Assuming all other eligible girls are taken
Amy with Sonic
Rouge with Knuckles
Blaze with Silver
What would a probably love interest for shadow actually be like?
Assuming all other eligible girls are taken
Amy with Sonic
Rouge with Knuckles
Blaze with Silver
What would a probably love interest for shadow actually be like?
Other urls found in this thread:
Some goth slut.
this probably
Prove me wrong
>Amy with Sonic
>Blaze with Silver
Got it backwards, mate.
Well that's one way to get banned.
>can't tell if sonic, or a fanboy in a sonic costume
>What would a probably love interest for shadow actually be like?
Amy you dumb faggots
who the hell is Nira
But he's already cucked Rouge
already done
already taken
Kill yourself ban-evading Argentinian
she just got KNUCKED in Boom recently
Sauce? Reverse image gives nothing
literally /ourguy/
Like this?
that ain't grimsley
How so?
No one likes your shitty vampire cartoon, Alex
Another Dimension Maria.
not really
Shadow's too edgy for a gf
A blonde human girl. He had Maria, and in the comics he had actually moved on and was in a happy relationship another girl before she was wiped from reality in the universal reset.
Part of Shadow's edginess is that his gf Maria died. Did he ever remember her, or is his memory still wiped? People talk shit about Sonic 06's human love interest, but Adventure 2 did it first.
>Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog...
Sonic isn't going to get with anyone ever. The only person I can see Shadow with since Maria is dead is future Amy.
Pretty sure his relationship with Maria was a bother and sister relationship and not romantic.
Sonic 06 was cringe and made it creepy as fuck. Shadow/Maria was far more tasteful and sympathetic not to mention Shadow is a lifeform that was created, he could have been human or something else if his creator had decided so, so I feel less weird about it.
From Maria's end, he might have been like a brother to her but she was like 12.
Even better
wew damn, since when SEGA and Dimps hired HotRed to do the XXX Zone level in Advance 4?
Too bad he's a lazy patreon shilling retard cuck.
he's not even in florida to do his stuff aside his wife doing sketches
Sup Forums is forever going to be 20% Sonic-fags from now on, huh?
>has she SEEN Knuckles lower half
That fisting game though
>Amy with Sonic
A one sided romance if I've ever seen one. Sonic dislikes and flat out avoids her because she pressures him to be with her. Sonic is, above all, free like the wind. Only continuity where that's not true is Sonic X (which is shit). Amy's only genuine friends are Tails, Big and Cream.
>Rouge with Knuckles
A one scene wonder at most, was moreso thick sexual tension than love
>Blaze with Silver
06 outright contradicts and shits all over Blaze's storyline. The Blaze people know and love from the Rush games has never even met Silver. And personally, Silver is just a blander, less cool Future Trunks rip off.
The true patrician Sonic ship is Sonic and Blaze, the tension is there and they have a deep mutual respect, even admiration for one another. I also always thought Tails and Amy would be an interesting ship since their character arcs in Adventure had a lot of similarities, both having admiration for Sonic and learning to be more independent. Also, Tails is one of the few characters to legitmately enjoy her company.
Rather it was as if Maria could have been like a mother to him
Other than Maria, obviously, I feel like 06 portrayed Shadow and Rouge's friendship as one with deep seated trust. It would make more sense that they would get together than Rouge/Knuckles but Rouge is more of a big flirt than anything. She's flirted with both Knuckles and Shadow and even kissed Tails in Sonic Battle. Both Shadow and Tikal have a lot of similarities and Shadow's origins tie into Echidna mythology nicely. The Sonic Adventure era writing team really knew what they were doing with lore and world building. If Tikal and Shadow ever met, I could see them bonding very easily. She's the exact kind of girl Shadow really likes. It'll never happen, though.
But who do you ship Shadow with?
>Blaze with Sonic
Muh nigga
there's plenty of fics with that, so go nuts
I gotta be honest, the fact that two Sonic porn artists managed to not only find each other but marry as well still amazes me
Government (or at least somebody) remakes the Biolizard in person animal form and it grows attached to Shadow.
>The Blaze people know and love from the Rush games has never even met Silver.
Didn't they meet in Colors DS? I know that both of them are in that game.
he's a lucky man
an female japanese artist who can draw near exactly like Tojyo
that's something i'd want
what a fucking cancer thread. you guys are the reason why sonic sucks.
No uuuu
I don't consider any of the handheld ports of console games canon since they conflict with the definitive and later referenced events of the game, and around that point is when they basically dropped all sense of continuity in the franchise. And Blaze can't easily pass in and out of Sonic's world at will. That and Silver's future is nonsense and has been averted multiple times, it was just fanservice. How does he even keep time traveling after 06?
What a fucking cancer post. Guys like you who shitpost and can't utilize proper grammer are the reason why Sup Forums sucks.
So how did exactly Shadow get his name? Was it due to it being codenamed project Shadow or
Either way I like to think both are true and Maria simply managed to conveniently choose the same name as the project
Okay... thanks I guess
She's a flexible badger
the implications of Blaze openly cucking Amy but at the same time not knowing how to handle or hide it are too hilarious to actually be properly expanded in canon.
>no Shrek
Sup Forums is dead
I like your style. Besthog.
>Sonic and Blaze
You fags are just as bad the people you criticize, Sonic isn't getting with anyone period
Shadow and Rouge have a trust in that game but they seem like it's more meaningful if they don't go the romance route. Also, he doesn't trust the flighty bitch in other games so no he'd never date her.
Shadow doesn't need a love interest. The closest he ever had was Maria.
>The closest he ever had was Maria
literally his sister if they weren´t from totally different species.
>And Blaze can't easily pass in and out of Sonic's world at will.
Is this a typo? If not then I disagree, considering she was able to make it to Sonic's birthday party in Generations.