Are there any good multiplayer FPS out right now?
Are there any good multiplayer FPS out right now?
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KF2 is pretty unique, vermintide's also pretty cheap now, quake champions has a solid player base and tons of polish, verdun if you want something slower.
been eye ballin escape from tokarov (sp?). looks like a mil sim with STALKER influences
R6:Siege is pretty satisfying.
Dirty bomb
Titanfall 2
>stalker 2 never
The guns handle like ass, no thanks.
Counter Strike: Not Global Offensive
He said good.
I think it holds up to everything else in this thread.
The destruction and operator gadgets are quite refreshing.
Most battlefield games still have servers, and if you want something more realistic there's Rising storm 2, And insurgency/it's WWII spinoff.
Verdin and Vermintide are in the current humble bundle
RAID World War II from the good people that brought you Payday.
Enemy Territory is good.
the gun play is pathetic, ADS and every gun hsa a lazer accurate first shot, and moving barely has any accuracy penalty.
Lazer sights reduce hip fire spread and magically tighten shotgun pellets spread.
Almost all guns are bullet hoses, new operators have OP weapons so season pass owners can justify their 30$, tachanka is still in most situations, russian defenders are hopelessly weak, peekers advantage and CLIENTSIDE HIT DETECTION, and CLIENTSIDE DEBRY so you can't see them but they can see you.
The laundry list goes on.
It is good.
Mean Greens has fun maps
Metro exodus is stalker 2
Siege is awful you faggot.
Someone got mad after they found out they suck at siege.
its a tribes clone with just as many players as tribes 2 next so you might as well just play tribes 2 next desu
Titanfall 2
Battlefield 1 and 4
Rising Storm 2
CSGO and TF2 if you're into the whole custom games things and find good servers
pubg is the most popular one right now, but nothing like an arena FPS if that's what you were going for
the market is dry as fuck right now, overwatch is the next one up and that game is a terrible FPS
You got me buddy
I wanna get titanfall 2. how alive is it?
R6 Siege is the best one on the market right now.
looks very interesting. 80% recommended on steam, why is it not higher?
Really depends on what your definition of alive is. I don't have trouble finding games (NA)
dude it's okay that you're bad at the game
just don't take that out on others who aren't
RS: Siege
Man did Siege kill your parents or something?
Quake Live
Fistful of Frags
The beta was only recently made available to the public. It'll be F2P once it releases if you can wait that long
Bad Company 2
gits is fun
Unironically Halo 5
i am making a multiplayer shooter I dunno when it will be ready we are trying to get it to Alpha right now, Most importantly is the bug reporter and suggestion buttons....
ugly ass art style, clearly still in development(many maps have untexured assets), isnt as dumbed down as tribes ascend/having to learn how to play, small playerbase
>user lists well known issues with Siege
Pathetic. Are you guys ubishills or something?
My definition of alive is if I can find games in the good modes at all times. 1461 PC players currently, hmmm. Might be ok? Fucking xbone has 10k jesus fuck. I would have bought it day 1 if it was on steam.
>Siege shills
Jesus we get it you don't like Siege ok
Interesting, I guess same deal as quake then, I'm not gonna pay for a game that will soon be free.
Rainbow Six Siege is a really creative take on 5v5 elimination, with some fun gadgets and a great destruction mechanic.
Titanfall 2 is what CoD wishes it was. It's fast, the maps are actually designed around the movement, and the singleplayer is great.
Battlefield 4 has max-level autists out the ass, but it's a better full-scale experience than BF1 unless you strongly prefer infantry combat.
It's alive. You'll have trouble finding people playing some of the niche game types, but you'll never have trouble finding a game.
Free DLC is still coming out, and they recently added the horde mode from the first game.
I have friends who swear this is the best multiplayer FPS on consoles. It was pretty fun when I played a match or two of the Forge mode on PC.
fuck you
Over half the things you said are complete non-issues and you're straight up lying about new operators being OP when the most played ops are almost all release ops.
Don't be surprised when people call you out on being a shitter.
Fuck off, Ubisoft.
Is the bundle worth buying? Will i be able to find players for both games on EU?
>you said
No, not me. Someone else. Just because you see more than one post shitting on siege doesn't mean it's all one guy.
>over half the things are non issues
That's bullshit and you know it. All the terrible server issues are 100% shit and you cannot defend things like the gratuitous peekers advantage or client-side debris. laser sights reducing weapon spread is fucking stupid and the russion defenders are pure shit, and movement does indeed barely affect weapon accuracy, so the game is not properly balanced either.
Not your first post ITT, you can stop samefagging Siege.
What graphics are these?
>good people that brought you Payday.
If we were talking about Payday at release I would agree
But the modern team is just a bunch of scam artists. Raid is literally Payday 2 reskinned. Its not a new game or different in any way
Has anyone tried out Player Unknown's Battlegrounds? I've heard good things about it.
Client side hit reg and client side debry and useless characters are non issues for a competitive shooter, are you retarded?
I was talking about Ela's having auto shotties faster fire rate and longer kill range than tachanka's auto shotie and ying's t-95 being able to mow down half a team without reloading.
I can keep going with "non-issues" if you want.
>you can still kill shield ops trough their shields
>hibana's x-kairos still fuck up on occasion even tho they said they'd re-write it to work.
>terrible exagerated bloom that they had to announce they were going to fix
>caveira's 99DMG pistol
>3 speed ops and lag abusing peekers advantage, because client side hit reg
let me know if you want more "non-issues"
It's trash. Avoid
Don't forget the awful lighting system.
>Arma if you like RP
>Squad if you actually like your RP to mean something
>CSGO is you're 12
>Siege if you're 13
>Payday if you dont like having money
>Escape from Tarkov if you love guns but hate fun
>KF2 if you're an idiot who actually thinks its better than KF1
>KF1 if you know KF2 is shit
>CoD/BF/PUBG if you want to feel like a normie
So really, just go play STALKER, Doom or FEAR.
speed ops and lag abusing peekers advantage, because client side hit reg
This is the biggest killer. Siege is literally unplayable because people now know and abuse this feature.
R6 siege is fun with friends, always have fun calling out where the enemies are and just rushing in like a seal team
Titanfall 2, but it's a lot of fun for the first hours, then it becomes more of the same.
Dude what
Titanfall 2 is the worst when you start, then it just gets better
>can't even jump
slowpaced casual garbage