Sonic Rehashia is fucking trash. The fact that people could think it is anything good is mind boggling. The music is a huge miss and is shitty, weak and forgettable, it rehashes 80% of stages we've seen before, it rehashes the blue sphere stages, it rehashes bosses, the special stages are easy as fuck and have no substance to them, the Hard-Boiled Heavies are terribly designed, the plot fucking sucks and is only there to have a reason as to why they're reusing shit, fucking pathetic, Tyson Hesse's art looks fucking shitty and lastly, people only like it because they're stupid piece of shit plebian contrarians that automatically think anything 2d sonic is > 3d sonic because of memes. Kids don't think that. Only salty miserable grown adults think classic sonic is better than modern sonic. Prove me wrong
Protip: You can't

Other urls found in this thread:


>being this salty you can't play it because you're a filthy pirate

Why are you so upset over a fucking video game

lol a bump since no one went for the bait

>the plot fucking sucks

>this is not bait
>sonic rehashia

this was a fun thread

This should unironically be a Sup Forums banner

It could have used more original levels and the final boss could have been a better gauntlet. Those are my biggest complaints. It played things safe. Also FUCK the Sonic CD levels. arguably the worst parts of the game, especially Metal Sonics garbage fight. Should have gone with the Knuckles metal sonic fight from 3k.

>terribly designed

Obvious bait. Saged. Fuck you mods.

>PCFag so salty about not being able to pirate a game at release that he has to make up garbage opinions for attention
>MFW OP is such a faggot he bumped his own thread as the very first post
I don't like Denuvo either but this is a weakass way to make a thread

>Metal Sonic fight
You got stuck on those Silver Sonics, didn't you?


Genuineness and sincerity does not invalidate the use of your position to attract a specific response.

Took me a second to figure out, sure, but it's not a particularly fun fight. The whole thing is a drag. It's the same "race" as CD into that portion, then another "race" and then a chase. It's not well done and goes on for way to long.


Careful with that, that's how we lost the word "troll."

I mean, I don't really like it but thats got more to do with the inherent design flaws of Sonic to begin with. This is just logically what seems like the best they can do within that framework. It's the framework itself that holds it back.
But it wasn't made for fence sitters who just want to be a part of the conversation like me, it was made by and for hardcore fans of the originals, and I can respect that.


ye that fight is awful, way to long and not hard

That's Mecha Sonic. The CD Metal Sonic version is far more iconic to the series.

Metal Sonic fight wasn't fun.


dm this to /u/hiroshimoot

>This is not bait
>Posts objectively wrong opinions and obvious lies

Come on man. Especially the music lie, no matter how bad the Sonic game, the music is good, except Chronicles. The art is a throwback to CD, arguably the best look for classic. The rest of your points are a matter of opinion. Now stop shitting up the board with these. I expect to see this same thing again in a few hours with the same image and paragraph. This was the safest approach to a new Sonic and just about everyone agrees this was the best in the series since 3&K. Expect the newest game to have all new content.

>do hydrocity
>oh god this shit again
>it wasn't that bad
>my fucking face when oil ocean zone

That level is basically my weakness, you have to be patient in dealing with it otherwise you might slip up and get yourself insta killed by getting squished between the exploding platforms.

Yeah, oil ocean is definitely
>that level
I'll remember when thinking about replaying Mania.

I really appreciated that Oil Ocean act 2 was a combination of that stage and Sandopolis Zone. But then again, I always liked both so i'm a bit partial. I really thin they did a great job adding in all those stage concepts into other established stages. minus Labyrinth in Hydrocity. Fuck that zone. Marble Garden stuff in Stardust was great.

i hate sonic 2 oil ocean awful stage but dunno if its just me but the mania version is alot better

>Sonic Rehashia

That's the best one you could come up with?

Low effort, I give it one reply out of one.

Act one is a combination of Act 1 and 2 from sonic 2 and Act 2 is some of the originals elements combined with Sandopolis Zone. So good stuff all around. I don't get the meme about it's boss being hard though. Was simple if you iframe spam it.

Lol this delusion. Everything I said in the OP is objectively and undeniably right. Try and individually debunk my every point instead of being a little bitch and avoiding the subject matter. Tyson Hesse is a fucking hack, his art fucking sucks. Look at pic related, shit looks so fucking uninspired, shitty looking and straight out of tumblr.

the fight is an extremely cool cool idea done kind of poorly
both segments where you can actually attack Metal Sonic are really kind of awfully done
the first where you knock the little Silver Sonics into him is extremely non-obvious (and kind of lame once you figure it out, there really should have been a more direct way to attack while he threw loads of Silver Sonics at you to stop you, that would have been cool)
the second where the wall is chasing you is basically impossible to lose against without being retarded due to the ring behavior, and it doesn't really indicate that "yeah, you can hit him now" (personally, I say it should have been a Mushroom Hill act 2 style running boss there rather than having the wall)

I liked how big the whole fight was, the whole thing looked cool as fuck, and it clearly was the centerpiece of the whole stage, but it should have been amazing.

sonic lives off nostalgia and retarded fanbase that loves furry porn. it will always get a free pass because the fanbase will always eat it. no matter how bad and convoluted the level design is.
how the fuck do you think it manages to survive after a decade of majority of the titles being garbage?
make your points of it sucks start trolling the furfags jihads and abandon the thread after you get bored of it.

How to tell a thread is bait: they put THIS IS NOT BAIT in all caps in the thread title. Sage.

there's a bunch of shit that they could have fixed and didn't, which bugs the fuck out of me

the actual stage design in the CD parts is just fine, particularly since it's barely laid out like in CD

>make your points of it sucks start trolling the furfags jihads and abandon the thread after you get bored of it.
user, did you have a stroke
what the fuck happened to this sentence?

