Man oh man this is pretty good.

Too bad I can't play for more than 45 minutes until it crashes and I lose any will I had to reload the game and continue. It's just so frustrating when you've just finished a big mission and you forget to save immediately and the second you go on the map it crashes.

Anyway XCOM thread.

>PC gaming.

>Save in the ship
>Make another save when the mission starts
There you go.

I haven't had it crashing, but I did have this fucking door not exist.

>He needs doors.

Found the casual.

Was going good until assassin bitch randomly shows up, chunks my sniper, and bitches the rest of my crew with lost on its way.


Been playing three days straight, carelessly installing mods as soon as they get uploaded, and only had a single, non-replicatable crash the whole time.

So what, do you just only have the minimum RAM, or have you screwed up your install doing something dumb?

never played an xcom game before. I own xcom declassified but have never installed it. Tell me why i should play this series.

You shouldn't. It's shit.

Only one crash when trying to grenade a train, otherwise performance is really solid.

You shouldn't, if you're the kind of person that even considered owning Declassified this game is not for you.

Came in a humble bundle mate.


>Rushed at the Chosen Assassin base as soon as I possibly could just so I didn't have to deal with her invisibility bullshit ever again

I ran into the other chosen once and neither of them annoyed me nearly as much, just because they don't turn engagements into a game of fucking battleship. I'm hoping it stays that way.

>It's a Psionic Transmitter mission.

The Assassin was massively difficult until I got a battler scanner, give it to your sniper.

>Get a "Defend the Transmitter" mission
>Well maybe they fixed the whole thing where enemies pods spawn on the transmitter
>One turn later

The Viper missed the transmitter somehow.

Haven't run into a crash yet, although have run into some Overwatch bugs where the game hangs for like 30 seconds.

Way less then there was at launch though.

Don't enemy pods always spawn on the transmitter? I thought it was coded that only one enemy would hit it per turn just to balance things out.

>Too bad I can't play for more than 45 minutes until it crashes and I lose any will I had to reload the game and continue.
Turn the textures down a notch or two. You have tiny baby RAM and cannot contain all the swole sectoids in memory.

Not joking, even if you have fine FPS it's the memory that's killing you. Go remove ayys from human clay without crashes now user.

Enjoying it so far but really miss the mods.
New modes are great
Reapers seem OP as fuck
Psi guys seem like a good way to wipe
Lost are a fun fight and can overwhelm

I just want to see what modders can do with all the content available now

30 hour in and loving it. Here is my bug list:

Save corrupting
Complete crash and Auto request for save file
Stuck on enemy turn forever over half an hour(had lunch) had to close game.

General issues (happen rarely and are not game breaking)
lag on enemy turns.
Camera still stuck looking away from action.
Physical objects not rendered but still in play
fire graphics not load(running through it)
lag or audio glitch when changing targets with tab too fast.
lag or audio glitch when changing soldiers to fast with tab

Things that need to change
Supplies cost to upgrade some of the new class weapons is far too high. For example upgrading reaper rifle only gives it 1 more damage and is hardly worth it.
Specters and vipers rolling together is bullshit before increasing squade size
Chosen Hunter is a Joke. Attacks are easy to dodge and he lacks the versatility the others do.

What site do you use for mods for this game, user? Is Nexus reliable? Or steam workshop?

They don't always spawn directly on top of it, in this case being two separate pods.
I had another one where a pod spawned near but not on top of it, at least far enough away so that they didn't shoot at it.

They are stuck on the single shot per turn though.

Also while I'm here I just want to say that is is in the running for greatest expansion pack ever made. Haven't played a fuckton yet so I won't completely call it but it's definitely up there. I already thought Xcom 2 was the best game of the series and I definitely couldn't go back to vanilla after playing this expansion. Still have a few complaints but they're basically all the same complaints I had with the base game which is retarded story/dialog and the visual design of the aliens and equipment is pretty bad. Not a fan of purple humanoid ayys that speak English just like I'm not a fan of the Nerf plasma guns and power armor, but it's a small complaint since the gameplay is so goddamn good. Not to mention mods will partially fix it since someone will shut Bradford and the aliens up sooner or later.

It's also definitely in the running for my GotY for 2017, but I need to stick my dick in Divinity Original Sin 2 first, and I'm not quite sure if I like it more than Prey but I probably do. As much as getting a new System Shock in 2017 is amazing I'm a bigger fan of turn based neckbearding.

