ITT: vidya women will never EVER understand

ITT: vidya women will never EVER understand

Games other than phones and some nintendo games.

I'm not sure if I understood it either.

>get exactly one objective
>it's the only way to continue the game
>do it
>"omg what's wrong with you? you're so evil! don't you feel bad for what you did?"
>decide to ignore the story and just play the game
>realize it's all bullet sponges anyway

>the game is supposedly "good"


dude like....just choose not to play the game you paid for xD

Brainlet spotted, go play fucking Undertale or some other shit game if you want a game about player agency so bad

Wouldn't it be quicker to list the things women do understand?

The point of the game was not "just don't play". That point was directed at Walker. He was told to stop time and time again but he didn't.
You, the player, merely watched him do what he did by playing through the game. The choice was his to make, and he made all the wrong choices. You're just there for the ride.


I'll start:
>Chad's dick

I fucking hate this argument against spec ops the line
The game isn't shitting on you for making the decision
It's shitting on the protagonist for his actions and you get to watch his descent into insanity because of it
You're along for the ride in this kind of game, you're not supposed to self insert

t. retards

I notice you didn't address my afterthought about bullet sponges. Therefore the game still sucks.

It seems I win again :^)

Enemies that aren't the big armored guys die in one headshot though?

Turn the difficulty down then baby

with this level of logic you either gotta be a girl or half braindead.

>That point was directed at Walker. He was told to stop time and time again but he didn't.
All of those messages were aimed at the player.

But it's a videogame. You're obviously gonna play it. The messages couldn't have been for anyone else but Walker.


That isn't a "stop doing this" message. Pic related is. And look who's there, spreading his arms to embrace it.

get a clue brainlet

God Hand and Deadly Premonition

>one problem

>On Spec Op's loading screens, the game taunts you, asking "Do you feel like a hero yet?" and suggesting that shooting people for entertainment is less morally defensible than waging actual war. Williams wanted the player to feel as if everything they knew about shooters might somehow be wrong, and in the process, feel more emotionally connected to the mental state of the game's main character.On Spec Op's loading screens, the game taunts you, asking "Do you feel like a hero yet?" and suggesting that shooting people for entertainment is less morally defensible than waging actual war. Williams wanted the player to feel as if everything they knew about shooters might somehow be wrong, and in the process, feel more emotionally connected to the mental state of the game's main character.

***** YOU HAVE BEEN VISITED BY THE HANK HILL OF DOOM! ***** post this in 3 threads or you will die tomorrow

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>it's another "game was blaming me" vs "game was blaming walker" episode where everyone repeats the same shit over and over until bump limit

need I say more


you have posted this in like 4 threads in the last 5 minutes
Fuck is wrong with you



>Williams wanted the player to feel as if everything they knew about shooters might somehow be wrong, and in the process, feel more emotionally connected to the mental state of the game's main character.
These pretentious fuckers need to realize that people play shooters because people aren't stupid enough to confuse fake violence with real violence. And I'd be more emotionally connected with the game if it didn't play like piece of shit.


It's unfinished as fuck, if that weren't the case this might actually be worth discussing.

It is a stop doing it message. It's literally supposed to be Apocolypse Now, but directed at the player. That kind of coy "you could have stopped" bullshit doesn't work when the only alternative is to literally stop playing the game. Of course people won't stop playing the game, not just because "they want to see what will happen" but because it's the only fucking way they can see ANYTHING because YOU forced them to. Which, you know, ruins the message of "it's all my fault."

London? I could use a gf, I'm not picky.

>being this insecure at a video game

W-w-will you be my gf?



Fuck off, Sup Forumstards.

Insecure? This is a thread about discussing a game, and I'm discussing a game. Aren't you insecure for assuming everyone is emotionally devestated just because they're talking about a game?

D-does this mean you want to be my gf?

That's pretty cringey.

LOL IKR Stacey Xdd fug dese virgin fags they probably don't even have any instagram friends LMAO

>women will never understand "WAR BAD"

my penis

Women hate violence so of course they're going to identify with a "game" that condemns it.
It's when the art of a game is reveling in sheer brutality like pic related that they are unable to understand it.



>Women don't understand bad tps
>Women hate violence
t. I know shit about women aside from my mom.


EBIN selfie Stacy LMAO Xdd

the game is nothing but pseudo-intellectualism: shit game-play and a general theme designed for those who somehow "enjoyed" it to consistently pat themselves on the back afterwards for liking.

the only solace i can take is that the game was an utter flop in terms of sales, so we wouldn't be burned with its pretentious blandness ever again.


Itt /r9k/ faggots will never not be retarded.

If you do not start openly weeping right about here your y chromosome is malfunctioning.

Tfw when you lose a army for the 3rd time and begin losing your sanity

>t. I know shit about science and biology aside from my gender studies professor.

t. I know shit about about anything

>I'm a dumb roastie who can't into internet arguments

>I am retarded /r9k/ faggot who can't into anything.


For the game to be the kino people claim it to be, from the first playthrough, there needed to be an alternate ending where you were able to just turn around and leave after the first firefight on the outskirts of town

It's a mix of Walker's descent into madness a la Apocalypse Now as well as working as a social commentary on the glorification of violence in video games. It's not really telling you to stop playing as much as it's saying "This is what you wanted right? To be a hero? Well this is what that really means so congratulations."

