>agree to join Breen
>Breen - "Good, maybe now we can shoot some goddamn gravity-guns."
>["Should I Stay Or Should I Go" starts playing]
Better ending?
Half-Life 2
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Breen did nothing wrong. He was trying to save humanity from being glassed by the Combine.
What's wrong with that? Why shouldn't he share a cold one with the enemy? The Krauts did it.
>Dr. Breen and Gordon hanging out of a drop shit picking up and launching terrorists using supercharged gravity-guns
Want to try that again in English?
well when the war absolutely cannot be won then bargaining for everyones lives is a solid idea.
What about that sentence did you not understand? You played HL2, right?
not if you think with portals
This was unironically the best ending in Far Cry 4. The other two factions were either a religious zealot or Menstrual-Min. No thanks.
Why even bother "negotiatnig" with the Combine? They were just going to steal all the resources of Earth anyways. Nobody will be alive after "diplomacy" and if they were they'd just be fucked up slaves.
You are now aware that the BEST case scenario for humanity is that we survive over a 100 million years and look nothing like we do today, aka "fucked up".
The transhumans would still be alive if they showed they could provide some utility to the Combine. The precedent for assimilating other species is already established and so is offworld humans.
They could've found the same resources in larger volumes anywhere else in the universe. The only reason they're on Earth is for the humans and their technology. They could've wiped everyone out in a few more hours, but chose not to. From their perspective, they're being extraordinarily nice.
I'm aware that eventually humanity will get weird looking but that's not the same thing as being turned into shriveled corpse-like slave beings like in the citadel.
That's just what they turned dissidents into.
If the Combine have a Dyson Sphere (and probably more than 1) then what the fuck do they need Earth's resources for?
They are trying to find Cave Johnson. (No really)
>when you're a galaxy spanning empire but a bunch of barely evolved monkeys figure out portal technology better than you
the combine suck a big one
t. male 07
They're just collecting the resources because they're here anyway. They came because we opened a portal.
I understand that reference.
>join breen and convince him to destroy the portal/citadel and cutting off combine proper.
>but only after building a lot of supercharged and ovesized gravity guns
>push the remainig combine's shit in with said gravity guns
>launch combine soldiers into space
>build a fucking tank with a gravity gun on top, it makes striders fucking headplant into the ground like an ostrich while being hilariously makeshift
>realize humanity has mastered gravity thanks to combine power sources
>cuck the combine by going K2 in a mere few decades
>build gravity gun space ship
>cuck the multiverse
>become the combine
Cut them some slack. They don't even have dark energy in their universes.
the jihad against the combine would be swift and well-deserved
Wait, so we were the aliens all along?
Yes Gordon you are the grubs
In all seriousness, what role could we humans even play for the Combine? We're not as powerful ground forces as what became Striders and Hunters, we can't be an air force like what became became Gunships. In terms of soft skills we can't be as good biological floppy disks as the Shu'ulathoi grubs.
What is humanity good for?
I can do that removing my thumb trick.
Good shock troops. Most other organisms aren't as flexible as humans in getting around. Striders and hunters can't reach everywhere.
Humans also seem much more controllable as soldiers than the other shit thrown during the war.
Min brings you to your original goal without any bullshit or extra work from you and he's equally if not less insane than the "good" factions.
Having the best ending be an instant game ender sure is a good way to make playing your game less interesting
Black Mesa and Aperture Science portal tech
the only reason humanity is still alive at all is because Aperture portal tech and the people who understand the Xen dimensional slingshot are still out in the wild, and the Combine don't want to risk accidentally killing them in a full-genocide resource-stripping sweep of the planet so long as they keep failing to reverse-engineer it
>What is humanity good for?
Humanity built a magic boat that can move through space and time instantly as well as exist in multiple points in time at once and act as a bridge between them.
>no alternate route or even an expansion where you side with pagan throughout the game instead
I probably would of played FC4 then
They have no reason to kill us for resources when they already control stars.
It's simple. The field that stops humans from fucking? Orgasm denial. Combine are doms.
their portals are basically single-use one-way punches between dimensions that use an absolutely immense amount of energy, if they don't stripmine the planet they have no way of bringing back possibly-incomplete Human technology to the core Combine worlds, which is the single reason they're here in the first place
Tbh, i wanted to join Breen, and would be very interesting to see Half life universe from his Perspective
Earth Has one thing that Combine doesn't, Local Teleportation
The citadel already had a working teleport that wasn't shit, Breen uses it at the end of the game to dump a bunch of gunships.
>the whole citadel
>meanwhile humans have a handheld portal device
btw I think that was one of the multidimensional portals compared to Earth's local teleportation which is quick and can travel in this dimension
More like Dyson shit amirite guys
pick up that can
the handheld portal device wasn't built for massive invasions or crossing dimensions.
Underrated post
but the portal gun and the Xen slingshot do crazy shit that they, for whatever reason, can't even begin to figure out
they need the tech both for what it is and for what it could be
Breen already had what they need, a two-way portal that you can keep open.
Europe sure is looking weird these days.
The Combine don't have a portable teleportation device that can be incorporated into vessels and directed at whim. This is a fact. It was pointed out multiple times that our teleportation tech was pretty advanced by their standards.
And something else everyone seems to miss, is that it's precisely because they have a dyson sphere that they can afford to be sentimental and irrational. Pragmatism is a product of scarcity, ideology is a product of excess. It's the only reason they're building an interdimensional empire in the first place.