What was the longest time you played a game without stopping??

What was the longest time you played a game without stopping??

Seventy-two hours with breaks.

I don't know, maybe 2 hours?

About 30 hours of Diablo 2 when we switched from dial up to broadband internet.

>with breaks

I had to eat and shit. Fuck do you want?


8 hours, New Vegas

I miss those days

Half hour with breaks every three minutes. Never again Sup Forumsro binge gaming is just way too extreme for me.

Playing dark souls the first time with a buddy on skype because we had ps3s. 16 hours. And gtaonline 14 hours when it finally worked. And I think 20 hours for red dead redemption, can't remember


i've masturbated longer than that

23 hours in a row at my friend's when Brawl was released. I had to take a break towards the end because my hands were aching.Those were magical times.

Dragon Quest VIII for 10 hours.

12 hours of playing Persona 4 the first time in bed with a fever
Stopped for food, drinks, and bathroom but that was it really

you know, I thought this was a fucking meme, but a friend convinced me to buy a week's worth and damn is it a huge time saver

Played like 20h of EU4 without getting up

first time I played anarchy online I played it straight for 8 hours

probably 16 hours when i decided to try a top tier raiding guild in wow
it was a miserable experience and I only lasted 3 months

13 hours
Elite Dangerous

I was grinding out to get the top 10 commanders in a Bounty Hunt Community Goal
I actually fucking did it

I grinded for around 36 hours to pull ahead of horde mages (that were ganking me) so i could get priority on aoe grinding spots. I was the first 60 mage on the server and proceeded to extort gold out of horde players for the privilege to grind elsewise Id kill them. AOE grinding is the most vulnerable levelling in vanilla wow.

>without stopping

Why the Fuck are you here you goddamn casual

Once played through Duelists of the Roses for 9-10 hours from the beginning of the Red Rose side to the end of the White Rose side.

Two days straight during Double XP Weekend in City of Heroes.

I lived off of Dr. Pepper and Taco Bueno

Diablo 3 launch after spam connecting for 3 hours I finally got in. Played for about 34 hours before I decided to sleep then I just played in 22 hour chunks with short naps. It was pretty fucking pathetic. But at least I had fun.

probably around 12 hours but probably less

Think was 18+ or 36+ hours, hard to remember how long it started to take until first of each class started to hit 90, probably the former number, of course with toilet breaks, stopped a bit after first person same class as me got to 90. Also actually did get a realm first all factions to exalted without race changing to human, that took about a month on each server though.