Why did Sup Forums want Overwatch to fail so badly?

Why did Sup Forums want Overwatch to fail so badly?

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Made by Blizzard

Tumblr incarnate

Instead of making skill based classes they stick shit on a cooldown

Something about that color scheme is putting me off.

I don't care if it fails or not, I just think it's an incredibly unfun and unbalanced game that is carried by its waifus.

It was good when there wasn't a meta, now it's garbage

there was literally always a meta aside from the retarded unlimited selection cheese

its cooler then normal

Competitive garbage waifubait.

So fake.

Watching paint dry the game, slugs with guns etc.. Fucking snooze fest when you play fast paced competitive games most of your life

It's popular.

PLEASE go under the radar

Sup Forums hates fun

It's really not this. Idk why this gets shilled so hard.

Only good thing are the girls.

>replying to such obvious bait

Have to play with randoms, so it's trash by default.

Gonna stick to PUBG with my friends.


It's popular
That's it

Because blizz decided to downgrade Travis ass to appeal to god knows who.

I honestly never gave a shit if it failed or succeeded. I played it in beta and got bored very quickly. A good portion of my friends that actually bought it are slowly dropping out of it too.

>what is publicity

It's late summer on Sup Forums Most of these fags don't even get it.

I'm surprised a certain user hasn't showed up yet

It's becaues its not Paladins. If it was he would have been here off the color pallet.


>no skill fps
>2 skills and one ultimate every 2 mins amusing you aren't dying every 3 seconds
>"hero" shooter that takes less skill than mobas
>no items to build off of
>can't level up skills but just switch characters when you're doing bad, and still end up doing bad
>potg makes baddies feel like they did something important even though all they did was point and hold down a button on 3 people with 30% HP or lower

at least that Arikadou fag makes genji look good, i have never seen anyone do that shit with genji

In our hearts.

nobody wanted it to fail prerelease.
everybody was hoping for the game to be the next Team Fortress 2.
turns out Blizzard doesnt know how to make a PC shooter.

press q to win is designed for baddies

It isn't fun in the slightest and it has zero personality

Can I sniff her bum?

You aren't fooling anyone, Shad.

Tumblr-pandering aside, it's just not a good game and caters to casuals and only casuals.

Has the story actually progressed at all?

Because it feels like we're still talking about everyone's Origin story and getting the band back together

Sup Forums has two constants:

1. Sup Forums desperately wants another Tortanic. Desperately.

2. Sup Forums hates popular things. In order to fit in you're expected to hate popular things, so posters basically competitive to see who has the least socially average taste in gaming

I just don't think the game is good. It's not fun to play. For $40 (or god forbid $60) it's a rip-off. Has less content than a lot of F2P games. Even one of Blizzard's own games, Heroes of the Storm.

>Story Progression
The only story progression happens is when they introduce a new character, who is immediately added to the cast of characters whos only living state is their origin story

>Has the story actually progressed at all?
According to my team mates the game currently revolves around CYKA BLYAT ANU CHEEKI BREEKI and given that it's not the first time I heard it there's a certain likelihood of it being true.

I-is he dead?

He uses a feed to show the most recently posted images and uses a bot to catch specific images posted from a booru. If he doesn't catch something he doesn't show up.

>color scheme
is this what I think it is

If think I know what Booru.
Unfortunately, I have nothing from it to post.
Maybe he'll come of his own volition.

Let's put his RSS feed to the test, then!

Why? It included a lot of diversity, but I take it more from the part that most world countries are represented. Also as people say,, you identify with their personality. I love orisa because she's so caring and keepa fighting. I do y feel blizzard shoving that sjw agenda. They also say they want a lot of representation because anybody could be a hero

Newfags want another TORtanic

>sexualized women

yea, nah

>Why did Sup Forums want Overwatch to fail so badly?

It's pretty casual. There is no recoil and crouching doesn't reduce spreading. But u like you actually need your team. A lot of fps like cod let go u run around and a single person could win a whole match

Well ARK just came out of early access and is getting shat on.

But it's been known to be shit for a long while.

Don't summon him

please tell me this is fake
This is some psychotic hatred for a kid show

What did he mean by this?

Why do you want to summon lee?



H-here I go!

When could alfie do this and why haven't used this

Some things just make a man rage.
Guess this is his trigger.

It's modern Blizzard in a nutshell. Make a few things look flashy and cut corners on the actual gameplay. It's a bad shooter with MOBA tier elements that are broken as fuck.

It's a bad game with bad design that shouldn't be rewarded. The porn that's come from it has been fantastic though, I'll give them that.

How many times has he been banned?
This is really weird.

>When could alfie do this and why haven't used this
What did he mean by this

>tf2 with the cast of Glee.

I have no idea how this got popular.

>new alfie
I stopped during the ending when alfie left the village.Is it any good

And here I thought ponies wouldn't be relevant enough to merit further referencing, even by the all-appealing attempts of Blizzard.

Lee is banned on sight for ban evasion which should be a few hundred times already.

I've found him on /tg/, Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums and maybe a couple of others I might of missed. I don't keep track of him, those are only where I found him.

He's popped up on /ck/ and Sup Forums a few times as well.

Found him on /an/ because someone posted an image of a real life alligator from one episode. Because it was a real alligator and the source was proven, it didn't break GR15, but still triggered lee

I swear I thought he was a bot that searched pony booru for images

Recently there was a thread he was sperging out in for days in /ck/, apparently /ck/ mods don't really give a fuck

Die you degenerate Barneyfag

I can confirm that he tried to stir shit on /an/ by starting threads that funnily enough remained topic related until the end.

IIRC it was found that the pic used for that episode was a fucking stock video.
Also the OP of another one was an actual gummy gator.

too slow

Kill yourself

Friendly reminder lee can't play the guitar worth shit


An hour and 20 minutes too slow Lee.

You gotta get to it quicker man

Kill yourself

>pony leg transformation


Why do you do this do you not have anything else better to do on anime image board

Well, after 9 days it almost hit bump limit, but then mods deleted a bunch of posts regarding MLP including ones that broke GR15 before just deciding to delete the thread shortly after.

anyone remember lee's old band?

Lee, how are you going to hold a job if you go into a psychotic rage all the time


How could we forget Lee's shitty metalcore band?


Also he got kicked out of it when someone sent an email to the singer detailing the whole Barneyfag thing.

Your worst than pony fags

You're not allowed to ban evade you hypocrite

Hey Lee,
youtube.com/watch?v=mzV4eOMKYpw Do you want another song for this musical?

fucking kill these freaks

even the Sup Forums mods agree you're worse than the actual bronies

I can't find the one with the stock image and lee got BTFO, I hope it was archived

t. degenerate

because its shit! I played it for like one month and got bored out of my mind! after you've played with every character there is nothing else to do, and they haven't added any new game modes since the game came out!
the only thing its good for is rule 34

You're the bigger degenerate, lee

It was shilled every minute of every day for a year straight.
On top of that it seemed like it was just an inferior version of TF2.
I personally can't say if that second part is true, I've never played the game but I do know that it definitely has a very casual player base and with it brings the casual fags. It seems to be the CoD of this gen.

>complains about degenerates
>on a website for degenerates

lol not really, they still hate these faggots as much as I do.