Get Battle Scanners or good Specialists, they make her useless as shit.

Believe it or not, the console version crashes too. Trust me, I've seen it.

>$40 expansion

lol, nice shill thread

Reposting it again:
XCOM2 can not be unmodded. If you ever ran mods in the past the only way to restore the default operation and ensure WotC compatibility is to remove all game lated settings folders from my documents / app data so the game can re-create them from scratch. This is necessary as XCOM2 is modded via changes to default .ini files and those are obviously not reverted by removing the actual mod files.
Make sure you aren't downloading any mods automatically via the workshop after removing the mod files and the .inis or you will get crashes again.
Another common and and not system stability related crash is the memory leak the game has - after around 6-8 hours you will run out of RAM (and if you're only on 8GB long before that). It's a recursive XCOM2 release bug that has never been addressed. Expect it to happen and if it does just start the game again, it can't be avoided.

Everything else is either a system stability problem or a WotC bug but I'm not aware of any 100% reproducable crashes related to WotC so far.

Pirate it and the game for free, hombre.

Why can't memory leaks be fixed?

Can't somebody fix the memory leak with a mod or something?

>console wars

It's a basic engine issue and nothing a mod and its code can touch. They'd have to release the source code of the game for someone to address the issue.
Firaxis in themselves are highly incompetent when it comes to technical aspects and I simply presume they outsourced engine related developemnt tasks back in the days and only employ designers and artists themselves.

The game has not received a single update since release to address major technical problems and performance related bugs. Updates were only issued along with DLC and contained UI and gameplay changes. I doubt WotC will see different update behaviour.

The sad thing is they kind of did that. I haven't heard any of these complaints about the GNU/Linux version which was produced by Feral Interactive.
Not sure if the Windows devs just don't merge bug fixes from branches for other platforms, or if its just a simple thing like a lot of Windows games are still 32bit while the Linux versions are basically always 64 which would possibly mask memory issues.

Where did the fantastic loading times improvements come from then?

They disabled features for it. The particle engine has been disabled and you no longer get things to explode in fancy ways with tiny textured pieces flying everywhere. Texture streaming has been modified and you no longer stream in tons of textures during the loading screen and instead get stutter as they load at once after the loading screen. Ragdolls have been nerfed as well and no longer animate or have collision. They removed a few shaders and tuned down pre-baking of shaders, which funninly lead to a better running game while also shortening loading times significantly, mostly due to how badly the shaders were written to begin with. Previously the game also went through different mip levels during stream-in and load and now ignores some of them and loads higher resolution ones as you see the map from above while the troops jump out of the airship.
What people do not realize is that things have been removed from the game to get those performance increases, it's technically a downgrade but as some of the underlying code was totally borken garbage it also "fixed" a few issues with its removal.

Not saying you're wrong, but how do you know all this? This is really interesting to me, for some reason

Smoked the assassin chosen 3 times now, Do i really need to do this covert operations shit to kill her.

Im like 13 missions in and i still havent started the Skulljack plotline

I don't see a problem. You can do the main plot line and hunt for the Chosen simultaneously.

I'm active in lots of modding and design related forums and such things come up. There surely were complaints about destruction particle effects being gone with WotC and ragdolls no longer having collision in gameplay related forums as well. Graphics changes are usually what gamers realize and complain about first.

Yes, in order to get rid of a Chosen for good you have to do the 3 stages of hunting covert assignments and then unlock a boss battle with the individual Chosen. If you kill them the Chosen no longer appears and you get their weapons. If you fuck up you won't get a second chance though. Each Chosen has their own covert missions from different factions.
Given that the covert missions can be assigned on the side of normal activities and you don't have to play them out you can deal with the Chosen on the side, like the other user said.

>pile into van
>close door
>end turn
>open door
>blast ayy face in

They were always here. You just had to press Tab when your squad was in the ship on their way to a mission, and the loading was instantly finished

Caps lock key, not Tab, sorry

>Get a Transmitter Defense mission
>Sitrep: savage enemies only
>Mission consists of 12 faceless and 2 lancers, none of whom could figure out how to attack the transmitter

I love these sitreps, especially the negative ones. They're a great way to spice missions up.

The only thing stopping XCOM 2 and this expansion from becoming a world wide hit is that the combat is turn based

That's such a huge turn off for most people
I like XCOM enough to get over it, but man is it a shame they didn't advance on what X-COM: Apocalypse combat tried to be

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard.

