out or use a tablet beside them as they play.

is there an archive or list of ROMS/ISOS that have been translated?

there was plenty of SNES and PSX games I wanted to play 10 years ago
would love to see which ones have been finished since then

Princess Crown isn't very good tbqh



Yeah, did this for Sakura Taisen. Not much fun, I'll tell you that.

It's been so many years

This realistically actually gonna be brought over or does NISA think it's too much hassle to bother with?



I honestly have no idea, though I heard the NIS president wanted to bring it over.


Never ever

Was literally just gonna post this.

Can't people that work with this stuff,translators,programmers,etc and make a kickstarter look-a-like where they pitch translator projects for the owners of these IPs or something?I'm sure there are people willing to put out some money for getting these games translateds

who here /albie/ for this

And not even for loli reasons this time