>1986 use a cellphone
>1992 use a cellphone
>2001 use a pager
What were they thinking?
>1986 use a cellphone
>1992 use a cellphone
>2001 use a pager
What were they thinking?
Other urls found in this thread:
why would claude need a cellphone if he doesn't even speak.
vice city and GTA3 were big shot assassins, they had the cash to buy expensive cellphones, the 2001 one was a poor shitter
GTAIII is the 2001 setting brainlet.
Other people still talked to him on phones. And he could text.
different dev periods
>calling me a brainlet for not knowing the lore behind shitty action 3rd person games that retcon themselves every release
arent pagers untraceable?
>only payphones
It's more like calling you a brainlet for coming into a thread you don't know about and pretending you do for no actual purpose. That's what brainlets do, for some reason.
>Text Messaging
>In 1992
It's almost like GTA3 came out first or something
sorry for making a mistake, I guess that makes me a brainlet, I wonder you've ever been wrong, it would both make us brainlets
Pagers were a lot more popular at the time. Tommy getting a cell phone was a bit contrived anyway. It's not like he's paying the phone bill, and Leo probably isn't paying it since he's dead.
In fact, isn't CJ given his cell phone by Tenpenny?
What the fuck is a pager, anyway?
>In fact, isn't CJ given his cell phone by Tenpenny?
No. CJ is seen with a cellphone in the SA prequel machinima.
I don't expect neo-Sup Forums to understand, but pagers were a big thing with blacks in the late 90s and early 2000s
Nico is given his phone by Roman, and Roman can be killed. Roman also buys lots of other shit that Nico is supposed to be paying for.
In GTA V, all the characters have phones and they never pay for the bills.
Yooooo! We got a youngin' here!
A pager was a device that beeped when people called the number. You could then look at the message left (if there was one) or the phone number to call them back. They were in heavy use in a time where cellphones were considered a luxury item and not sold for 20 bucks at Walmart.
cool, figures why claude is black
Why do you think that's canon?
pagers were literally more popular in 2001 than they were in the late 80s
Whether it was intentional or not I think the pager helped reinforce the fact the GTA3 protag was all alone in the city and only had himself to rely on. Sure he had a couple of people who trusted him, but they too kept their distance from him and only paged him when he was needed.
Claude was very much the recluse that comes from a career of crime and a string of betrayals. Him being mute just made it much easier for him to retreat from others and just be a silent, amoral badass that ultimately only wanted to get back at Catalina
>Why do you think that's canon?
Because it was made by Rockstar and came with the game...?
It didn't come with my game.
>being this butt hurt over a random person calling him a brainlet
It's really hard for Millenials to picture the world before internet was commonplace so don't get mad
every high school aged kid had a pager from 2000-2002
>It's really hard for Millenials to picture the world before internet was commonplace so don't get mad
I'm a millenial and I was 12 when GTA3 came out and knew what a pager was when I was 7.
And you're probably a millenial too, retard.
no they werent. pagers popularity peaked in the 80s
I totally am but it's fun talking shit about Millenials lololol
The ideal time to be born was probably 1988. You would be old enough to enjoy computers, and also have some fond memories of how much better the world was before 9/11 fucked everythang up.
That is unironically true. I have serious nostalgia for anything pre 9-11.
I've been told that intercepting the analog signals of those phones and hijacking their numbers was really trivial. My father had it happen to him three times before he was upgraded to digital cell phones, which must've been like having a ford cortina taken away and replaced with a ferrari at the time
>You will never be able to enjoy something with out the level of politics we have now injected in to everything
I just want to look at titties and play games with out all this other annoying politically correct stuff. I would much rather deal with the christian religious fanatics that we had than fucking SJWs and women gangpressing people in to falling in line.
Must be great to have strong memories of pre-9/11 times. I'm a 92 babby
>I just want to look at titties and play games
No one is stopping you from doing this and fuck everyone trying to turn this thread away from vidya.
Where does Cesar buy his pants?
>No one is stopping you from doing this and fuck everyone trying to turn this thread away from vidya
You can't fool me, Berta.
You're on the video game board. This thread is for video games. If you want to go look at titties, go look at titties. I just got back from Empornium, retard.
>1986 can't swim
>1992 can swim
>2001 can't swim
Dude you can ignore politics willingly
I'm a 92 babby as well. Still got to experience some of the older tech growing up since my family was poor. Gave me a bit of appreciation for the improvement of games.
>first gta protag to swim was black
what did rockstar mean by this?
>where does ceasar buy his pants?
What the fuck does that even mean
Pagers were popular when GTA3 released. Mobile phones weren't as widespread as they where when San Andreas came out
>took Rockstar until San Andreas to figure out a good way to limit exploration of new areas without resorting to inability to swim
Not when that shit is leaking into games and making the industry shittier. But I agree, this isn't the thread for that.
To be fair, shitting on political opinions is par for the course for GTA, but they usually do it in both directions.
I think in the game CJ asks Cesar where he got a silencer for a gun, and he says "same place I got my pants". Which makes no sense, game takes place in California where you can't buy guns in a Walmart, or anywhere you get pants
no they werent underage. pagers died in the in the late 90s.
>What the fuck does that even mean
>pagers died in the in the late 90s.
No they didn't.
>Vice City
>Shark infested waters
>The Entire State of San Andreas
>Water's pretty safe for GTA-verse standards, and that's even including the used condoms and turds that are floating in it
>Liberty City
>Dark water with the consistency of a tub of molasses, who COULD swim in this?
The fuck are you talking about. I remember sending messages to a girls pager in school around the time I was playing GTA
yes they fucking did. barely anyone used them in the early 2000s. prove me wrong, you fucking cant.
The game was being developed before 2001. Sure that was the tail end of the popularity of pagers as mobile phones were becoming affordable but that doesn't mean they weren't used
Idk what my deal is I just don't have strong memories and when I start digging I tend to find shit I'm trying to forget anyway
>brainlet gets triggered upon realising he is an idiot
they were used put people need to stop acting like they were popular in the 200s
>can swim
>there's a bmx
VCS is comfy as fuck
They were giving them out to the unemployed in London around then. I remember my mates older brother got one and it would send him job opportunities. They weren't dead by then, and remember the game was probably drafted years earlier when they were more popular
How old are you?
it took them a year to make gta 3