He's right though. When you pressed capslock during the loading screen in the ship it finished instantly and could start the mission like you can now. It skipped certain preloading functions, stopped streaming textures incrementally and didn't precache shaders anymore (which takes a long time).
It was probably a developer shortcut so they can test little changes to gameplay faster and unlike most debug features it had been left in the game for some reason.

The engine is just awful, it runs and works like shit
Worst thing about the game IMO


Turn based combat is outdated

Tfw had to modify the game files to make it a bit easier because the game is such bullshit even on normal difficulty

No, seriously. How the fuck does my 90% chance to hit while standing right next to them miss 3 times in a row but the enemy can one shot my guys from across the map even when behind full cover.

Well, it's the Unreal Engine and by itself can run very well and handle large amounts of data but the devs modified things they didn't comprehend and broke stuff from a lack of experience or awarness.
When you license and engine and work with someone else's code it's likely you can't be bothered to figure out every complex interaction and just implement quick and dirty fixes ("hacks") to get your shit working on a basic level so you can work on other stuff. Usually you'd then refactor and optimize the code towards the end of development but that step they skipped - likely because whoever they paid to code had their contract expire and Firaxis themselves had no programmer to take over, only game designers who were skripting (badly, as the delays and stupid quirks in the game show).

That said, it's what you get. There's little competition on the market and WotC is at least in terms of atmosphere and design superior to all the indie XCOM knockoffs which look like shit. There is mod support to address gameplay and UI related matters at least and add some content to keep it fresh. Without the game wouldn't be nearly as enjoyable as it can be.

If you're not playing on Legendary it's literally impossible to miss more than one 90% miss shot in a row thanks to hidden aim assists.
Also, what I always say: People mad at 80%+ shots missing should download LW2 to see their 100% shots missing.

bad luck

m8 u know we kno you're lying rt

Should've played around it.

>How the fuck does my 90% chance to hit while standing right next to them miss 3 times in a row
The RNG seed is saved and loaded with savegames. This means when you reload and do the same actitivty in the same order you will get the same RNG value again. You could reload forever and still miss because that specific part of the turn has a low roll.
A way around this is to load and then do things in a different order so you get a high roll for the shot you try to take.

Then again I'd suggest not playing XCOM if you don't like rolling dice - that's what the game is about and you either move on and deal with bad RNG or end up reloading and then removing any bit of challenge because the game without bad RNG isn't hard.

this post just reeks of shitter yikes

I think he means 3x by save-scumming.

Reapers are so fucking fun with their crazy ass explosions.

jokes on him the seed in XCOM 2 isn't regenerated upon loading

Basically this.
You're supposed to rush the transmitter and not turtle.

>seend tree reapers and a phantom ranger on mission

ayyys never even saw me

Why do you assume everyone online is a man?

>Have Superior Extended Magazine on my Reaper
>Find the Archon King for the first time while still in stealth
>Hit it with one Acid Grenade and one Rupture from my Grenadier
>Reaper wipes out the remaining like 85 health in a single Banish

This feels a little broken.

I specced all my cheeki breekis for max EXPLOSION and everyfuckingthing dies thanks to massive claymores. How can skirmishers compete?

>Stuck on enemy turn forever over half an hour(had lunch) had to close game

That was in the base game as well, you had to load a save before the mission started.

>Try to launch WoTC
>It crashes immediately
>Don't even have mods installed

The Chosen Assassin is by far the most dangerous. Warlock is only a slight danger and the Hunter is a huge joke, fucking Sectoids are more dangerous than him.

Because I am a faggot, what are you gonna do about it? Fucking nothing, you asseater.

>pile into van
>close door
>end turn
>van mysteriously explodes

Never, EVER trust explosive terrain in XCOM. It will betray you at the worst moment.

>put templar on top of reinforcement flare for bladestorm memes
>muton jumps down, counterattacks, and KO's him

Because in my language you use the male pronoun when you're not sure of someone else's gender.
Why are you monolingual?
I'm currently trying to get a fourth one so I can do a mission with 8 claymores.

We already have an X-Com shooter, its fucking terrible. Go play Declassified and never come here again.