It's not so much about telling the player to stop as much as it is about a bait and switch of the cliche American Hero saving the day (again, Apocalypse Now)

I think given the budget the game had, they did quite a lot with what they were given.

Politics, history, conspiracy, brotherhood, right and wrong, globalism vs seperatism

A father that sacrifices his former friends just so he can get his wife and son back, despite knowing that he's no different from the criminals he has to round up. Also, something about a revolution in Mexico

Most Rockstar games desu

A vet who fought in WW2 decides to do good by becoming a cop and ridding LA of its crime. He uncovers a conspiracy that requires him to revive old memories he wanted to suppress, if he wants to end it. Slowly his old life catches up with him.

>Why didn't he like just run???

Women will never understand why we would choose Catherine or space over Katherine.

Basically any game that involves strategy or critical thinking.

You can't run from over 10 people pointing a gun at you. He had not choice but to fight and die like a man.

I know, it was a joke.

It was also to protect his family. A true M A S C U L I N E roll model.

Are you kidding ? I know a lot of women who enjoy the serie ?

Nah. Walker is already insane from the beggining, you have small hallucination the very first level. It wouldn't make sens for Walker to get out because he really want to find Konrad (or Conrad, fuck I don't remember how it's spelt)

The ending is kino as fuck it's basically you juging Walker action. Can he be reedemed ? Did he become a monster ?

is wrong (but what can you expect frop Sup Forums) the message doesn't mean to stop playing the game, it's about what the characters is doing and what the player expected to do and the whole "descent into madness" stuff. Going meta into a video game is a pretty easy way to reinforce the "madness" aspect, especially when it was established that the player is a guest at the begining.

Is too much for /r9k/ faggots' brains.

>Are you kidding ? I know a lot of women who enjoy the serie ?
Enjoying something is not the same as understanding it. You can enjoy something a game but that doesn't mean you understand the theme and background the writer was going for.

Like how many people who love New Vegas simply choose the NCR because "muh evil nazi Romans" without understanding that every faction has a different ideology and personality.

In Assassin's Creed, the Assassin's and Templars both want world peace. It's just that the Assassin's want everyone to be free and independent while the Templars believe that's unstable so they want a world government to keep the peace themselves.

Many people don't care about any of that, they simply want to jump of buildings.

Which is why loving a serie, is not the same as understanding it.


Go have your period somewhere else.

Go be a underage moron somewhere else.

Yeah I get it. But it doesn't sound too hard to get, it's basically the good old Law vs Chaos and Ubisoft are massive Chaosfag.

That's... Somewhat of an underestimation of the series.
Each game tackles the topic differently though and there are many different themes, topics and atmospheres within the individual game.

AC1 has Altair growing up and learning that the world isn't black and white

AC2 had Ezio forced into a life he didn't know existed

AC Brotherhood has Ezio maturing and becoming a hero

Revelations has the whole "crossroads of the world" where Ezio, Altair and Desmond, despite all three from different periods, all come together.

3 is about freedom and independence, yet Connor learns that it's not for everyone

And 4 is about brotherhood vs greed and has Edward learn that wealth means nothing if you have to sacrifice everything you loved, essentially "the end doesn't justify the means"

I honestly doubt most women understand the series, though honestly, many men don't neither. But I still believe men could understand it better, since one of the main topics is 'brotherhood'.
I guess a good test whether or not someone understands the series is if they consider Blackbeards remark about Adewalé in 4 racist or not, you know, the part where he asks Edward if it's okay to let Adewalé carry a gun due to him being African.

Fuck I forgot the picture

I didn't play the game user i was just going off from the description you made.

The only thing I remember from the women I know was one saying she found Altair really sexy. Or was it Ezio ? One of of those two.

Anyway, thanks for the post user.

the game doesn't take place in a war you fuckin ham

Both K/Catherine's are fucking retarded bitches. Space is the only right choice.


Lmao almost had me in tears

>enemies are bullet sponges

nigger what
most enemies go down after a couple of rounds besides the big EOD suit wearing guys and the armoured guys later into the game but even they're pretty easy to kill

I think women actually fucking love violence, just watch any lifetime movie, shit is crazy
they maybe just don't like to be the ones causing it, but they like being a bystander to it
especially shit about sexual violence, it's like every chick loves shit like svu and criminal minds where women and children are beaten, raped, and sold like objects
they like it in a different way I guess, shit's weird

I actually heard a woman saying she liked this game once. At the time I was not redpilled on the fact that women are disgusting shallow animals so I started talking to her about the story and stuff and how powerful it was and the meaning behind it all. I got kinda autistic about it this was also a point where I had not played even deeper games so my analysing autism was spent on games like these.

She looks back at me like a deer in headlights. "Uhhh... idk... John Marston is really hot and has a sexy voice though."




So you are stupid?

Most likely Ezio. Altair has all the personality of a piece of cardboard dipped into cement.

Be it as it may the point of the game still stands. Modern military shooters glorify and trivialize the waging of war in a way that feels completely dishonest to the real thing