>(personally, I say it should have been a Mushroom Hill act 2 style running boss there rather than having the wall)
That boss is my favorite opening proper boss fight in the entire series. I also love the music.

>Tyson Hesse is a fucking hack, his art fucking sucks.
Okay, then post an image of art you think doesn't suck. I'll wait

>Everything I said in the OP is undeniably right
>Only argument against Hesse is "muh tumblr"
>No rebuttal towards the music being good claim
0/10 bait. Try again.

there he is
there he goes again
look everyone he's farming (you)'s again
isn't he just the funniest guy around
oh my god

>shit looks so fucking uninspired
Compared to what? Because I think it breathes more personality than any other Sonic fan art I've seen in the past 2 decades.

How about the official art from the original game that it's trying so hard to throwback to but failing so fucking hard at? Pic related looks fucking elder-god tier, classic, timeless and fucking beautiful. Sega is so fucking retarded and cucked to let dumbass fucking fans take reigns over a game.

Music is, like I said, doesn't pack a punch, is weak, is shitty, and is forgettable. The compositions might be high quality but the original songs are just shit. I still can't remember how the special stage music sounds like even after playing through it god knows how many times. The remixes are okay but nothing special. Tee Lopes is also a hack

>Sega is so fucking retarded and cucked to let dumbass fucking fans take reigns over a game.

And instead let their dumbass fucking Sonic Team idiots make another shitty le boost2win XD game?

This is beyond contrarianism, and to top it all off, you have a fucking God complex:

>The person is also highly dogmatic in their views, meaning the person speaks of their personal opinions as though they are unquestionably correct.

>Literally the same design but done with modern digital tools
I've never called anyone a nostalgiafag before, because usually I'm the one being called that.
But holy fuck, take the rose colored glasses off you massive fucking nostalgiafag

The mean bean machine remix was enough for me in all honesty.

I just like it because it's fun and I can go fast and jump on things. What's wrong with that?

Nice bait faggot.

There isn't. Honestly I see Mania the same as Sonic Dash. Both mindless shovelware tier games that just have Sonic on it's name. What's infuriating though is when faggots dare say it's better than 1,2,CD or 3&K.

>mania on the same level as sonic dash

>this thread got more than 2 replies
are you guys retarded or just baiting each other

I'd rather have absolutely fucking nothing rather than the piece of shit that is Mania. Shit just hurts brand reputation by making a shitty "le retro game that goes back to eetz roots! xDD", It shows that Sega are not at all confident in their product and are afraid to move forward.

>It shows that Sega are not at all confident in their product and are afraid to move forward.

Be honest. Why the fuck would they? Sonic became the punching bag of the internet starting with 06.

>Shit just hurts brand reputation by making a shitty "le retro game that goes back to eetz roots! xDD",
There's no more brand reputation left when Iizuka and his fucktarded Sonic Team already beat it with a bat and tossed it in a meat grinder. All you're telling me is that you'd be completely fine with a timeline where Mania was shitcanned and we got Forces instead.

PLS ANSWER: why does Sonic have an incorrect colour? Is there any reason for that lighter shade of blue? Such an eyesore.

I should have known at "this is not bait" but saying Tyson Hesse's art was bad really sealed the deal


"Rehash" is not a bad thing. Whenever you fuckers complain about "rehashes", the company to which these are directed goes completely off the rails trying to fish for something new, pissing off fans of the originals. I say bring on the rehashes.

>Sonic became the punching bag of the internet starting with 06
I don't care. And Sega shouldn't either. A majority of people are bandwagon jumping piece of shit idiots that just spout tired memes and wouldn't know a good game if it promptly punched them in the face. If Sega just kept doing their thing without giving a rats ass about what some pudgy fat 30 year old think about a children's franchise I guarantee you the series would be in a much better position today.
>All you're telling me is that you'd be completely fine with a timeline where Mania was shitcanned and we got Forces instead.
I think Forces looks kind of shitty too. At fucking least it's new and has original ideas. Mania is not needed.

15 minutes in and I've already uninstalled and got my refund. Not dealing with this shit again. This could've been an original zone but instead we get this festering ass cancer again.

I'm a fan of the originals and it pisses me off wayyyyyyyyyy more when they're stuck in the past and have barely done anything new for the past 8 fucking years.

Funny you say that because I have to take a gargantuan shit atm

>Prove wrong all this totally subjective stuff I just said!

>If Sega just kept doing their thing without giving a rats ass about what some pudgy fat 30 year old think about a children's franchise I guarantee you the series would be in a much better position today.
Nintendo did just that with Mario. The near-entirety of Sup Forums lambasted them for doing it.

>At fucking least it's new and has original ideas. Mania is not needed.
People said that again about Mario Odyssey. Sup Forums calls it "Mario 06".

See where I'm going?

Knuckles does get a mecha sonic fight from Sonic 3&K in Sonic Mania when you reach Lava Reef act 2

Mario is a fucking great franchise because of that. I think Sunshine is an excellent game despite the bullshit Sup Forums fed me to think it's bad.


i mean you're wrong, and a faggot

but ok

>Mario is a fucking great franchise because of that
I can agree with you on that.

>I think Sunshine is an excellent game despite the bullshit Sup Forums fed me to think it's bad.
Me too. I still remember when anons kept calling it "Shitshine".

I'm just gonna end the argument here. I get that you don't like Mania. I'm not gonna shit on you for it any longer. I just feel soured by Sonic Team's decisions, and that other devs could do something better.