Is there a way to force a rescue mission? Assassin's red "shit's fucked" bar is like 90% full and my dude has been captured for months

>women on Sup Forums

Effective weapon range, user. Rifles need to be mid-range.

explosive shit is the worst on lost missions
>purifiers show up more on lost missions and explode frequently
>purifiers set shit on fire which explodes on a delay
>other shit like blazing pinions or other enemies that explode count too
>every single separate explosion generates lost
>bradford keeps screaming at you to clear the map of hostiles while you are trapped in an endless loop of suffering

>Chosen chooses to hide behind a car or fuel tank
>A нy, чики-бpики и в дaмки
>Chosen instantly killed

I fucking love the Stalkers.

Haven't had any crashes. It runs better than vanilla for me actually, which is weird. Had a couple visual bugs with doors while in the weird Reaper-vision, but otherwise its been great.

I'm really liking how much they've mixed up missions with other variables. I had a retaliation mission, which I found boring as fuck in vanilla, but they added AI resistance fighters shooting back at the Advent invaders, which was cool as fuck. Really made me want to try and rescue them.
Then I had a mission with both Lost and Advent. Using my Reaper I got the Lost to charge closer to the Advent, which turned into an all out brawl while I went and did the rest of the mission. Really cool shit

Definitely a great expansion.

It's fucking great, it even improves on all my gripes with the main game.

>Easier to get Engineers and Scientists early-game
>More stuff to build on the ship
>SPARK buffed
>More mission variety and random stuff

>>every single separate explosion generates lost

It's not quite that bad. There's an invisible timer that spawns a Lost swarm on every forth turn, and every time something explodes, that timer is reduced by one.

What, mutons can't counterattack bladestorm, can they? The thing is that it looks like vanilla has itchy trigger tentacle now, they'll sometimes just wreck you without even bothering with new cover.

This is the coolest thing for me, missions now have hundreds of ways of being tackled on thanks to all the new skills of new classes.

mutons can counterattack any melee, including bladestorm

>mutons can't counterattack bladestorm, can they?
Not the guy you're responding to but I know they can - it got me a soldier killed 3 hours ago. Bladestorm seems to just trigger a normal melee attack for reasons of synergies and counters.

I just did the first Lost mission last night. It was pretty terrifying how they just kept showing up in those fucking huge swarms.

>mfw my Sharpshooter can clear every single visible lost with his big dick revolver

thanks for the heads up, I usually just do a melee attack (but with the shotgun) counting on bladestorm if the muton won't die, thankfully it never came to it.
Also, did they buff vanilla swords or I just never used blademaster until it became viable to get it + phantom? They feel much more useful now.

>take perk to get resistance fighter at start of mission every now and then
>take perk for ADVENT traitor every now and then
>both fire and get two free group members
>Chosen shows up halfways into mission
>kill him on the turn he spawned

That stops being true later in the game as you get more lost with 6+ Health.

Unless RNG lucks out and you get the resistance order that makes it so any shot on a Lost kills them no matter how much damage it does.

I don't think vanilla gave that +10 aim on the blademaster perk, so they were pretty risky to use.

No second chance on whacking 'em? That's kinda scary. I'm closing in on the assassin in my playthrough and I haven't even done the blacksite story mission yet.

I have never played xcom and xcom 2 full package is on sale for 30 bucks...

I really liked the civ series(havent played new one) so i can handle turn based games.

Should I get this? What sucks about the game? Is it super repititive?

Thinking bout this or buying Yakuza for full price but im nervous i wont like either of them.

I hardly like anime and I am hit or miss with japanese stuff.

I feel like the covert ops weren't thought out too well. I just cleared the blacksite mission with a team of colonels, because the reduce avatar progress ops let you piss around for months without needing to take a story mission or facility. The penalties feel too low for what they offer a lot of the time.

Melee is pretty strong right now. In WotC I use Blademaster all the time to last-hit with (fires on the enemy turn when they move away or attack) and it's a great safeguard against Lost as well. It's also fun againts Chosen or Rulers as they might trigger it multiple times by doing shit or trying to move around.
Then there's the Reaper ability (not related to the class) that gives you a free action on kill which you can also get on a Templar and as they deal a ton of melee psi damage once on max focus you can deal insane and nearly endlessly chaning last-hit dmg.
Attacking a Chosen who is vulnerable to melee+Templars makes them take 20 dmg at 2 focus. That's before any debuffs like Amplify.

Once you get the Chosen melee weapon you'll find yourself meleeing a lot beacause in terms of balance it's broken as hell. Though the Ruler axe is also a great choice, particularly as it comes with a one-use free throw.

just try the xcom demo or watch some gameplay?
I get bored af with civ games but I really like xcom