Remember when people actually RPed?

>Remember when people actually RPed?
>Remember when you actually read quests and cared about the story?
>Remember when everything was new and exciting?
>Remember the tight community?
>Remember all the fun?

>Remember vanilla WoW???


People still RP. It's just limited to 2 servers that are actually worth being on.

That pet hunger icon is making me nostalgic as fuck though.

People roleplayed quite well up until mid wrath on the roleplay servers. After Cataclysm came it was a full blown normie invasion, absolute hell. As for vanilla? I miss TBC more despite how flawed it is, but I wouldn't mind official legacy servers up to wrath. (I know you all hate wrath)

I still do this in every game I play

No, the past is one dark blur and it's getting fainter every single day. I fear for the morning I awake and I can no longer remember the sand between my toes, the wind in my hair, the sun in my eyes. As all things do, so too must we come to an end, as everything we once cared for crumbles to dust.

>vanilla wow
>run from menethil harbor to iron forge
>enter iron forge gates
>tons of people everywhere, war effort going on, move in and out of the various shops and buildings blown away by everything
>take tram to stormwind
>activate the flightpath above the gates
>feel like I actually accomplished something since starting on teldrassil
the days will never return

No, that's fucking gay

You were younger.

I read during the beta of WoD that the devs had a word limit imposed on them for quest text because everyone just skips it.

PermaDM here. What are some videogames that let me be a D&D player again?

Looking for an extremely immersive game with immense customization.

>never did that its for fags
>did that until I quit in 2010
>things still are just not wow
>variable there were good people and bad people but after blood elves came in it gave everyone a common retard to hate on
>yea I was a shitter for most of it

the classic basic bitch post

Play on a private severs those days are still a thing on them been playing one for a week now it's been great

Then you hit the 30-40 stretch and burn out because chinks are ganking you every 5 minutes.

Give Elysium a shot, its the closest thing we've got.

>Remember when you actually read quests and cared about the story?

No one has ever read quest descriptions in any moment of WoW's existence. Don't kid yourself.

If you're looking for solo content, Neverwinter Nights offers some cool modules. My favorite's the Aielund Saga: offers a lot of combat, good story, and some quirky characters. Maybe 8/10

MMO's and such? Iunno

I hop on WotLK 3.3.5 Warmane whenever I feel the urge to see virtual people. My experience trying live MMO's nowadays just seems to consistently end in misery.

t. Dave Kosak/nuBlizzard story department.

When I first started playing in 2005 I read the quest text until like level 13 and I have never read a single one since in 10+ years of off and on WoW playing.

I did, they weren't the best but I've seen worse.

Solo's what I am interested in.

I was playing NWN, but when they tried to force me to kill the QT snek I quit out of autistic anger and pain. Why don't games like NWN have a nonlethal option in combat the way D&D itself does?

>he didn't main mage

Let me guess, you were ROGUE STUN LOCK SHITTERS

How did you make money in vanilla?

i was a miner

>Remember when people actually RPed?
I remember when default RP wasn't erotic.

Why does vidya give rogues stunlocking? D&D they're skillmonkeys and single-target eliminators.

i am playing vanilla WoW right now on Elysium

lvl 60 prot warrior

it's not as good as we remember

My fav spell is holy nova

holy nova a beauty

>Goldshire was just a sleepy town
>Stormwind wasn't filled with the type of people that populated Elwynn in WOTLK
>Roleplay revolved around developing a character
>You could post ideas on the forums with out being relentlessly shut down by people who speak on behalf of lore characters
>Politics were very rare, apart from small occasional cliques there wasn't much drama (at least on AD EU)
>ERP happened but it was confined to privacy and handled with tact/respect
>The lore wasn't in an absolute state
This is part of the reason I want legacy servers, althought I'm playing Elysium and before that Nost I would really like an official RP server set before nuBlizzard nuLore/Metzen's mid life crisis. (even if TBC/Wrath were terrible lorewise)

What vanilla does better than every other version of WoW is the armor consistency between players

Vanilla is just adventurers, every expansion after is a total mess of special effects and clashing colors and designs.

Rock, paper, scissors balance. mushroom

Playing on a wotlk private server with transmog and people are paying a premium for niche vanilla item that look good so they can transmog it.
The looks are crude, but they make sense. Starting around ToC/ICC in Wotlk, it seems blizzard really got a liking to giving everybody huge glowing power on all their set armors.

I skip it when picking the quest but if I'm bored during a FP/eating+drinking I just open a quest and read
Some quests are well written while some other are pure cringe

People ranted about this on the forums during TBC, back when the fanbase was made up of Everquest players that actually gave a rats ass. There was a huge shitstorm not only over the over the top space designs/lore. Almost as bad as when they first properly introduced gnomes/night elf female druids in the beta. Also fuck plainstriding.

>Remember when people actually RPed?
No, only faggots RP
>Remember when you actually read quests and cared about the story?
Yes, I fondly remember WoTLK, the point where the story actually started to matter.
>Remember when everything was new and exciting?
Yes. Too bad that will NEVER happen again.
>Remember the tight community?
If by tight you mean the same douchebag niggers everywhere.
>Remember all the fun?
Not really
>Remember vanilla WoW???
Yeah I remember. I also remember the extreme class imbalance, constant horde bias, loot drama bullshit, bugs out the ass, and lack of fun.

I dont understand how you can Role play in a MMORPG. Role playing require freedom games do not give.

Remember MMOs before WoW ruined everything?

so what is the TBC server to use these days? any chance it's gonna last longer than a week, assuming there even is one? TBC servers seem to come online and die off constantly

>hanging out in Ogrimmar
>see some idiot forgot to /w a rp of two characters fucking near the fishing pond
>trade chat erupts in lulz
>looks like they left
>see them in one of the back huts farther away from the main paths
>run back to bank and equip gear that makes me look like a pimp, purple suit and all with a cane/staff
>tell guild to meet me at the location to watch
>dismount outside of hut and /walk into the room (troll walk was perfect for this)
>start /y bitch its been weeks where the fuck is my gold!? Keep duckin me and I'll polymorph yo ass to werk duh streets in STV, etc
>some guild mates arrive and then start saying: THIS IS THE SEX POLICE, OH GOD WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?"
>by this point trade chat started to erupt a bit
>guild mates start bringing in their mounts asking how much to see her service it
>i start a bid stating: 'bitch gon get my gold today!'
>everyone starts dropping duel flags as bids
>a mage is spamming arcade aoe and a bear druid is back jumping spamming heal
>the two rpers start to leave
>some hunter brought his infected pet from zg
>we all die of the zg aids
>trade chat goes nuts
>this discussion is on and off for weeks in trade and barrens chat
and thats how i got my first temp ban

Wyrmrest Accord for RP.

You're welcome fag.