Name a better combat system

Name a better combat system.

Protip: you can't

I couldn't even make it through Asylum because of how boring I found the combat to be. I don't get the hype behind free-flow fighting.


The Arkham games would be incredible with an actually good fighting system. A light/heavy attack, dedicated block button, and modifiers would be so much fun.

King Kong

God of fucking War

The Arkham games have TERRIBLE combat systems


Already ask on /co but what is better arkham knight PS4 or return to arkham asylum


If you think the Arkham games have good combat, you're an idiot.

I think it becomes a bit over saturated by the end of Knight but it's still one of my favourite systems.

Recently played through Arkham Knight, and after hearing on Sup Forums about how awful it is, I seriously don't get it.

Did you morons only use the Batmobile to move around the city? Maybe I had no problems with it because I mostly moved around with gliding and the missions that required the batmobile ended up being a fresh change of pace and a different kind of gameplay, so they mixed things up.

I honestly enjoyed the game a lot, Scarecrow's performance is fucking incredible, so is Hamil on Joker, and Kevin Conroy delivers his best performance yet as well. I think the normal gameplay was also improved with the drones, medics, and the general new things in map layouts.

The only bad thing was the Arkham Knight which was a shit villain and the twist was terribly telegraphed. I saw it coming from a mile away and I'm not even versed in Batman lore/world/characters.

It really is. It's a more evolved form of reeflow combat. Doesn't feel like For Honor though like everyone compares it to imo

Return has the two best games in the series.

Asylum is very short and not very entertaining IMO.
However all 3 games are direct sequels so if you want to get the full picture in Knight you need to play all 3 of them.

City/Knight are the best imo.

It definitely just felt like more of what was good from the rock steady batmans. The story felt really solid and you can tell all the effort the guys put in especially when you finish the game and are still running around Gotham finishing the side quests and everyone is referring to you as bruce.. It's sad that the port was what ruined it for a lot of people because it's a gorgeous game if you can run it.

I still think Arkham Asylum was the best in the series and was the most well paced game but I've never had a bad time with any of the games (although I never played Origins)

Bayonetta's combat is easily better.

You don't unironically think this do you? They're competent games but combat is not their strength.

Nor their stealth

Nor their storytelling

Sexy bitches and gliding are the only thing they have going for them

>there is no good classic harley quinn rule 34

What the fuck is this

The best flying/gliding in any game. The combat is passable if you accept that you're supposed to be Batman so a press X to be awesome button makes sense. I like the story, but it's got it's comicbook retardedness at times.

Overall it's 8.3/10 but only because it ran flawlessly on my machine at release, and I got to refund it anyway because I'm a jew, then I picked the whole game and DLC up for £25 a year later when all the DLC was out. So my opinion is lifted somewhat vs most people's.

There's a good point to be made that the games are about RPing as batman, so the combat being more about looking cool than being challenging makes more sense in that context.

The sidequests are horrible, they are a combination of "do the same thing 4 times in a row and then get the big reveal!!!", also, there were absolutely no classic boss fights like the Mister Freeze or Clayface one. Other than that, a few plotholes were unanswered. Why would Jason go after Bruce when the Joker already died? Why doesn't Bruce investigate the death of Barbara further? Why the fuck does Bruce keep Tim locked in after he found out Barbara was alive? Why did Jason not shoot scarecrow earler? And most importantly, Scarecrow was completely alone in the Asylum and yet Bruce decides to go in unarmed even though he know where he is and most of the militia is probably smashed. The game was extremely fun, but the writing was really dumb sometimes as if they force Bruce to "die"

to add to that, the DLCs were also trash with the exception of the most wanted ones, especially killer crocs. The other DLC were literally just 10 minutes long

I thought the side quests were fine honestly, especially the "Expansion" ones. The most wanted quests were good imo, even the ones that seemed like collectible shit had their own sub plot developments halfway through, like the one about wiping out the militia outposts.

As for boss battles, sure there are. The boss fight against the Knight in the sewers as he chases your batmobile with the Drill was intense as fuck imo.