What should they change in the next expansion? What are your wishes?
For me, please no stupid legendaries, titanforging and no resource grinds.
What should they change in the next expansion? What are your wishes?
For me, please no stupid legendaries, titanforging and no resource grinds.
Ridiculous RNG, stat templates in pvp suck, WoD/MoP pvp gearing was 100x better, Sharding sucks, get rid of it. World pvp being wildly unbalanced sucks, reign in the damage people can do to each other. Make the World Defense channel work again so we can wpvp in the old world.
>RNG: The Expansion
I don't see them deviating much from this formula.
If anything, they'll fuckin double-down even harder. They have Diablo 3 devs working on this shit. That's why it is how it is now.
Remove RNG loot, Make classes not bullshit, get rid of levels and replace it with a different character building mechanic because leveling is fucking retarded.
It's not going away, more RNG means more player hours logged which looks good to the shareholders.
It's not going to fucking happen. Legacy is boring, they should take the good bits from vanilla and build on that going forward.
New expansions without lfr, cross realm bullshit, factions and servers actually mattering again.
>reddit spacing
>hates vanilla for no reason
>thinks in any way that legacy would be negative for Blizzard financially
>legacy would actually do so well, that it would kill modern WoW and bring about a second renaissance of WoW along with an entire new generation of neckbeard teenagers
at least you know that LFR and xrealm are bad for the game
>hates vanilla
I don't hate vanilla at all you retart, it's just objectively boring at this point. Who the fuck honestly wants to raid vs bosses that have fewer mechanics than dungeon bosses do now?
Maybe plebs that can't do anything but grind, beyond that there's no reason to want to go back to vanilla.
>Who the fuck honestly wants to raid vs bosses that have fewer mechanics than dungeon bosses do now?
i think you don't think vanilla is fun, because you don't understand what Vanilla was about.
the game back then was about community, like an MMO should.
This unironically. You'll get my money if you host official legacy servers, otherwise I'm not interested.
That's why I said they need to refocus future expansions on taking out things that ruined the community.
Remove the stupid fucking RNG
what if they added D3 runes to wow?
like changing Cone of Cold to have a charge time but freeze everyone thats hit or change Kidney shot to be a channel that damages each second and slows, you know, creative stuff like that
get rid of the paywall then I'll play
>lets completely fuck pvp
Honestly, as much as I could nitpick shit left and right, the one thing I hate the most is legendaries. They took any fun that gearing up once had and ruined it because there's always a little "well...if I get that BiS piece that can drop from literally anywhere with a 1/100000000000000 chance..."
Friend of mine has every single piece save for BiS. Even if they get their BiS, they don't have any good gear to replace one of the other legendaries they're using because those pieces always go to other raiders who "don't have a legendary there yet" and it's just convoluted gear arguments now.
Only Blizz could've made getting a legendary so disappointing.
"Oh I've got a shit legendary now I have to grind even more to get a chance of getting a good one."
Seriously, who comes up with this shit?
>caring about pvp
They should shut down the servers and fire anyone who ever worked on them. Maybe the gaming world will get a little bit better then.
>first legendary is BiS
>gets its effect nerfed by 50% making it the worst of the legendaries that are not utterly worthless
>9th legendary is BiS
>gets its effect nerfed by 50% a few days later
It's not going to happen because the devs would be on suicide watch within 3 months, their egos are in the fucking stratosphere.
Ahahahaha this much projection.
Nice of you to join us celestalon, how's the hormone replacement therapy going?
Once again with zero argument. xD