ITT: We post the ones we couldn't save
ITT: We post the ones we couldn't save
She didn't deserve it.
I'm still mad
>its a victim because its female
>its sad because it happened to a female
Will this meme ever end?
Beth Wilder's story was legitimately tragic though
2 years
Still enrages till this day and the stupid moral faggot bat still wanted to save the clown till the very end.
wow you must fucking suck
Did we even know this nigger was sick? One day I feel like it just happened.
god damn it man just fucking point it at the river or the mountains in the distance
Poor Beth.
basically all of them
She was too pure for this world
Do I got this Beth story right?
>Goes through the time machine
>For some reason goes back further than you did
>Trains for years to kill the bad guy as soon as he appears
>gets wasted
thanks for that. I stop watching this show at mid season 5 and just now starting to watch it again to catch up. thank boi for spoiler
I'm still mad. How the fuck does a cobra bite through a second skin and ceramic plating? Better yet, how the fuck did the Soviets catch her?
>Listened to friends playthrough of GoW2 over voice chat
>Hearing the sad music playing
Mercy killing was the only option, but damn to do that to your tortured wife who doesn't even recognise you, can't help but feel
there have been hints here in there that Talia is still alive during Arkham Knight, thanks, Lazarus pit.
It's not fair, there was no reason to kill her off
>For some reason goes back further than you did
The scientist you 'borrowed' to help you get the time machine running sabotaged it sending Beth to the end of time where she ran into Serene.
Better yet it's told in the story that the vocal cord parasites only lasts a couple of days before they die off on their own or used and would spread out while killing the host, so why did she ((((commit suicide)))) if she no longer had the parasites? If she was only alive because of the parasites, why didn't she die, couple of days after saving he? Kojima is just a shitty writer and deserves to get fired from Konami
Sofia Amari changed the date on the machine at the last second.
Beth intentionally fired first at Serene to distract him from seeing Jack. Basically, she died because Jack was being an overzealous fucker.
thats you're own fault senpai
That bitch Amari.
She got better.
Gat's waifu too.
I miss when Saints Row was allowed to be serious.
Statute of limitations, faggotron.
Apparently, she's a special case because she has both the vocal cord and skin parasites, with the prior being the bioweapon and the latter being the enhancements that created the SKULLS. The skin parasites don't kill you, but the second she spoke, she activated the fatal vocal cord parasites. She would effectively be a bioweapon, but whether or not she dies from them is dependent wholly on whether or not the vocal cord parasites can kill a woman without lungs. Her committing suicide was a precaution with this in mind considering that if she can't be killed by the parasites, she would be a lethal carrier, but everything that leads up to her speaking is a deus ex machina in the first place, and her not finding an alternative for the Diamond Dogs is a massive plothole that only Kojima could try to sweep under the rug as lazily as he did.