Why didn't they just revive Aerith with a Phoenix Down?
Why didn't they just revive Aerith with a Phoenix Down?
Why isn't Zelda a girl yet?
Phoenix Down can't actually bring back the dead. They even try to use one on Galuf in FF 5.
Why didn't the eagles just fly the fellowship to Mordor?
Why didn't the ocean just carry Moana to Ta'fiti?
Because my name is cloud, I have a sword
Phoenix Downs only wake you up from unconsciousness, not raise the dead.
Party members that fall in battle are only knocked out, Phoenix Down revives them from this state, it does not bring them back from mortal wounds.
You already knew this.
They're effectively smelling salts.
>Eagles are finicky fucks who only help out on occassion
>The Ocean is kind of a dick
>Phoenix Downs can't bring back the deceased
>Why didn't the eagles just fly the fellowship to Mordor?
What's to stop the eagles from getting tempted by the ring, themselves?
Also, they still would have had to deal with the fellbeasts.
but she was knocked out
It's past your bedtime, Nep.
i fight cactaurs when im bored
>a sword through your chest kills you
>being engulfed by the sun doesn't even knock you out
Explain this
The sun didn't go through you, so it didn't kill you.
I like to ride on chocobos
Genesis will explain this in the remake.
Did you know that in an interview when Nomura was asked if the compilation games were going to be remastered he said no and the reason was because they weren't part of the Remake's continuity?
***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow
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KO =/= Death
Why does the description of Phoenix Down say it can bring back the dead then?
i welcome it
Also why do they work after getting hit by Death spells
I always figured Phoenix Down only worked if the person hadn't been dead for too long or hadn't lost enough blood.
Whelp, I see why Tifa's the best one now.
Fun fact: FF7 is the only one of the original ten FFs that says Phoenix Downs can restore life, but all it does is remove the KO status and heal a little.
I blame the translation team.
They don't work on whores
Galuf went beyond his limits. He was too far for a Phoenix Down to work.