What's the next best gaming os for pc after windows? Looking to try something new for once. Preferably light on resources
What's the next best gaming os for pc after windows? Looking to try something new for once...
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Linux, but its a very large drop down from Windows for gaming. Just stick with Windows if you want to play games. Get windows 7 or something.
You should probably be asking this on Sup Forums instead, Sup Forums is largely clueless about this shit
Windows obviously has the best compatibility with games and everything else is a step down, but if you really wanna try something else and end up emulating windows for most games, I hear Mint is a very user friendly linux distro
Linux is for special snowflakes that need to feel superior because they're using something that's not widely used
Is there more win10 cutie art now?
You're not wrong, but OP wanted to get away from Windows, so his only two real choices are a Linux distro or a fucking Mac (which he'd have to buy a whole new PC for, because you can't just install iOS)
Which of the two would you rather?
Holy fuck I want to cum in this OS
Windows 7 is cuter
No way, Windows 10 is a much better design.
>those hair braid loopies
I disagree.
>hair braid loopies
I'd have sex with both those loopies desu
iOS is the iphone's OS user, you are thinking of macOS/OSX.
And you can install OSX in a regular PC, but it's kinda complicated, look up hackintosh.
Huh, didn't know that
Still, I'd rather just move to linux instead of putting in more effort to get OSX when I'm not a fan of it
Next best is Linux, though windows is still far better for muh gaems. I dual boot.
that skirt is so fucking lewd jesus
What a slut.
Flashing her pantsu for everyone in the store.
Sorry senpai, Nanami is the cutest.
hello indian marketers
here is a new sexual marketing device for a microsoft product, please add it to your file
posst it in future threads
What pantsu?
10 is only good for a quick fap, Nanami is for holding hands
Nanami is also for loving and protecting like a younger sister
>microsoft trying this shit again after they saw the success Wendys had with it
Look at all those full shelves
Even for free, no one's buyin.
>very large drop down for gaming
The library and the performance gets better every day.
look into native gpu passthrough for linux
lets you launch a windows vm with a dedicated video card so graphic intensive games can be played
Driver? I hardly know 'er!
You sure are spreading the word about Linux by continuously bumping a Windows marketing thread from page 10.
I do what I can
it's an interesting alternative to dual booting, since the biggest complaint I hear about it is having to close everything in one to open the other
The big problem with the solutions like dual booting, passthrough, or even Wine is that they seriously decrease the apparent marketshare of Linux which makes it less likely for developers to support the platform.
Wow, it's not even the lewd edit
I don't dispute that, since you're just gaming the system
but if you want a one system solution for computer gaming right now today, some form of windows, be it emulating or otherwise, is required
in that case, the responsible thing to do is play any game with native linux support on linux, and everything else on your preferred windows method
Hey windows 7 & mac OS wageslaves, enjoying your paid OS while I enjoy 100% free of charge Windows 10?
Just a bit
You do not even begin to grasp true freedom.
In the end, he was right, wasn't he?
>not the pantsu reflection
lame user