Enemies you feel bad for killing

Enemies you feel bad for killing.

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They were just chilling until we bothered them

i love cutting this faggot up. looks like a summer squash.

not really an enemy but man that one point was not worth it at all

They were eating babies.

I expected that to be pickle rick

Maybe they should stop being so tender and sweet.

Its sad because its a woman.
If you refrain from killing a woman, it will totally suck your dick.

Only a monster would go out there way to hurt innocent waddle dees

I had a hard time with my big boss playthrough, sometimes you just tranq them in the air and they fall to their death

Making armor with their hide just feels wrong
They may be primitive but they're still somewhat intelligent

youre not supposed to kill them, youre supposed to grab em by the pussy.

They can cast magic which is something only sentient creatures can do.

Security in The Surge.

The marines in AVP

A goat can do that too

>they were just chlling
They weren't, they're ambush predators and were waiting for an opportunity
think of crocs

Don't call her that!

That boss was out of left field. I mean yeah he owns the garden or something? So they murder him and take the school. Is that what happens?

>Saurians are moderately intelligent and possess a sort of social structure, tending to operate in groups called basks. Most basks of saurians will have one of their own stand guard, usually while camouflaged, so exercise great caution around areas likely to be home to saurians.
They're basically cavemen on the road to becoming full fledged lizard people.

>tfw didin't max her affinity before the duel quest

>Making armor with their hide just feels wrong
It's the ultimate sign of respect for a powerful vanquished foe, like wearing bear pelts.

i'm sure that bear is feeling respected.
guess i'm gonna skin some woman on the street to show respect.

Just give her a fuckton of items or the arisen bond before you leave the duel area and she fucks off for good.

But user it's sexy armor

>guess i'm gonna skin some woman on the street to show respect.
If some random woman on the street is a powerul foe for you to battle honorably to the death I don't know what to say user.

women are the most powerful foe known to men, except for other men


No amount of waifufaggotry will justify killing the best fantasy race

no compunctions about any other ayy, but these guys seem like they're just caught up and in over their heads

still dont get why this is even in the game


>fight with a man
>end up victorious, victorious but wounded, defeated and wounded, defeated by knockout, or dead

>"fight" with a woman
>end up with ruined life

Women aren't powerful, but they sure are venomous.

>Always thought Saurians were just stupid beasts that let me wail on them without attacking back
>It's actually because they're peaceful creatures that want you out of their territory but don't want to hurt you



What game is that?

Slav Simulator?

I killed so many of them
God what have i done

battletoads: anura internalis

I remember once when I was leaving Gran Soren by the river, I got an xp notice and a drop, and I was annoyed thinking that my pawns had wandered off to kill Saurians by themselves. Then I rotated the camera and saw that they were actually being slaughtered by the Griffin.

FF8 overall was rushed, and the plot is a super mess. So that guy is the financier/owner of Garden, and yeah they sorta just murder him one day out of nowhere. I don't think that's legal. Though Garden seems to be its own city-state.

Do you feel like a hero yet?

They're fucking retard-charging assholes, why would you feel about it? Because their stupid sponge mane gets chunked?

also he's an alien or something, because lolFF8


On the contrary, ser, they were bothering me until I chilled them.

Well the game tried to make me feel bad about it, but it was so heavy-handed that I just rolled my eyes.

Since i've started the quest where you tell the family to get the fuck out of their own house so the guy can sell it then no
I feel like shit

The samsquanch from Red Dead Ridimptin


any animal enemy that's just behaving like an animal. especially mammals.

Hope you never play monster hunter

They'll let you do it if you're Big Boss.

Don't worry, their cousins will avenge them

Saint Astrea in Demon Souls

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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All the enemies in Half Life except the final boss and the big brown and black aliens (the ones manufactured in Xen).
The rest are Alien slaves and soldiers doing their job.


He wasn't an alien. He was from a village in the far north. He was just a lot fatter than the rest of his species. The rest of his kind also despised him.

what if i already did that


Akechi had multiple chances to not fuck up and join the team. I didn't feel bad, he was played and continued to be played until the end.

headcrabs are murderous parasites which torment infested people for years before they finally die, user

Police/regular security guards, in any game. They're just doing their fucking jobs

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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That saves thier lives later, don't feel bad

Why would you spoil that?




Anyone else?

Unequivacle best answer

The game should delete your save if you tell him "no" after the fight



I....I had such hate in my heart for them. I was the real monster all along
God dammit.

I was supposed to be the hero.


he really was a beast-possessed degenerate tho

Agree with the Headcrabs.

>Go on a rampage for chuckles
>Lul in my rampage
>Hear a cop cry out
>See him dragging his buddy to cover
>Start listening more
>Hear voices of lady cops dying
>Didn't even realize they had female cops


...alright, that's pretty funny

Can't meme the immunity animals

What about the group that ambushes you around the lake. Either way serves them right for raising their weapons at me.

Who was the real dick in this game? I can see it being both the king (he bursts into a society and contains their god) and the radiance (mental enslavement)

These poor little fucks.

You violated their NAP they had a right to attack you

never felt bad about it, they were weak but bloodthirsty when they thought they had the upperhand with backup of brutes

>Doesn't attack you unless provoked
>If you attack him, get killed, and come back, he'll go back to ignoring you
>Only attacks on sight if you steal the clothes off his sister's corpse

They act like big retarded puppies. ludroth didnu nuffin, they was good wyverns




No excuse.

Ciaran, on the other hand, was one of a few friendly NPCs that drop unique loot. Why would they do this?

Not enemies, but you did have to kill them.

